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View Full Version : MRC’s Bozell to Levin: Corrupt Media Plotted to Steal Election From Trump

11-11-2020, 01:34 PM
I don't think you can say 'stolen' as I don't think anything illegal happened in this respect, but I'm no legal scholar. :dunno:

The media simply took a side, much more rhetoric than usual, more like pundits than newscasters. They used their time to tell the news in the manner they like. Used the time to discuss some stories and run out of time to add in other stories.

But they certainly did 'direct' the news in a direction as opposed to simply telling the news. They covered what they liked and told the news in a manner to help the left. If anything may have helped Trump or the right, it simply wasn't reported on. They told the news as if they were literally an arm of the democrat party. No lie or exaggeration there.

But they did lie, and did so daily. And they omitted or censored news. Much of it breaking news, important news, news America deserves to hear and make up their own minds.

In the past news stations simply told the international news of the day, followed by national stories. And then depending on the station and locale, they might also cover local news in addition and then end it with sports coverage. And then after the fact or other times they would have independent news covering politics and pundits. And someone better get a grip on social media before it turns into the same thing and arms of the dem party reaching billions.


MRC’s Bozell to Levin: Corrupt Media Plotted to Steal Election From Trump

Media Research Center President Brent Bozell on Tuesday appeared on nationally syndicated radio star Mark Levin’s show to discuss a new poll commissioned by the MRC showcasing how media corruption stole the presidential election for Joe Biden.

Revealing that 36 percent of Biden voters weren’t aware of the evidence connecting Biden to corrupt dealings through his son Hunter, Bozell explained, “Guess what? Had they [Democratic voters] known the story, Joe Biden would not have carried Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and the Trump lead would have been definitive in North Carolina.”

Highlighting the 4.6 percent of Biden voters who wouldn’t have voted for the Democrat, had they known, the MRC President detailed, “This isn’t a one and done. This isn’t somebody at the network missing something one night. This is something that has been going on night after night for four years.”

Bozell concluded, “They made no bones about what they wanted to do this time around.... But this has been non-stop since he came down the escalator in May of 2015.”
