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View Full Version : Powell on voter fraud - "It’s Going to Blow the Mind of Everyone In This Country!"

11-16-2020, 03:40 PM
Here's the problem - for nearly 2 weeks now we have heard accusations from those in the know on Trump's side, about all kinds of massive voter fraud. But other than the small events, the bigger potatoes haven't panned out or they haven't supposedly exposed everything yet.

And I'm still of the belief that if they had such overwhelming evidence of sorts we would have seen and heard about it by now. Is it possible they are still just uncovering things? It's quite possible the way this election counting was handled - but again, I still believe we would have heard more. A lot based on this software and the things being discussed here - have been ongoing since announcement like 5 days ago. And from all they are reporting, it's growing in count. And of course it's only covered on a site or 2.

I will say, that from all I know already, changes to this company software or using it altogether needs to go.

I would love to believe all of this, trust me. What would be better than taking things out from under them after they thought they won? But I just don't see it. As they little old lady used to say - "where's the beef?"


“It’s Massive, Criminal Voter Fraud! – It’s Going to Blow the Mind of Everyone In This Country!” – Sidney Powell on Dominion Systems

Trump Attorney Sidney Powell joined Eric Bolling on Sunday to discuss the massive voter fraud the campaign is investigating via the Dominion voting machines.

During their discussion Sidney Powell explained what the Trump campaign has found in their investigation of Dominion machines.

The Gateway Pundit was first to report on the statistically impossible patterns found in the voting results in Pennsylvania.

Since that time we have discovered a similar pattern in Wisconsin and Dr. Shiva found a similar pattern in Michigan.

Sidney Powell: They can watch the voting real time. They can run a computer algorithm on it as needed to either flip votes, take votes out or alter the votes to make a candidate win… It’s massive criminal voter fraud, writ large across at least 29 states… It’s obvious the algorithm and the statistics that our experts are tracking out are batches of votes and when the votes changed. It’s going to blow the mind of everyone in this country when we can get it all together and can explain it with the affidavits and the experts that have come forward.

Rest and her video interview - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/massive-criminal-voter-fraud-going-blow-mind-everyone-country-sidney-powell-dominion-systems-video/