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View Full Version : Democrats are eager to lock us down again

11-16-2020, 02:36 PM
Buckle, here we go again. :rolleyes:


Democrats are eager to lock us down again — you know, because the previous lockdowns worked out so well.

Two more weeks, y’all…

Welcome to month eight of two more weeks.

Can you imagine the corporate media if, back in April, I had told you Democrats would use the coronavirus to cancel Thanksgiving? I would have been called a conspiracy theorist, ridiculed, and fact-checked to within an inch of my life. Without evidence, Breitbart News claims Democrats want to cancel Thanksgiving.

But here we sit, eight months into two more weeks, and these assholes are looking to cancel Thanksgiving.

And yet they are canceling Thanksgiving while they are, at the same time, behaving as though they themselves believe the coronavirus is a big hoax, isn’t really all that serious, doesn’t really require any sort of lockdown.

Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) wants to cancel Thanksgiving while he’s out proving he doesn’t believe the coronavirus is a serious threat by attending a big party.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) wants to cancel Thanksgiving while she’s out proving she doesn’t believe the coronavirus is a serious threat by running around maskless, getting her hair done, and planning big parties of her own (until she’s caught).

The corporate media want to cancel Thanksgiving while they are out proving they don’t believe the coronavirus is a serious threat by championing left-wing riots, left-wing protests, and celebrations for Joe Biden.

It’s like Global Warming… Look at all the people who claim the planet is warming, who tell us we are going to have to give up our freedom, but who do not themselves behave as if they believe the planet is warming — who do things like move to the very same coasts they tell us will soon flood if you and I don’t give up meat and air conditioning.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/11/16/nolte-softening-us-up-for-great-reset-climate-lockdowns/

11-16-2020, 02:42 PM
New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy ‘Retightening’ Coronavirus Restrictions in the Garden State

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy (D) is “retightening” coronavirus restrictions, limiting indoor and outdoor gatherings as cases spike in the Garden State.

Murphy announced an executive order “retightening” restrictions on gatherings, specifically. The order will limit indoor gatherings to ten individuals and outdoor gatherings to 150 people. While he will allow religious services, political events, celebrations, weddings, and funerals to continue, they will also be limited to 25 percent of a room’s capacity and capped at 150 people maximum.

Previously, indoor groups were limited to 25 people, and groups of 500 were permitted for outdoor events.

“We think those are steps, coupled with some of the other steps we’ve taken, which will hopefully begin to shake these numbers down,” Murphy stated:

Capacity limits for both indoor and outdoor events will go into effect this week, prior to Thanksgiving:


On Sunday, Murphy announced 4,540 new positive cases in the state, bringing the cumulative total to 4,540 new positive cases to 279,274:


Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/health/2020/11/16/new-jersey-gov-murphy-retightening-coronavirus-restrictions-garden-state/