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View Full Version : Trump Needs Three Consecutive Hail Mary Passes

11-12-2020, 02:22 PM
They state that Trump technically does have a shot, albeit quite slim. With 71 million people preferring what he brings to the table - then that's his job to try. There is no harm. And if people believe him and what they see as lies? - well all of that talk from the entire spectrum on the left - kind of falls flat after 1440+ days straight of lying to our faces and not worrying in the slightest about its effects.

I don't think the legal maneuvering will win him the election but that is his right. And what the left is doing is more harmful than him going to court. :rolleyes:


Trump Needs Three Consecutive Hail Mary Passes

Despite the clear math showing that Joe Biden has won the election, President Donald Trump has refused to concede. He has directed his legal team to keep on fighting to try to overturn the results of the election, including in a new 105-page federal-court filing in Pennsylvania. These legal maneuvers are unlikely to pay off in the form of a second term for Trump; he would need the equivalent of three consecutive Hail Mary passes to stay in office.

But what Trump and his legal team are doing can nevertheless cause real harm to the country going forward, should millions of people believe Trump’s false statements that Biden won the election through fraud. It is this near certainty, and not the long-shot possibility of Trump staying in office, that is reason for grave concern.

-No it won't and it isn't. He's simply using legal means available to him to ensure all votes cast were done so in a legal manner and all calculated appropriately.

The state of play can be described as follows: Biden appears very likely to win 306 Electoral College votes, 36 more than he needs for the presidency. This is a comfortable lead. Recounts in even the closest states, where the candidates are 10,000 to 20,000 votes apart, are extremely unlikely to change the election results; the most recent Wisconsin recount, in 2016, shifted the result by 571 votes. And nothing in those closest states indicates the kind of systemic failure that could lead to a more dramatic reversal.

Rest - https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/opinion/trump-needs-three-consecutive-hail-mary-passes/ar-BB1aUiNq

11-12-2020, 03:50 PM
The harm in trying is that it distracts from how the election was really stolen by manipulating what information the public has access to. The bigger issue is social media deciding our elections, rather then just Trump vs Biden.