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11-11-2020, 01:12 PM
CNN, MSNBC, 'The View', Morning Joe and his pet Mika, Rachel Maddow, Joy Reid, NY Times, Washington Post...

Those are the places I hate the most. The biggest liars of them all. No redeeming values & if they disappeared overnight I wouldn't lose a wink. These places employ those that ooze hatred. They speak the hatred and racism on a daily basis. Some as individuals and others as entire agencies.

The amount of lies told and doing so daily, and watching the amount of hatred they brought and watching it fester day after day & then the response to their non-stop lies and trying to push chaos.

CNN easily the worst as an overall agency and the amount employed and the 24 x 7 x 365 x 720 x 1440

The View is horrid but expected. The issue here is headlines. If it weren't for the headlines and coverage they receive, most of America wouldn't hear about their oozing hatred and lies. Joy Behar is by far the worst of them all. I wish she would just disappear, maybe off herself, bring about honor with hara-kiri, maybe go to China and self immolate herself... All seriousness, would be cool if she became the 2nd lobotomized brain dead monkey I know.

Joy Reid continues her daily lying of course, and also continues her racist ways, and gets called out for it.

NYT is nothing more than a written version of CNN. Busted lying every 3rd day. :rolleyes: :laugh:

That's just the tip of the leftist lying iceberg.

And then after allllll of the lying they did, and after alllll of the chaos they created, after all of the division and hatred they created - one of the first things they call for is unity? :laugh: :laugh2:


CNN's Preposterous Call for Unity

There was a Museum of Broadcasting in New York City, but there’s never been anything called the Museum of Broadcasting Shamelessness. Imagine a place where they could run a medley of Dan Rather insisting repeatedly that despite the small problem of his phony National Guard documents, “the underlying story is true.”

An obvious entry in the Shamelessness Museum emerged about one single minute after Joe Biden made his “victory speech” on the night of November 7. CNN tweeted out a new commercial creepily echoing Biden’s sentiments that suddenly, we must all come together and break out the Cokes and sing “I’d Like to Teach the World to Sing,” or something.

A female announcer mourned “Our trust has been broken -- in our leaders, in our institutions even with some of our friends, and we are hurting. Now more than ever, we need each other -- to listen, to learn from one another, to rebuild those bonds.”

Does anyone think CNN hasn’t been ripping apart our leaders and our institutions for four years? Then the announcer added “Trust shows we believe in the good of each other. It's what makes us human. And when we trust one another, that is when we can truly achieve great things.”

If you thought this would lead to CNN’s daily product abruptly switching from hourly rage to Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, you would be sadly, badly mistaken. Instead, shameless CNN is running this unity-googoo advertisement in between their usual Trump Hater thunderbolts.

Anderson Cooper is pictured in the ad, but two days after Biden declared victory, Cooper was furious that Trump hadn’t conceded yet. He complained to old Obama strategist David Axelrod: “In the mid-90s, I think it was like '96, I was in Kinshasa, in the waning days of Mobutu. And Mobutu was, you know, a pretty awful dictator. And when he finally fled the country, and the rebels were moving to take the capital, his son drove around in a pickup truck with a machine gun and settling scores with people he felt had not been supportive enough with Mobutu.”

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/tim-graham/2020/11/11/column-cnns-preposterous-call-unity

And while all Trump is doing is completely legal, the left is already stretching and lying and pushing another 9/11? Disgraceful. Any credible reports in the slightest to go with this, or is it just an attempt to spread fear?

NBC & CBS: Trump’s Concession Delay Could Cause Another 9/11!

On Wednesday, leftist media hysteria over President Trump not yet conceding to Joe Biden reached a fever pitch, with journalists on NBC’s Today show and CBS This Morning blatantly fearmongering that the delay could cause another 9/11-style terrorist attack. Apparently the same partisan press that indulged Al Gore’s weeks-long refusal to concede the 2000 presidential race now suddenly believes that recount drama jeopardized national security.

“In 2000, the legal fight over less than 600 votes in a single state, Florida, delayed the transition between the Clinton and Bush administrations by 37 days,” noted correspondent Peter Alexander on the Today show. He then warned: “The 9/11 Commission that examined the 2001 terror attacks found that loss of time slowed the Bush team from ‘identifying, recruiting, clearing and obtaining confirmation for key appointees.’”

Moments later, co-host Savannah Guthrie hyped the narrative once again:

I noticed on the national security piece of this, you know, we just saw in Peter’s report that the 9/11 Commission actually said when Democrats slowed the transition to George W. Bush’s administration back in 2000 that that had an effect on what happened in their preparedness for 9/11. Now, of course, the situation is totally reversed. Are Republicans worried about the national security implications of delaying all of this?

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/kyle-drennen/2020/11/11/nbc-cbs-trumps-concession-delay-could-cause-another-911

More disgraceful BS trying to spread fear prior to a concession.

Fake News: ABC, CNN Claim Trump Gearing Up to Leave a War for Biden

What’s old was new again as President Trump’s time in office appeared to end as it began, with the liberal media making outlandish and irresponsible claims that he was going to start a costly and bloody war. That was the theme on Tuesday for both ABC’s World News Tonight and CNN’s Cuomo PrimeTime, with the former unspooling vague fears from anonymous sources suggesting Trump might be looking to deploy troops abroad or here in the homeland.

Teeing up chief global affairs correspondent Martha Raddatz to scare the wits out of their viewers regarding a shakeup at the Pentagon, ABC anchor David Muir wondered: “And if this is unsettling for folks at home, what do your sources tell you tonight, is there any concern this could put national security at risk?”

Citing no one in particular and proving no evidence of her claims, Raddatz proclaimed: “There is concern about what this means, is the President planning a military operation? Or the use of federal troops, which [former Secretary of Defense Mark] Esper opposed.”

“Even Mitch McConnell praised Esper today and Republican John Cornyn, a member of the Senate GOP leadership said of Trump's decision to fire Esper, ‘I don't think it helps him and I don't think it helps the country,’” she added.

It’s worth noting that on Election Night 2016, Raddatz was on the verge of tears as she talked about what the troop on the frontlines in Afghanistan and Iraq could face with Trump as commander-in-chief. The emotions really kicked in as she described how failed vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine didn’t trust Trump with the life of his Marine son.

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/nicholas-fondacaro/2020/11/10/fake-news-abc-cnn-claim-trump-gearing-leave-war-biden