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View Full Version : Joe Biden Is Hitler and Needs to Be Impeached Immediately

11-10-2020, 03:46 PM
It would be comical to follow suit and respond exactly as they did. But fact is, it's 2 different stripes. Actions speak for themselves.

The slowdown of chaos in America has already started. America will get much better soon, and not because Trump is gone, but rather because the actions of the left will cease and/or change.


Joe Biden Is Hitler and Needs to Be Impeached Immediately

I am a firm believer in the Golden Rule – do onto others as you would have done unto you – but I add a caveat to make it something Democrats really claim to love: fairness. You start by treating people well, but once they demonstrate they aren’t going to reciprocate, to hell with them and it’s game on. After four years of screaming Republicans are this kind of “ist” or that kind of “phobe,” that’s exactly how I think of left-winger’s newfound love of “unity.”

Joe Biden deserves exactly the same respect Democrats showed Donald Trump in 2016, which is exactly none. Not only because turnabout is the fairest of plays, but also because they are really awful people. When someone is awful, they deserve exactly what they give others.

Moreover, they haven’t stopped being awful.

I like to say “the only human beings worse than New England sports fans after they lose are New England sports fans after they win.” It’s funny because it’s true, or at least it used to be. Now you can replace “New England sports fans” with Democrats.

Ever since the media called the election, Democrats are acting like they won in a landslide. There’s a good argument for any politician pretending like they’ve received a mandate from the voters, otherwise they’d never get anything done. However, humility should play a role in anyone’s reaction to an event, and Democrats have demonstrated none.

In fact, they’ve demonstrated the exact opposite – a complete disconnect from reality and sense of entitlement.

Everyone on the left, from the media to those elected, have been their worst selves since Saturday. Petty things such as “journalists” like ABC's Jon Karl and Weeble Brian Stelter publicly turning off Twitter notifications for the president to wannabe Gestapo members compiling lists of “unacceptable” people whose only “crime” is disagreeing with them are now common.

One Washington Post stenographer for Democrats claimed, after having said he’s traveled the country the last four years seeing signs and flags with mean messages to liberals from Trump supporters, that “The gloatiest liberal takes pale before the meanness and mockery that got piled on libs since 2016.” Of course, only in a well-insulated media bubble does anyone not notice the difference between random Americans creating signs that upset liberal sensibilities and media figures/elected Democrats seeking retribution against those who’d done nothing but not support Democrats.

Rest - https://townhall.com/columnists/derekhunter/2020/11/10/joe-biden-is-hitler-and-needs-to-be-impeached-immediately-n2579751

11-10-2020, 03:54 PM
There are plenty of conservatives that would like to give the same or more back to Biden and any/all democrats. The difference is that few fellow conservatives and certainly no GOP leaders would go along. In general, most conservatives believe in the Constitution and are just hoping we can restart following the rules, but obviously not with the incoming or outgoing administrations right now.