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11-15-2020, 02:58 PM
I know locally for me, NY is talking about all kinds of potential changes coming soon if things grow worse.

I read in Chicago that Lightfoot was stating that Thanksgiving is more or less not possible, and that even family should be encouraged to stay home.

And now talk already from CNN about canceling Christmas. :rolleyes:


CNN’s Tapper to Fauci: ‘Christmas Is Probably Not Going to Be Possible’

During a dialogue with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director Dr. Anthony Fauci that aired on Sunday’s broadcast of CNN’s “State of the Union,” host Jake Tapper asked about the possibility that holidays could be safely celebrated under the threat of COVID-19.

Fauci said a vaccine would be required to reach a “degree of normality” with Tapper concluding Christmas would probably not be possible.

Partial transcript as follows:

TAPPER: Now, you have already encouraged Americans to consider canceling any Thanksgiving plans that involve visiting with somebody else or having visitors come.

I know a lot of Americans are looking ahead, hoping to make plans for other holidays, such as Christmas. But when do you think Americans will next be able to safely gather together for family events like this?

Are you suggesting it probably won’t be able to happen until, I don’t know, Labor Day 2021, Thanksgiving 2021?

FAUCI: You know, it depends on a number of factors, Jake.

For example, we have vaccines now. The first one that came out was highly effective. I anticipate that the second one likely will be comparable. You never can tell until you see the data, but would be comparable. That is great.

But we have to get people to take the vaccine. So, if we get the overwhelming majority of people taking the vaccine, and you have, on the one hand, an effective vaccine, on the other hand, a high degree of uptake of the vaccine, we could start getting things back to relative normal as we get into the second and third quarter of the year, where people can start thinking about doing things that were too dangerous just months ago.

But we have got to put all of those things together, Jake. We can’t just wish it happening. We have got to get the vaccine, it has got to be deployed, and we can’t abandon fundamental public health measures.

You can approach a degree of normality, while still doing some fundamental public health things that synergize with the vaccine to get us back to normal.

TAPPER: So, not until the second or third quarter of 2021, though? Christmas is probably not going to be possible.

FAUCI: Yes, I’m — well, I think that, if we get most of the country vaccinated in the second, third quarter of the year, and the vaccine continues to prove its efficacy, and people adhere to those fundamental measures, I think we can start approaching the degree — it’s not going to be a light switch, Jake.

We are not going to turn it on and off, going from where we are to completely normal. It’s going to be a gradual accrual of more normality as the weeks and the months go by, as we get well into 2021.


Ron Klain Reiterates Biden’s Pledge to Impose Nationwide Mask Mandate

During Sunday’s broadcast of NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Ron Klain, former Vice President Joe Biden’s pick to be White House chief of staff, signaled a nationwide mask mandate would be forthcoming in a new Biden administration.

Klain argued in the meantime that state governments should impose mask mandates.

“It’s a very grave situation. Back in September, then-candidate Joe Biden warned America was headed to a very dark winter if the administration didn’t step up its action. And the very first business day of his transition on Monday of this week, the president-elect met with his COVID task force and made a public statement afterwards where he called on all Americans to mask up. He urged governors to impose masking mandates now and reiterated the fact when he becomes president, he will impose one on a nationwide basis.”

“Look, he’s not the president now,” Klain continued. “There’s not that much Joe Biden can do right now to change things other than to reiterate the message you heard from Dr. Osterholm, which is that all Americans and our state and local governments need to step up right now. If the president and administration’s not going to lead, that’s where the leadership has to come from. That will change on January 20. But right now, we have a crisis that’s getting worse. You know, we had never had a day with 100,000 cases in a single day until last week. By next week, we may see 200,000 cases in a single day. So, this is getting much worse, Chuck.”
