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11-10-2020, 02:51 PM
Hypocritical eggs.

They care only to get rid of Trump - and will now get nothing for their troubles. And a strong lead going into 2022-2024 congressional and presidential races for the right.

Now we have to hope that the republicans keep the country in tact from the impending onslaught of socialist bullshit & leftist garbage. Just not sure who will be ultimately calling the shots. A decaying man in charge and surrounded by leftist loony tunes.


The Morning Briefing: McConnell Reminds Dems About the 4-Year Election Tantrum They Just Finished

Professor McConnell Is Here for a History Lesson

Happy Tuesday, fellow travelers on the Kruiser Morning Briefing Way. Has it really only been a week?

Good times.

If President Trump has been Public Enemy No. 1 to the Democrats for the last four years, Mitch McConnell hasn’t been very far behind on that list. The Trump/McConnell one-two punch has kept the Democrats on their heels since January of 2017 and it has been a delight to watch.

With President Trump out of the public eye for the most part this past week the GOP faithful were long overdue for a hit of Cocaine Mitch.

On Monday, McConnell hit the Senate floor to give one of his patented, icy-veined speeches that drops off a load of “what’s what” that leaves a lot for everyone on both sides of the aisle to chew on for a while.

He began by giving a clinical assessment of the last week, highlighting the many positives about this election, something that there has been precious little of on social media.

Tyler has more:

On Monday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) celebrated Republican victories in the 2020 elections and defended President Donald Trump’s decision to challenge the preliminary results of the presidential race. He emphasized that “no states have yet certified their election results” and noted that the American system is actually built to allow for legal challenges in the case of serious election concerns.

“According to preliminary results, voters across the nation elected and reelected Republican senators to a degree that actually stunned prognosticators,” McConnell noted. “Likewise, the American people seem to have reacted to house Democrats’ radicalism and obstruction by shrinking the House speaker’s majority and electing more Republicans. And then there’s the presidential race.”

“Obviously, no states have yet certified their election results. We have at least one or two states that are already on track for a recount. And I believe the president may have legal challenges underway in at least five states,” the majority leader began.

“The core principle here is not complicated,” McConnell insisted. “In the United States of America, all legal ballots must be counted, any illegal ballots must not be counted. The process should be transparent or observable by all sides and the courts are here to work through concerns.”

“Our institutions are actually built for this. We have the system in place to consider concerns and President Trump is 100 percent within his rights to look into allegations of irregularities and weigh his legal options,” the majority leader added.

As he delivered the last two paragraphs, his tone of voice was that of an elder lecturing a petulant child who knows better but needs reminding. He’s right, of course. We’re only one week out from Election Day and there is absolutely nothing wrong with making certain that everything is on the up and up. As has been pointed out several times in recent days, if the Democrats are so sure that there is nothing amiss, why would they care if there is some extra counting?

The most laughable thing we’ve been subjected to since the election is the Democrats’ caterwauling about Republicans not accepting the results and deliberately trying to make people doubt the integrity of the process.

McConnell had some choice words for them about that:

“Let’s not have any lectures, no lectures, about how the president should immediately, cheerfully accept preliminary election results from the same characters who just spent four years refusing to accept the validity of the last election and who insinuated that this one would be illegitimate too if they lost again — only if they lost,” the majority leader added. In fact, millions of Americans signed a petition urging the electors to vote for Hillary Clinton after Trump won in 2016.

“The people who push this hysteria could not have any more egg on their faces than they do right now,” McConnell declared.

After listening to the Democrats scream “RUSSIA!” and “NOT MY PRESIDENT!” since 2016 I’m kind of hoping this gets dragged out a little longer just to annoy them. They deserve much worse as payback for their unconscionable behavior of the last four years. Much, much, worse. If all the retribution they have to deal with is a few days of being aggravated on social media because Trump doesn’t concede when they want him to then they’ve gotten off lightly.

It is fun watching their heads explode over this.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/columns/stephen-kruiser/2020/11/10/the-morning-briefing-mcconnell-reminds-dems-about-the-4-year-election-tantrum-they-just-finished-n1133817