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View Full Version : The Left’s seditious war on military recruiters

09-17-2007, 01:10 PM
By Michelle Malkin • September 17, 2007 01:06 PM Today has been declared “Truth in Recruiting Day” by the far Left group, Iraq Veterans Against the War. You won’t be surprised to learn that the group that promotes fraudulent veterans is organizing a fraud campaign to interfere with military recruiters. Take a look:


Recruitment is essential for the military and politicians to carry out the war and occupation of Iraq. Recruitment levels are low thanks to “truth in recruiting” efforts, but now it is time to shut recruitment down. By flooding recruiters and recruitment centers with phone calls, appointments, questions, and smiling faces, recruiters will waste their time and resources on you. By calling and asking every question you can think off about all the false opportunities the military is offering, you are stealing away recruiters ability to do recruitment.

So call your local recruiter today, and make a new friend! Ask them to pick you up. Tell them you are hungry. Tell them you would like to get a drink and talk about your future. Hang out with them in their office. Call them on their cell and tell them your life story.

Warning: this campaign is not for the easily persuaded. Recruiters will want you to sign up. Let them know you are not ready, but really interested in talking about the possibilities.



REPORT BACK: Send us photos taken with your new friends, or photos of the recruiting station and share your story.
In any other war, at any other time in history, these thugs would be universally condemned as seditious. But the intimidation campaign targeting recruiters has been allowed to flourish. It’s not just war memorials and flags under threat. It’s the military recruiter in your neighborhood.

These saboteurs are working with the ANSWER mob this week to obstruct military recruitment centers in Washington and across the country. Other socialist partners in crime:


Update: Allah scours the criminal statutes and concludes:

Long story short, there’s nothing legally you can do to stop this sort of thing, although you certainly can make recruiters aware that it’s happening and limit their time accordingly with any would-be recruits who look suspiciously, shall we say, “shaggy.”

Yes, welcome to George Soros’s America.

09-17-2007, 04:30 PM
Another essay from the illegal child.

09-17-2007, 04:39 PM
Another essay from the illegal child.


Hi. I can't debate the points, so I'll just insult somebody. Yay!

09-17-2007, 04:40 PM
Another essay from the illegal child.

Please explain your comment. Who is an "illegal" child, and why?

09-20-2007, 07:25 PM
By Michelle Malkin • September 17, 2007 01:06 PM Today has been declared “Truth in Recruiting Day” by the far Left group, Iraq Veterans Against the War. You won’t be surprised to learn that the group that promotes fraudulent veterans is organizing a fraud campaign to interfere with military recruiters. Take a look:


Recruitment is essential for the military and politicians to carry out the war and occupation of Iraq. Recruitment levels are low thanks to “truth in recruiting” efforts, but now it is time to shut recruitment down. By flooding recruiters and recruitment centers with phone calls, appointments, questions, and smiling faces, recruiters will waste their time and resources on you. By calling and asking every question you can think off about all the false opportunities the military is offering, you are stealing away recruiters ability to do recruitment.

So call your local recruiter today, and make a new friend! Ask them to pick you up. Tell them you are hungry. Tell them you would like to get a drink and talk about your future. Hang out with them in their office. Call them on their cell and tell them your life story.

Warning: this campaign is not for the easily persuaded. Recruiters will want you to sign up. Let them know you are not ready, but really interested in talking about the possibilities.



REPORT BACK: Send us photos taken with your new friends, or photos of the recruiting station and share your story.


Iraq Veterans Against the War, IMO, they have the voice of EXPERIENCE behind them.

so tell me, stephie... did Michele Malkin serve in the military? cuz you know, they take them now... women that is... in the military... and you know what else? The military even sends them to Iraq... Are you aware, stephie, that women can be just as big of a chickenhawk as a man can... all it takes is to be a cheerleader for war but not ever bother to join the military to participate in one.

so, I don't listen to her, watch her or even read what she says... is she a vet?

personally... I'm in favor of recruiters signing up as many war supporters as they can. Problem is, too few of them actually try to enlist.

Go figure...

09-20-2007, 08:21 PM
stripys back with his usual 3 questions.

Have you served?

Are you going to serve?

you got a link for that?

Oh and lets not forget calling everyone that supports the troops and the war effort "chickenhawks".

Michele has more patriotism in one little finger than you have in your whole over bloated pussy...cat body. It shows how well informed you are that you refuse to reading anything she writes, yet you sit in judgment of her like a typical liberal. You handlers must be proud.

09-20-2007, 09:05 PM
By Michelle Malkin • September 17, 2007 01:06 PM Today has been declared “Truth in Recruiting Day” by the far Left group, Iraq Veterans Against the War. You won’t be surprised to learn that the group that promotes fraudulent veterans is organizing a fraud campaign to interfere with military recruiters. Take a look:


Recruitment is essential for the military and politicians to carry out the war and occupation of Iraq. Recruitment levels are low thanks to “truth in recruiting” efforts, but now it is time to shut recruitment down. By flooding recruiters and recruitment centers with phone calls, appointments, questions, and smiling faces, recruiters will waste their time and resources on you. By calling and asking every question you can think off about all the false opportunities the military is offering, you are stealing away recruiters ability to do recruitment.

So call your local recruiter today, and make a new friend! Ask them to pick you up. Tell them you are hungry. Tell them you would like to get a drink and talk about your future. Hang out with them in their office. Call them on their cell and tell them your life story.

Warning: this campaign is not for the easily persuaded. Recruiters will want you to sign up. Let them know you are not ready, but really interested in talking about the possibilities.



REPORT BACK: Send us photos taken with your new friends, or photos of the recruiting station and share your story.
In any other war, at any other time in history, these thugs would be universally condemned as seditious. But the intimidation campaign targeting recruiters has been allowed to flourish. It’s not just war memorials and flags under threat. It’s the military recruiter in your neighborhood.

These saboteurs are working with the ANSWER mob this week to obstruct military recruitment centers in Washington and across the country. Other socialist partners in crime:


Update: Allah scours the criminal statutes and concludes:

Long story short, there’s nothing legally you can do to stop this sort of thing, although you certainly can make recruiters aware that it’s happening and limit their time accordingly with any would-be recruits who look suspiciously, shall we say, “shaggy.”

Yes, welcome to George Soros’s America.

I hate to inform anyone who would want to try this, but recruiters can spot these kind of "attacks". In fact, we are generally warned that these things will be happening a few days to a week prior.

Personally, I would sit any one of you down in my recruiting office and treat you just as fairly as the next truly interested young man or woman. And you never know, you might learn something. Maybe you are mistaken about the military and those of us who serve.

Stop by any time, we love to talk about anything. And we won't pressure you. Come in and have a cup of coffee, we are truly nice people.


09-21-2007, 06:18 AM
I am not against any veteran, pro war or anti war speaking or taking part in a lawful, peaceful protest, but if any of them are taking up the time of recruitors, that is morally wrong, and treasonous in my opinion.

And I dont believe, if you support the war, you must sign up, that is a personal choice. And is irrelavent to the discussion in my humble opinion.

I dont believe anti war people should call people names
I dont think war supporters should call people names

we should try to be as rational not emotional .. as possible.

Iraq Veterans Against the War, IMO, they have the voice of EXPERIENCE behind them.

so tell me, stephie... did Michele Malkin serve in the military? cuz you know, they take them now... women that is... in the military... and you know what else? The military even sends them to Iraq... Are you aware, stephie, that women can be just as big of a chickenhawk as a man can... all it takes is to be a cheerleader for war but not ever bother to join the military to participate in one.

so, I don't listen to her, watch her or even read what she says... is she a vet?

personally... I'm in favor of recruiters signing up as many war supporters as they can. Problem is, too few of them actually try to enlist.

Go figure...

09-21-2007, 04:04 PM
Please explain your comment. Who is an "illegal" child, and why?by Margaret Kimberley | Mar 14 2007 - 7:48am | permalink
article tools: email | print | read more Margaret Kimberley

Freedom Rider: Michelle Malkin and Dinesh D’Souza - Fascists of Color

The corporate media makes advocates of racism and white American supremacy very rich. American racism also gives certain non-white people advantages. They are able to escape the indignity that black Americans face. They are then able to disassociate themselves and become allies with the very worst and most dangerous aspects of political life in this country.

Michelle Malkin, born Michelle Maglalang, is a dark skinned Filipino-American who loves the worst that white American civilization has to offer. Malkin is a darling of the right wing, a blogger and author who is eager to advocate invading other nations, and spewing hatred of immigrants in general and of Muslims in particular.

Malkin constantly rails against immigration, complaining about "drive by" and "accidental" citizenship attained by the children of immigrants who she and others label "anchor" and "jackpot" babies.

Malkin never told her loyal readership that her father came to the United States in 1970 on a temporary work visa. She was born in October 1970. Malkin is herself a jackpot baby, given automatic citizenship when her parents were not even permanent residents. The truth may set you free, but it doesn't get you on Fox news.

In 2002 Malkin wrote that the internment of thousands of Japanese-Americans was "wrong and abhorrent." Who knows if she ever believed those words, but times changed quickly and there was a book deal waiting for an Asian who would approve past and future efforts to profile and then incarcerate non-white people.

Malkin is not just a self-hating Asian. She is a two-faced liar, having condemned Japanese internment just two years before defending it in print. In 2004 she wrote In Defense of Internment: The Case for "Racial Profiling" in World War II and the War on Terror. When racists fantasized about interning Arabs, she helped provide ammunition:

"Make no mistake: I am not advocating rounding up all Arabs or Muslims and tossing them into camps, but when we are under attack, 'racial profiling' - or more precisely, threat profiling - is justified. It is unfortunate that well-intentioned Arabs and Muslims might be burdened because of terrorists who share their race, nationality or religion. But any inconvenience, no matter how bothersome or offensive, is preferable to being incinerated at your office desk by a flaming hijacked plane."

White people are never "inconvenienced" by raced based incarceration, even though there are white domestic terrorists, serial killers, and shooters in schools. Apparently Malkin thinks that is just fine.

Common sense makes it obvious that Malkin's dark skin has been problematic for her and she admits as much. "Here are some of the racial epithets I've been called in my lifetime: Chink. Gook. Jap. Nigger. Slant eyes. Dog-eater." She also suffered the color consciousness created by European colonialism:

"Back in the Philippines, upscale restaurants refuse to hire natives with skin darker than sand. The movie industry promotes model ‘mestizos' and ‘Maria Claras' - pale as paper due to the blanching effect of Spanish blood. Lighter-skinned cousins mocked me as ‘The Brownie.' Pitying aunties suggested rubbing my skin with pumice stones for a more desirable complexion."

Malkin could have used these painful experiences to fight against racism, but that is a much tougher way to live and to get paid. Being a mouth piece for white/right America is a more certain path to a fat bank account.

Malkin has partners in crime, people who have either bought the supremacy myth or who just want to be on the winning, money making team. Dinesh D'Souza was one of the founders of the racist Dartmouth Review and the author of books such as The End of Racism, published in 1995. The demise of racism was news to everyone else, but it was a convenient notion for the Indian-born D'Souza to sell. It was also a direct attack on black America. D'Souza's thesis came straight from Racism 101. Racism is gone and black people do badly only because of their "pathologies." D'Souza also thinks the Civil Rights Act should be repealed.

Like Malkin, the Indian-born D'Souza comes from a country whose darker citizens get the cold shoulder. Try finding an Indian movie star who isn't light skinned. Imagine D'Souza's delight upon arriving in the United States. He was now part of a so-called model minority that was given certain advantages, even if the "n word" was hurled in his direction. All he had to do was sign up for the right wing propaganda machine of racism and aggression and he was home free.

D'Souza's latest homage to foolishness is called The Enemy at Home:The Cultural Left and Its Responsibility for 9/11:

"In this book I make a claim that will seem startling at the outset. The cultural left in this country (such people as Hillary Clinton, Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, George Soros, Michael Moore, Bill Moyers, and Noam Chomsky) is responsible for causing 9/11."

Like Malkin, D'Souza lies at the drop of a hat. When he was called on his bizarre hate speech, he began to back pedal furiously. "I argue that the American left bears a measure of responsibility for the volcano of anger from the Muslim world that produced the 9/11 attacks."

D'Souza apparently forgot what he wrote. The word "measured" is no where to be found, in the title or in the text:

"I am saying that the cultural left and its allies in Congress, the media, Hollywood, the nonprofit sector and the universities are the primary cause of the volcano of anger toward America that is erupting from the Islamic world....the left is the primary reason for Islamic anti-Americanism as well as the anti-Americanism of other traditional cultures around the world. I intend to show that the left has actively fostered the intense hatred of America that has led to murderous attacks such as 9/11." [Italics mine.]

D'Souza's book is a cynical obscenity, meant to silence the left and promote the Bush administration's efforts to dominate as much of the world as possible. He just makes things up as he goes along and then pretends he didn't write what is clear for all to see.

Bin Laden said on many occasions that he is angry about America's support for the Israeli occupation of Palestine. He was angry with the Saudi regime and its decision to allow American troops on their soil. Michael Moore, abortion and gay marriage were never on the bin Laden list of pet peeves. What are facts when there is money to be made and an ideology to support?

D'Souza's true purpose in writing this screed is to provoke hatred and legitimize violence against anyone who opposes the white/right wing agenda. His assertion that people who disagree with him are the nation's enemies is offensive and dangerous but it hasn't hurt D'Souza's career at all.

There will be more Malkins and D'Souzas as long as hatred is profitable and anti-black racist rules apply. They are just the latest in a long line of openly racist and fascist opinion makers. A quick glance at the television screen might lead one to believe that they would be on the side of the oppressed, when nothing could be further from the truth.

Margaret Kimberley's Freedom Rider column appears weekly in BA R. Ms. Kimberley lives in New York City, and can be reached via e-Mail at Margaret.Kimberley(at)BlackAgandaReport.Com. Ms. Kimberley' maintains an edifying and frequently updated blog at freedomrider.blogspot.com. More of her work is also available at her Black Agenda Report archive page.

09-21-2007, 04:09 PM
I hate to inform anyone who would want to try this, but recruiters can spot these kind of "attacks". In fact, we are generally warned that these things will be happening a few days to a week prior.

Personally, I would sit any one of you down in my recruiting office and treat you just as fairly as the next truly interested young man or woman. And you never know, you might learn something. Maybe you are mistaken about the military and those of us who serve.

Stop by any time, we love to talk about anything. And we won't pressure you. Come in and have a cup of coffee, we are truly nice people.

AF:salute:Back in 68 I went for my physical in Oakland. When told to follow a colored line I asked why. I was given a 1-y classification. You might be wasting your time with me as a recruit.

09-21-2007, 04:22 PM
by Margaret Kimberley | Mar 14 2007 - 7:48am | permalink
article tools: email | print | read more Margaret Kimberley

Freedom Rider: Michelle Malkin and Dinesh D’Souza - Fascists of Color

The corporate media makes advocates of racism and white American supremacy very rich. American racism also gives certain non-white people advantages. They are able to escape the indignity that black Americans face. They are then able to disassociate themselves and become allies with the very worst and most dangerous aspects of political life in this country.

Michelle Malkin, born Michelle Maglalang, is a dark skinned Filipino-American who loves the worst that white American civilization has to offer. Malkin is a darling of the right wing, a blogger and author who is eager to advocate invading other nations, and spewing hatred of immigrants in general and of Muslims in particular.

Malkin constantly rails against immigration, complaining about "drive by" and "accidental" citizenship attained by the children of immigrants who she and others label "anchor" and "jackpot" babies.

Malkin never told her loyal readership that her father came to the United States in 1970 on a temporary work visa. She was born in October 1970. Malkin is herself a jackpot baby, given automatic citizenship when her parents were not even permanent residents. The truth may set you free, but it doesn't get you on Fox news.

In 2002 Malkin wrote that the internment of thousands of Japanese-Americans was "wrong and abhorrent." Who knows if she ever believed those words, but times changed quickly and there was a book deal waiting for an Asian who would approve past and future efforts to profile and then incarcerate non-white people.

Malkin is not just a self-hating Asian. She is a two-faced liar, having condemned Japanese internment just two years before defending it in print. In 2004 she wrote In Defense of Internment: The Case for "Racial Profiling" in World War II and the War on Terror. When racists fantasized about interning Arabs, she helped provide ammunition:

"Make no mistake: I am not advocating rounding up all Arabs or Muslims and tossing them into camps, but when we are under attack, 'racial profiling' - or more precisely, threat profiling - is justified. It is unfortunate that well-intentioned Arabs and Muslims might be burdened because of terrorists who share their race, nationality or religion. But any inconvenience, no matter how bothersome or offensive, is preferable to being incinerated at your office desk by a flaming hijacked plane."

White people are never "inconvenienced" by raced based incarceration, even though there are white domestic terrorists, serial killers, and shooters in schools. Apparently Malkin thinks that is just fine.

Common sense makes it obvious that Malkin's dark skin has been problematic for her and she admits as much. "Here are some of the racial epithets I've been called in my lifetime: Chink. Gook. Jap. Nigger. Slant eyes. Dog-eater." She also suffered the color consciousness created by European colonialism:

"Back in the Philippines, upscale restaurants refuse to hire natives with skin darker than sand. The movie industry promotes model ‘mestizos' and ‘Maria Claras' - pale as paper due to the blanching effect of Spanish blood. Lighter-skinned cousins mocked me as ‘The Brownie.' Pitying aunties suggested rubbing my skin with pumice stones for a more desirable complexion."

Malkin could have used these painful experiences to fight against racism, but that is a much tougher way to live and to get paid. Being a mouth piece for white/right America is a more certain path to a fat bank account.

Malkin has partners in crime, people who have either bought the supremacy myth or who just want to be on the winning, money making team. Dinesh D'Souza was one of the founders of the racist Dartmouth Review and the author of books such as The End of Racism, published in 1995. The demise of racism was news to everyone else, but it was a convenient notion for the Indian-born D'Souza to sell. It was also a direct attack on black America. D'Souza's thesis came straight from Racism 101. Racism is gone and black people do badly only because of their "pathologies." D'Souza also thinks the Civil Rights Act should be repealed.

Like Malkin, the Indian-born D'Souza comes from a country whose darker citizens get the cold shoulder. Try finding an Indian movie star who isn't light skinned. Imagine D'Souza's delight upon arriving in the United States. He was now part of a so-called model minority that was given certain advantages, even if the "n word" was hurled in his direction. All he had to do was sign up for the right wing propaganda machine of racism and aggression and he was home free.

D'Souza's latest homage to foolishness is called The Enemy at Home:The Cultural Left and Its Responsibility for 9/11:

"In this book I make a claim that will seem startling at the outset. The cultural left in this country (such people as Hillary Clinton, Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, George Soros, Michael Moore, Bill Moyers, and Noam Chomsky) is responsible for causing 9/11."

Like Malkin, D'Souza lies at the drop of a hat. When he was called on his bizarre hate speech, he began to back pedal furiously. "I argue that the American left bears a measure of responsibility for the volcano of anger from the Muslim world that produced the 9/11 attacks."

D'Souza apparently forgot what he wrote. The word "measured" is no where to be found, in the title or in the text:

"I am saying that the cultural left and its allies in Congress, the media, Hollywood, the nonprofit sector and the universities are the primary cause of the volcano of anger toward America that is erupting from the Islamic world....the left is the primary reason for Islamic anti-Americanism as well as the anti-Americanism of other traditional cultures around the world. I intend to show that the left has actively fostered the intense hatred of America that has led to murderous attacks such as 9/11." [Italics mine.]

D'Souza's book is a cynical obscenity, meant to silence the left and promote the Bush administration's efforts to dominate as much of the world as possible. He just makes things up as he goes along and then pretends he didn't write what is clear for all to see.

Bin Laden said on many occasions that he is angry about America's support for the Israeli occupation of Palestine. He was angry with the Saudi regime and its decision to allow American troops on their soil. Michael Moore, abortion and gay marriage were never on the bin Laden list of pet peeves. What are facts when there is money to be made and an ideology to support?

D'Souza's true purpose in writing this screed is to provoke hatred and legitimize violence against anyone who opposes the white/right wing agenda. His assertion that people who disagree with him are the nation's enemies is offensive and dangerous but it hasn't hurt D'Souza's career at all.

There will be more Malkins and D'Souzas as long as hatred is profitable and anti-black racist rules apply. They are just the latest in a long line of openly racist and fascist opinion makers. A quick glance at the television screen might lead one to believe that they would be on the side of the oppressed, when nothing could be further from the truth.

Margaret Kimberley's Freedom Rider column appears weekly in BA R. Ms. Kimberley lives in New York City, and can be reached via e-Mail at Margaret.Kimberley(at)BlackAgandaReport.Com. Ms. Kimberley' maintains an edifying and frequently updated blog at freedomrider.blogspot.com. More of her work is also available at her Black Agenda Report archive page.


And like there aren't any of these so-called types on the left..

Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson comes to mind..

What a friggen joke...:lame2:

In this Pos article, I think Margaret Kimberley is acting more like OBL..

09-21-2007, 05:29 PM
Typical Malkin. She is a rabid dog that should have been put to sleep a long time ago.

09-21-2007, 05:33 PM
Typical Malkin. She is a rabid dog that should have been put to sleep a long time ago.

You really need some new material, dear.:poke:

09-21-2007, 05:38 PM
Malkin is not worth wasting brain power on. Her ignorance is exceeded only by those of her regular readers.

09-21-2007, 05:41 PM
Malkin is not worth wasting brain power on. Her ignorance is exceeded only by those of her regular readers.

Ooooo...we are so glad to know how much above everybody you are...I wouldn't want you to lower yourself to my level..

Should we bow down...:bow3:

Michelle Malkin has more class and patriotism in her big toe, than...

09-21-2007, 08:55 PM
Back in 68 I went for my physical in Oakland. When told to follow a colored line I asked why. I was given a 1-y classification. You might be wasting your time with me as a recruit.

Who said anything about recruiting? Just a cup-o-joe and a good conversation.


09-21-2007, 09:02 PM
Who said anything about recruiting? Just a cup-o-joe and a good conversation.

AF:salute:That could be fun.

09-22-2007, 01:24 AM
Malkin has zero class. Her "patriotism" has always been for sale.
Malkin is a known liar, cheat and hypocrite. She is even lower than Coulter, who at least has a decent education.

As for military recruiters, they are obviously getting more desperate by the hour. How are they supposed to meet their quotas when the American public is growing increasing wiser to the lies and deceit of the Pentagon brass?

Lastly, being a veteran is honorable, but it does not give you a free pass through life. It does not make you braver, smarter or more important to the person standing next to you. Your opinions do not matter more than someone else's, nor do they carry more weight.
You still need to make something out of the remainder of your life.

09-22-2007, 01:29 AM
Malkin has zero class. Her "patriotism" has always been for sale.
Malkin is a known liar, cheat and hypocrite. She is even lower than Coulter, who at least has a decent education.

As for military recruiters, they are obviously getting more desperate by the hour. How are they supposed to meet their quotas when the American public is growing increasing wiser to the lies and deceit of the Pentagon brass?

Lastly, being a veteran is honorable, but it does not give you a free pass through life. It does not make you braver, smarter or more important to the person standing next to you. Your opinions do not matter more than someone else's, nor do they carry more weight.
You still need to make something out of the remainder of your life.

You are so wise for your 25 yrs....:rolleyes:

09-22-2007, 01:31 AM
Actually, I am wise for my 23 years.
What do you have to show for your much greater numbered years?

09-22-2007, 01:43 AM
What do you have to show for your much greater numbered years?

Common sense, Manners, Morals, Decency towards others, Respect( for those who deserve it), Patience(some of the times),Thinking for myself..
A love for my country, a love for freedom and for those who put their lives on the front lines to give us those freedom..
Did I say...thinking for myself...

We all grow through out our yrs. in life..

You should be enjoying your young life, your new marriage, thinking of having a happy life...:cheers2:

09-22-2007, 05:38 AM
As for military recruiters, they are obviously getting more desperate by the hour. How are they supposed to meet their quotas when the American public is growing increasing wiser to the lies and deceit of the Pentagon brass?

What do you have that shows we "are obviously getting more desperate"? I am an Air Force Recruiter so I think we can have this discussion. Do you know who is coming into the offices? Do you know what they are looking for? Please inform me of "the lies and deceit" you are speaking of.

Lastly, being a veteran is honorable, but it does not give you a free pass through life. It does not make you braver, smarter or more important to the person standing next to you. Your opinions do not matter more than someone else's, nor do they carry more weight.
You still need to make something out of the remainder of your life.

Being a veteran does not make any of us better that those who have not served. But it does make us different. It takes a certain kind of person to give their time to serve and I feel we should be recognized. I don't see where anyone said we are braver, smarter, or more important.


09-22-2007, 09:23 PM
I highly recommend the book "10 EXCELLENT REASONS NOT TO JOIN THE MILITARY". I met one of the authors, Rae Abileah in DC this summer.

Recruiters promise college tuition, success and adventure. They say you'll never see combat and can choose any job you want. But these promises evaporate as soon as a young recruit signs her contract. Weill-Greenberg writes about her own experience with recruiters as an undercover journalist, and interviews military parents and students. Through testimony and statistics she shows that if a recruiter's pitch sounds too good to be true that's because it is.

"'You could get shot -- God forbid -- in front of your apartment. More people were killed in New York last week than Iraq,' the Sergeant told me repeating one of the recruiters' favorite mantras.

Recruiters will do or say just about anything to convince young people that the Army is not about war. No, the military isn't all guns and tears and pain. It's hip, cool, rebellious even. (My recruiter told me to 'cut the umbilical cord' when I said I didn't think my mom would approve.)"

Raes part:

"Given the state of the economy at the moment, it is unsurprising that 33 percent of male recruits and 39 percent of female recruits report that they enter the military to get money for college. Unfortunately, the military is often so desperate to meet quotas and is itself so strapped for cash that these are empty promises; most recruits never see any of this money. Rather than take a gamble on a lot of hot air from military recruiters, it's possible to find tuition money from a reputable source."

A majority of Americans say the Iraq war was a mistake and more and more people are demanding the US immediately withdraw troops. But deployed soldiers must fight no matter what their personal beliefs -- or risk imprisonment. What's so honorable about participating in something you know is wrong?

"Shortly after Chas joined, he realized the army was not the noble profession he had imagined. He found that the military was about dehumanization of the enemy and the soldiers themselves. Chas explained that this process started in boot camp with 'sick, twisted' drills, like Sniper Wonderland:

'See the little girl with the puppy; Lock and load a hollow pointed round ... Take the shot and maybe if you're lucky; You'll watch their lifeless bodies hit the ground ...'

'You're singing these things and you know they're wrong,' Chas said. 'But if you don't say it, you'll catch so much hell. You're scared to death and you have to say it.'"

09-22-2007, 09:38 PM
I highly recommend the book "10 EXCELLENT REASONS NOT TO JOIN THE MILITARY". I met one of the authors, Rae Abileah in DC this summer.

Raes part:

I could give you 100 good reasons to join. The author had an experience with one or a few recruiters. I guess that makes all recruiters the same? Wow, how prejudicial.
Your post states that you cannot get what the recruiters tell you you can. I can tell you that is not true. I am in school. I know a lot of people who are using the college money the AF gave them. Over 20,000 Air Force members earned assosicates degrees in 2005 and over 4,000 earned Bachelors degrees. I have the stats at work and can add them to this post next week if you don't believe me. Now the Army might be a different thing, but you lumped all recruiters into one group.


09-23-2007, 12:28 AM
First off, its nice too se you being friendly. You dont have to hate people you disagree with, and sorry you were treated in a racist mannor. that should never be allowed or tolerated.

That could be fun.

09-23-2007, 12:30 AM
hey i just turned 27, were not all bad, us yougins. :cool:

You are so wise for your 25 yrs....:rolleyes:

09-23-2007, 12:35 AM
Obama, what i am upset about is not your or any one else who holds the opinion that people shouldnt join the military, (which i must admit is ironic because people have died fighting for yours and my right to hold our own opinions), but when some people on the left, verbally harass recruiters, and illegally stop them from doing their jobs. That is against the law, and people who do such should be put in jail. When people on the left, shout down a conservative speaker on a college campus, verbally and or physically threaten him/her or other students they dont agree with politicaly, they are acting like facists, for you see facism says, if you dont agree with me, you will be jailed, killed, threatened with physical violence, and shouted down.

A republic, which we live in only thrives when all ideas are allowed to be discussed and rise and fall on their own merit, not emotion.

I highly recommend the book "10 EXCELLENT REASONS NOT TO JOIN THE MILITARY". I met one of the authors, Rae Abileah in DC this summer.

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