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View Full Version : Will BIG TECH and BIG MEDIA Be Held Accountable

11-15-2020, 03:15 PM
Just asked this question here myself last week. And I think it may come down to who wins the senate. And even then, can they do anything? Obviously the MSM and Social media both turned into democrat activists.

And if the dems do end up in control of the senate - do you really think they do a damn thing? :rolleyes:


Will BIG TECH and BIG MEDIA Be Held Accountable for Colluding with the Democrats In 2020 Election Fraud?

Big Tech has joined Big Media and the Democrats in an attempt to steal the 2020 election. But there is too much evidence of election fraud now. They’re caught. What a disgusting gang of crooks and communists.

In September 2018 the Gateway Pundit’s (TGP’s) Jim Hoft testified in front of Congress regarding the blatant and unconstitutional censorship that Facebook and Big Tech were forcing upon select conservative media:


Jim warned them, but the Republican Congress did nothing.

Then one by one Big Tech asserted their evil liberal bias on anyone they wanted to silence. Eventually big conservative news sites like TGP were attacked and censored. Unfortunately conservatives were to blame too for remaining silent while Big Tech instituted their liberal mandates. Finally, every conservative site was censored just in time for the 2020 election.

Before the 2016 election the Gateway Pundit received 30% of its business from Facebook. Now TGP receives less than 3%. Big Tech could not allow tweets, shares and posts to be shared and read promoting America and its Great President. They had to bring this to an end.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/will-big-tech-big-media-held-accountable-colluding-democrats-2020-election-fraud/