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View Full Version : If You Haven’t Quit Watching FOX News Yet…

11-16-2020, 04:43 PM
Certainly not trying to convince anyone to stop watching their channel or to start. I always said I don't watch TV and that included Fox. I did consider them the best and their ratings showed that.

But been reading for nearly a year now the controversy that Trump started pointing out and their changing ways apparently in reporting. If I watched the video of this guy without knowing I would have thought he worked for CNN. I really don't even know their most of their reporters.

Then after a bit I started reading more and more complains from friends on FB and more about their coverage and what they did and how they treated this one this way. And appears from what I read that their ratings have suffered as a result.


* Just an aside - IMO now is the perfect time for some billionaire, whether Trump or not, that wants to create a news agency of sorts and be competitive right from the get go. With over 70 million votes for Trump, there's no shortage of voters leaning to the right. And right now, many millions of these folks are apparently going to be looking for new sources of news. And certainly online, even more people will be looking for alternative ways to communicate and share other than the likes of FB and Twitter.


If You Haven’t Quit Watching FOX News Yet… Watch this Clip of Leland Vittert laughing at a Trump Spokeswoman and You Will

For months now it has been obvious that FOX News hates their audience.
They want a new one.

The Fox News Channel crashed in ratings on Saturday, coming in a distant third place to leader CNN and second place MSNBC. In the week before Tuesday’s election Fox News averaged more than double the viewership of CNN and MSNBC.

The former conservative channel hit rock bottom when they defended and ignored the massive fraud in this year’s 2020 election.

On Saturday Leland Vittert tried to shut down Erin Perrine from the Trump Campaign.

He was so rude at one point he started laughing at her.

It was a disgusting display.

FOX News will not get the last laugh.

Patriotic Americans will not forget how they turned their backs on Trump voters.


Greg Kelly from Newsmax weighed in.



11-16-2020, 05:49 PM
Still watch...**There are Americans there still fighting for America and Trump!

If one notices The shows I watch below are all on at night....I might watch Fox & friends

in the mornings at times (smart Phone) with a `special guest` on...Trump likes Fox &

Friends also...



Laura Ingram

Judge Jeanine

Waters world

Mark levin

Greg Gutfield

Many on twitter agree with my post above...also...Many want to leave twitter and go to Parler..I say stay with the fight on twitter and reach more people...When the war is over..then I will "vacation" at Parler (nice & soft..no one to fight..all friends)

When Trump leaves Twitter...Patriots leave also...

11-16-2020, 05:49 PM
There are some on FOX I really find interchangeable with any other news source. The majority though of their 'news' division is very good. Like any company, you have to be careful in how you say what you think of the company. When their 'election experts' called AZ, but slow walked the call in many other states that went for Trump, Baier called them out to be 'transparent.' He was just short of rolling his eyes, as was MacCallum with the explanation. They and others continued to do so for the following days. Are they now showing 'acceptance of the Biden results?' Yes, I think so, though they keep repeating the results aren't final until decided by electoral college.

What's happening now with FOX, is cancel culture. I guess that's fine, it seems to be the new normal. I have no skin in the game, other than another source that people will say, "Sure, FOX! Really?" Soon I guess, the only way not to offend some is to just list the acceptable sources. Right now it seems to be only far right, really Trump outlets that are ok. No MSM, now no FOX. I wonder when Newsmax or OAN will air something that isn't right enough? Will they too be cancelled?

11-16-2020, 06:04 PM
Listening to Bret right now, lead story, 'new development' in GA, ballots found in recount. It appears they are overwhelmingly for Trump. Just saying. Could help the President in his narrative.

11-17-2020, 01:07 AM
​Jennifer Lopez says she hates Fox news and does Not watch it.


11-17-2020, 01:12 AM
wow she looks rough

11-17-2020, 01:22 AM
​Jennifer Lopez says she hates Fox news and does Not watch it.


Where do you find so many photo's of Hillary and Nancy Pelosi????:laugh::laugh::laugh:

11-17-2020, 12:01 PM
There are some on FOX I really find interchangeable with any other news source. The majority though of their 'news' division is very good. Like any company, you have to be careful in how you say what you think of the company. When their 'election experts' called AZ, but slow walked the call in many other states that went for Trump, Baier called them out to be 'transparent.' He was just short of rolling his eyes, as was MacCallum with the explanation. They and others continued to do so for the following days. Are they now showing 'acceptance of the Biden results?' Yes, I think so, though they keep repeating the results aren't final until decided by electoral college.

What's happening now with FOX, is cancel culture. I guess that's fine, it seems to be the new normal. I have no skin in the game, other than another source that people will say, "Sure, FOX! Really?" Soon I guess, the only way not to offend some is to just list the acceptable sources. Right now it seems to be only far right, really Trump outlets that are ok. No MSM, now no FOX. I wonder when Newsmax or OAN will air something that isn't right enough? Will they too be cancelled?

I find them all interchangeable - If I see the news on, I change to an entertainment channel!

I don't watch overall, just read what may land on the internet. I've found much better news on the internet over the years than TV could ever offer, IMO. National and international news sometimes and finding the truth, as opposed to any one agency and trusting them overall.

If I had to judge any of them, you know me, I would judge them on how they act and how they report the news. And I would base it down to individuals and don't blame one for the others biases. As pointed out, some find watching Hannity great but not others so much. I think Tucker is one of the best and most honest myself. Same with CNN for example, but I've yet to watch a single person in the past 4 years not jumping on the wagon and lying or creating chaos and drama.

I canceled television news a long long time ago. And the way this guy spoke that's covered in this article, I just saw it as completely disrespectful and a dipshit, was one of the types of reasons. Just doesn't seem we get the "news" anymore, and it started quite a few years back.

11-17-2020, 12:02 PM


Laura Ingram

Judge Jeanine

I definitely like these 4. Tucker the best among them, IMO.

Mr. P
11-17-2020, 01:05 PM
I definitely like these 4. Tucker the best among them, IMO.

I think they canned Judge Jeanine about a week ago, no?

11-17-2020, 01:20 PM
I think they canned Judge Jeanine about a week ago, no?

I think that was the rumor but she was suspended.
