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View Full Version : Brennan ‘Concerned’ What Trump Might do in the Next 70 Days...

11-11-2020, 07:08 PM
Perhaps they have inside intelligence. Perhaps Trump plans on a scorched earth tear against all of the democrats that screwed him, including Brennan. I would if I were him. Solely with the facts and solely what would be legal. But with the amount of folks involved in screwing him prior to his presidency through his impeachment and throughout the election to today.

Whether Biden and his son Hunter, Brennan and Comey and others who were involved in fu**ing him & just whatever ammo he may have.

But war or anything like that? Or anything even illegal? Nope, nor do I think he does such a thing. But time to unleash what he can.


Brennan ‘Concerned’ What Trump Might do in the Next 70 Days, Calls For Trump to be Removed From Office

Former CIA Director John Brennan this week called for President Trump to be removed from office.

John Brennan went into panic mode after President Trump terminated Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Monday. -So he's panicking and thinks that's enough reason to remove him from office?

“In 70 days, you can do a lot of damage in 70 days. He is still president of the United States and is he going to carry out these vendettas against other individuals… I’m very concerned what he might do in his remaining 70 days in office,” Brennan told CNN’s Chris Cuomo.

“Is he going to take some type of military action? Is he going to release some type of information that could, in fact, threaten our national security interests?” he added.

“What can be done? Cuomo said.

“If Vice President Pence and the cabinet had an ounce of fortitude and spine and patriotism, I think they would seriously consider invoking the 25th Amendment and, you know, pushing Donald Trump out because he is just very unpredictable now,” Brennan said. -Idiots have been talking ridiculous about things Trump is going to do and how he's going to ruin the country. And the only ones in that time to remotely do so is a long list of democrats.


11-11-2020, 07:25 PM
Trump is already gutting the DoD and DoJ and inserting loyalists.

11-11-2020, 07:48 PM
Trump is already gutting the DoD and DoJ and inserting loyalists.

We call HONEST people who don't cheat in elections.

11-11-2020, 08:04 PM
Trump is already gutting the DoD and DoJ and inserting loyalists.

What good will that do?