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11-10-2020, 03:19 PM
The country is more divided than I can ever recall. The left blames this on a Trump presidency.

The day he came down the escalator and then spoke of our border and incoming Mexicans. It started right there. Trump separating the bad incoming illegals and some good folks too. I would imagine all borders are similar, where many folks want to simply immigrate and many go such a route with bad intentions. But the left turned it instantly to a 100% racist comment about ALL Mexicans and they never looked back and used it as their blueprint to lie about him going forward and never relenting.

He did himself no favors with much else of what he said or wrote. But the left waited and pounced every time. Either time to take advantage of something or to fully lie about something. With Russia, just lie over and over even in the face of being exposed and just continued to lie. They did this with every last subject.

They followed suit in congress and brought their TDS into everything there, trying to obstruct every last thing. Senators spoke negatively and lied about him for 1440 days straight, and some went overboard like Maxine Waters continually claiming he is not the president & that folks need to confront others when they see them. Speaking to America and lying directly, even under oath. The ripping of the speech at the SOTU. Starting from day one and refusing to attend his inauguration and instead working on impeachment papers.

The media took note and followed suit and went into the same direction, lying to America via the news. They would tell the news in the most leaning manners than before. For 4 years, Trump coverage was solely negative. Anything positive wouldn't make the air or it would be lied about. Other news we saw was outright censored. It was like witnessing the furthest left and pettiest of the left telling the news, or omitting it. Pundits were now leading newscasters.

Then social media outlets, who have a much farther reach than the news will ever have - also decided that they were news agencies and would dictate what folks can say and cannot say. And it was only done to one side - and so openly that the world spoke of it and wrote about it - and they just continued on anyway. They too lied and banned tons of news and writing coming from the right while promoting the left or leaving them alone to share their news.

The MSM used to simply tell the news and try their damn best to remain impartial and allow viewers to make up their minds. Social media was the same, post away and only things like outright harassment would be moderated. They turned to using algorithms in order to instantly block or censor things coming from the right.

A continued 4 year effort, playing the 'long game', day after day, blame, chaos & negativity. And their games may have just won the election. So, is what is I guess.

11-10-2020, 03:22 PM
So the left has made this a divided country, not Trump. They pushed and created this division. They made it the worst I can recall. They built hatred. They made lying fashionable.

They brought about antifa and also pushed and made the George Floyd issue so much worse than needed to be. Their capitalizing on everything and creating of everything else - they now own that in addition.

11-10-2020, 03:40 PM
It started way before any of us were born, even ICAI or myself. It intensified with 2000, especially the 'count every vote!' the mantra that was brought back this year, with the word 'legal' added.

Intensified against Bush something awful, (I thought at the time). Then came Obama, then Trump, and now likely Biden. Just getting worse.

11-10-2020, 03:55 PM
It started way before any of us were born, even ICAI or myself. It intensified with 2000, especially the 'count every vote!' the mantra that was brought back this year, with the word 'legal' added.

Intensified against Bush something awful, (I thought at the time). Then came Obama, then Trump, and now likely Biden. Just getting worse.

Oh yea, no doubt it's been building and everything today is a making in process.

I just think that the animosity brought forth after Hillary lost, and then the Russian mantra, the negativity of our press and coupled with the amount of lying. Social media is still somewhat new when it comes to news outlets and elections overall - but it was learned where they stand and where all of their CEO's and presidents and VP's of various divisions. They oddly all lean left & it's allowed them to have an agenda and dictate what their viewers see and don't see politically speaking.

Between the politicians, MSM & social media - the animosity, division, lying and negativity pushed on the American people is worse than it's ever been before. And that's the shame of it - it's not something that's just came about IMO, but rather something created over time and has now gotten out of control.

11-10-2020, 05:13 PM
Right now it seems to be almost a generational thing. However, if the GOP doesn’t blow the minorities Trump started to appeal to, that could change. They have the entrepreneurial spirit that respects capitalism and not too keen on pissing away their hard earned bucks.

11-10-2020, 07:21 PM
You forgot to throw in the educational system brainwashing liberalism and discrimination against conservatives.

Until that stops nothing stops.