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11-12-2020, 02:31 PM
Morning Joe's pet is allowed to speak:

Deranged Mika: 'Law Enforcement' Should 'Come After' Trump to Stop Him From Selling Secrets

Does the liberal media's bloodlust for President Trump know no bounds? Apparently, it's not enough to defeat him. Now, the MSM hounds are baying for "law enforcement" to "come after him."

On Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski normally leaves the more brutal bludgeoning of President Trump to her co-host husband Joe Scarborough. But this morning, it was Mika going most angrily on the attack. Brzezinski claimed that upon leaving office President Trump will "abuse information" that he obtained in office for his "financial gain." Then, her voice turning arch, Brzezinski added this:

"That is, unless, Willie, certain sections of law enforcement come after him."

Visions of Donald Trump being frog-marched out of Trump Tower dancing in your head, Mika? Willie Geist, who in recent times has become increasingly less the voice of Morning Joe moderation, seemed to concur. Here's the exchange:

MIKA BRZEZINSKI: And when he leaves, he continues to have a good deal of information he can use to his benefit. And his personality has shown that he doesn’t have a lot of discipline beyond using information or people or relationships to his financial gain.

It’s always about the money. You follow the money, you end up with what the answer is to the question: what’s with Russia? You look at Turkey, you look at his relationship in Saudi Arabia, and how he handled everything. It’s all leading to potential past financial transactions that might have been stopped that never came to fruition, or future financial transactions.

And I worry this president will have quite a party with all of this information that he learned as president when he leaves office. That is, unless, Willie, certain sections of law enforcement come after him.

WILLIE GEIST: Yeah. He could find himself in any number of courts. But I think you're right to go back to his pre-presidency and his personality which is that he likes to be the guy with the information. It was gossip back then, now it's national security secrets.

Note that Brzezinski didn't merely claim that President Trump might abuse national security information or financial gain. She flatly stated that "he will."


11-13-2020, 08:12 PM
Well the fact is all Presidents (except maybe Carter) end up making CASH from the fact that they were the POTUS.
I suspect that Trump will do the same.
No need to use "secrets".
But i wouldn't put it past him to use inside knowledge to make things better for ...his family.
Does anyone really think that the Clintons haven't used the connections and inside knowledge they gained in Gov't to help make themselves rich?