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09-17-2007, 09:32 PM
Chavez threatens to take over schools

CARACAS, Venezuela - President Hugo Chavez threatened on Monday to take over any private schools refusing to submit to the oversight of his socialist government, a move some Venezuelans fear will impose leftist ideology in the classroom.

All Venezuelan schools, both public and private, must submit to state inspectors enforcing the new educational system. Those that refuse will be closed and nationalized, Chavez said.

A new curriculum will be phased in during this school year, and new textbooks are being developed to help educate "the new citizen," added Chavez's brother and education minister Adan Chavez in their televised ceremony on the first day of classes.

We told you so (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070918/ap_on_re_la_am_ca/venezuela_socialist_education;_ylt=AsK8._3huq.jgjT f4RUcVVlI2ocA)

There have been many of us on this site warning you hugo lovers of what kind of dictator this person really is. I have posted about his censorship and now we see the slippery slope happening right before your eyes.

09-17-2007, 09:34 PM
Chavez threatens to take over schools

CARACAS, Venezuela - President Hugo Chavez threatened on Monday to take over any private schools refusing to submit to the oversight of his socialist government, a move some Venezuelans fear will impose leftist ideology in the classroom.

All Venezuelan schools, both public and private, must submit to state inspectors enforcing the new educational system. Those that refuse will be closed and nationalized, Chavez said.

A new curriculum will be phased in during this school year, and new textbooks are being developed to help educate "the new citizen," added Chavez's brother and education minister Adan Chavez in their televised ceremony on the first day of classes.

We told you so (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070918/ap_on_re_la_am_ca/venezuela_socialist_education;_ylt=AsK8._3huq.jgjT f4RUcVVlI2ocA)

There have been many of us on this site warning you hugo lovers of what kind of dictator this person really is. I have posted about his censorship and now we see the slippery slope happening right before your eyes.

I'm afraid that if he took over ours, we couldn't tell the difference.

09-17-2007, 09:48 PM
I'm afraid that if he took over ours, we couldn't tell the difference.

True, it is probably where he got the idea from.

09-17-2007, 11:32 PM
Yea such a foreign idea that schools have to have some standardized education system and be open to inspections!

You do realize the US has the same thing right??? ROFL!

Yea how dare they inspect schools and make sure they adhere to a base cirriculum....hahahahhaahahah!

I love it, these are the kind of straws people have to grasp to try and demonize chavez??!!?? I would say that means you dont have any SOLID material with which to do it!

09-18-2007, 01:45 PM
Yea such a foreign idea that schools have to have some standardized education system and be open to inspections!

You do realize the US has the same thing right??? ROFL!

Yea how dare they inspect schools and make sure they adhere to a base cirriculum....hahahahhaahahah!

I love it, these are the kind of straws people have to grasp to try and demonize chavez??!!?? I would say that means you dont have any SOLID material with which to do it!

what a surprise, the resident commie comes to the defense of a socialist dictator. After all children must be properly indoctrinated. I think comrade rube needs to move to venezuela where she can take advantage of the wonderful utopia chevez is creating there. She has all the qualities he's looking for.

Abbey Marie
09-18-2007, 02:55 PM
I suppose home-schooling is out? :rolleyes:

09-18-2007, 04:45 PM
Yea such a foreign idea that schools have to have some standardized education system and be open to inspections!

You do realize the US has the same thing right??? ROFL!

Yea how dare they inspect schools and make sure they adhere to a base cirriculum....hahahahhaahahah!

I love it, these are the kind of straws people have to grasp to try and demonize chavez??!!?? I would say that means you dont have any SOLID material with which to do it!

yeah of course we realize that the US has the same thing. We've been objecting to it for years. You see we want schools to teach important things, like how to read, and not liberal idealogy.

09-18-2007, 06:40 PM
yeah of course we realize that the US has the same thing. We've been objecting to it for years. You see we want schools to teach important things, like how to read, and not liberal idealogy.
lol oh yes, the famous "liberal ideology" in the public schools lie.
Maybe you never went to public school, but I'm going to be finished in about 8 months. I cannot think of one thing that suggests I was being taught left-wing ideology. Considering the fact that public school teachers can loose their job (as signed in their contract) if they express their political views to a class. But that never stopped my conservative teachers from running their mouths:
-My 10th grade chemistry teacher told us that gay people are "deviant" and that she thinks being a homosexual is disgusting. She also frequently expressed her distaste for a women’s right to choose.
-My advanced placement European history teacher continuously referenced America as a "Christian nation" and loved telling us that Saddam Hussein had WMD and was responsible for 9/11.
-My home and careers teacher had pictures of George Bush all over her wall. Whenever someone brought up a current issue she would discuss her opinions on it (her conservative opinions). I had a discussion with her once about Social Security and listened to her ramble on about how she hates paying into the system.
-My Earth science teacher loved George Bush. Always talked politics around the 2004 election and expressed his conservative opinions.
-My 8th grade physical science teacher (she was a complete dumbass) told my class, and numerous other classes, on numerous occasions, that "god made the universe" and her reply to questions she didn't know (which was quite often) was "It's just one of the great lords mysteries..". She did, in fact get into a lot of trouble. My best friends mom was on the school board and he got the inside scoop. They were going to fire her, but they ended up keeping her because she had a good record up until then and had worked for the district for about 12 years.

The only liberal teacher that I knew of was my 9th grade English teacher who is also a college professor (PhD) at night (go figure). He talked about some things, but not a lot.

In fact, when I look back at my politically motivated teachers, all of them were conservatives. I had ideas about which ones were liberals, but they always kept their mouths shut. I was never told “gay is good” or that I shouldn’t value religion. Was I taught to value diversity? Yes. Was I taught that there’s a need to understand other cultures outside of the US? Yes. If you want to call that "liberal idealogy" than we might as well just call you a Nazi.

09-18-2007, 06:44 PM
lol oh yes, the famous "liberal ideology" in the public schools lie.
Maybe you never went to public school, but I'm going to be finished in about 8 months. I cannot think of one thing that suggests I was being taught left-wing ideology. Considering the fact that public school teachers can loose their job (as signed in their contract) if they express their political views to a class. But that never stopped my conservative teachers from running their mouths:
-My 10th grade chemistry teacher told us that gay people are "deviant" and that she thinks being a homosexual is disgusting. She also frequently expressed her distaste for a women’s right to choose.
-My advanced placement European history teacher continuously referenced America as a "Christian nation" and loved telling us that Saddam Hussein had WMD and was responsible for 9/11.
-My home and careers teacher had pictures of George Bush all over her wall. Whenever someone brought up a current issue she would discuss her opinions on it (her conservative opinions). I had a discussion with her once about Social Security and listened to her ramble on about how she hates paying into the system.
-My Earth science teacher loved George Bush. Always talked politics around the 2004 election and expressed his conservative opinions.
-My 8th grade physical science teacher (she was a complete dumbass) told my class, and numerous other classes, on numerous occasions, that "god made the universe" and her reply to questions she didn't know (which was quite often) was "It's just one of the great lords mysteries..". She did, in fact get into a lot of trouble. My best friends mom was on the school board and he got the inside scoop. They were going to fire her, but they ended up keeping her because she had a good record up until then and had worked for the district for about 12 years.

The only liberal teacher that I knew of was my 9th grade English teacher who is also a college professor (PhD) at night (go figure). He talked about some things, but not a lot.

In fact, when I look back at my politically motivated teachers, all of them were conservatives. I had ideas about which ones were liberals, but they always kept their mouths shut. I was never told “gay is good” or that I shouldn’t value religion. Was I taught to value diversity? Yes. Was I taught that there’s a need to understand other cultures outside of the US? Yes. If you want to call that "liberal idealogy" than we might as well just call you a Nazi.

I'm not going to comment on your teachers, I'll accept your descriptions of all. Bottom line, high schools are not for indoctrination of viewpoints, just for citizenship.

09-18-2007, 07:08 PM
I'm not going to comment on your teachers, I'll accept your descriptions of all. Bottom line, high schools are not for indoctrination of viewpoints, just for citizenship.

I agree. But conservative rhetoric trying to label them as teaching "liberal ideology" is completely false. This was invented in response to prayer being taken out of public schools. But what they don't understand is that there are kids of so many denominations in public school that it's unfair to mention anything about Christianity..or any religions at that matter.
Secular in public works. Religion in private works. That’s the way it should be. Conservatives need to use reason. That’s the conservative agenda: The assault on reason. (and its also the title to Al Gores book:laugh2:)

09-18-2007, 08:04 PM
Yea such a foreign idea that schools have to have some standardized education system and be open to inspections!

You do realize the US has the same thing right??? ROFL!

Yea how dare they inspect schools and make sure they adhere to a base cirriculum....hahahahhaahahah!

I love it, these are the kind of straws people have to grasp to try and demonize chavez??!!?? I would say that means you dont have any SOLID material with which to do it!

Let us be clear on the article:

CARACAS, Venezuela - President Hugo Chavez threatened on Monday to take over any private schools refusing to submit to the oversight of his socialist government, a move some Venezuelans fear will impose leftist ideology in the classroom.

All Venezuelan schools, both public and private, must submit to state inspectors enforcing the new educational system. Those that refuse will be closed and nationalized, Chavez said.

A new curriculum will be phased in during this school year, and new textbooks are being developed to help educate "the new citizen," added Chavez's brother and education minister Adan Chavez in their televised ceremony on the first day of classes.

First, the US does not have the same system for private schools. A private school can teach whatever it wants, however, should it want accreditation or federal funding, then it must have certain standards THAT DO NOT impinge on the schools fundamental teaching. The school can still teach its core beliefs, but it must have standardized curriculum like math, science. This is far different than public schools which do in fact indoctrinate our students in liberal ideology of two daddies etc...

What Hugo is doing is different. He will shut down the private schools that do not teach curriculum that MAKES the student a "new citizen." That is not freedom, that is tyranny. While I think that public schools in America have been wrongly forced to teach certain principles, at least parents can send their kid to private school.

09-19-2007, 12:12 PM
Let us be clear on the article:

First, the US does not have the same system for private schools. A private school can teach whatever it wants, however, should it want accreditation or federal funding, then it must have certain standards THAT DO NOT impinge on the schools fundamental teaching. The school can still teach its core beliefs, but it must have standardized curriculum like math, science. This is far different than public schools which do in fact indoctrinate our students in liberal ideology of two daddies etc...

What Hugo is doing is different. He will shut down the private schools that do not teach curriculum that MAKES the student a "new citizen." That is not freedom, that is tyranny. While I think that public schools in America have been wrongly forced to teach certain principles, at least parents can send their kid to private school.

We do have standards that even private schools must adhere to.

Whats really funny though is that previously in Venezuela there were ONLY private schools and those who didnt have enough money didnt even GET AN EDUCATION AT ALL and now all have access to education. I didnt see so many americans worried about THAT though. Nevermind the vast improvement though right?

The reason we are going to try and demonize Venezuela and Chavez is because they are bucking American dominance and even though Guatemala is in poor conditions and rife with human rights abuses...we will happily be silent about that since they ARE complying with American dominance.

09-19-2007, 12:14 PM
I'm not going to comment on your teachers, I'll accept your descriptions of all. Bottom line, high schools are not for indoctrination of viewpoints, just for citizenship.

Teaching about various political systems and including MORE events that have taken place in history and including MORE leaders in the world to be studied isnt indoctrination, its an increase in education.

One of the events that will not be required to be taught is a large part of their very own history!! I doubt I would hear objections to teaching about the boston tea party or the US fight to gain independence!

09-19-2007, 07:57 PM
The U.S. government does not like Chavez because he is one of the few South American leaders that didn't help place in power.
Truth is, Chavez was as fairly elected as Bush. Perhaps more so.

09-19-2007, 08:18 PM
Teaching about various political systems and including MORE events that have taken place in history and including MORE leaders in the world to be studied isnt indoctrination, its an increase in education.

One of the events that will not be required to be taught is a large part of their very own history!! I doubt I would hear objections to teaching about the boston tea party or the US fight to gain independence!

Perhaps because so few do teach any American history of note? Why do you think that the results of many tests have shown that our own children haven't a clue, in the 12th grade who the founders were, what they did, what the Constitution means?

09-24-2007, 11:02 AM
Perhaps because so few do teach any American history of note? Why do you think that the results of many tests have shown that our own children haven't a clue, in the 12th grade who the founders were, what they did, what the Constitution means?

Well if we arent doing a good job teaching our own history, thats our own fault...but I fail to see why its bad that Chavez dosent want to imitate that failing.

09-26-2007, 02:34 AM
Kathianne is the board self described teacher that admits to teaching in a private school. She spends tremendous hours trying to teach you and me and I don't know where in hell she finds the time to teach all those students whose parents are personally paying for their child's education.

Well if we arent doing a good job teaching our own history, thats our own fault...but I fail to see why its bad that Chavez dosent want to imitate that failing.

Chavez wants to educate and prepare his population for a post oil economy and the conservatives of this country and his can't stand the competition. Politically speaking, however, Chavez is as right wing as any of our own as he will resort to most anything to describe his political power as traditional and stifle any election that would not agree with his point of view. In the meantime, average Venezueleans reap many benefits by way of better housing, better sewage systems, better roads, better education, etc., etc., etc.

I don't know what to make of that.

09-28-2007, 05:00 AM
Kathianne is the board self described teacher that admits to teaching in a private school. She spends tremendous hours trying to teach you and me and I don't know where in hell she finds the time to teach all those students whose parents are personally paying for their child's education.

Well many people claim they do certain things and its always possible they are simply lying. Its also possible that they do that job and just do it badly.

Chavez wants to educate and prepare his population for a post oil economy and the conservatives of this country and his can't stand the competition. Politically speaking, however, Chavez is as right wing as any of our own as he will resort to most anything to describe his political power as traditional and stifle any election that would not agree with his point of view. In the meantime, average Venezueleans reap many benefits by way of better housing, better sewage systems, better roads, better education, etc., etc., etc.

I don't know what to make of that.

Yea I know Chavez isnt sopposed to support policies that actually improve life for the venezuelans or put into practice the many things he promised to do that got him elected. These are all part of things HE PROMISED the nation he would do.

Its also odd to see people think having basic standards on education as somthing bad....we have them in all the developed world. Textbooks must be approved, cirriculum must be approved, there is subject matter that it mandatory to teach, we have nationalized testing etc.

Even private schools in the states have a basic mandatory education they must provide and subjects they are required to teach.

09-29-2007, 12:42 PM
I can't find any legitimate examples of the new curriculum, so I won't comment on that right now.

It's interesting to note that Venezuela has one of the highest literacy rates in South America, or at least in the north. I'm not sure exactly what it is, but it's in the mid 90's for both males and females over 15 -a smidge higher than Mexico,but lower than Chile of all places.

Post-secondary education is another story. Even though it's supposed to be free, I suspect abject poverty prevents so many from going.

I also think it's a mistake to build so many state universities given that families obviously need their children to work since it's defendant on their survival and won't make it there.

10-03-2007, 09:56 PM
I can dig it, Said1. Why do most of the aspiring Medical professionals from Venesuela, particularly Doctors, go to Cuba for their education?

10-06-2007, 12:43 AM
Chavez threatens to take over schools

CARACAS, Venezuela - President Hugo Chavez threatened on Monday to take over any private schools refusing to submit to the oversight of his socialist government, a move some Venezuelans fear will impose leftist ideology in the classroom.

All Venezuelan schools, both public and private, must submit to state inspectors enforcing the new educational system. Those that refuse will be closed and nationalized, Chavez said.

A new curriculum will be phased in during this school year, and new textbooks are being developed to help educate "the new citizen," added Chavez's brother and education minister Adan Chavez in their televised ceremony on the first day of classes.

We told you so (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070918/ap_on_re_la_am_ca/venezuela_socialist_education;_ylt=AsK8._3huq.jgjT f4RUcVVlI2ocA)

There have been many of us on this site warning you hugo lovers of what kind of dictator this person really is. I have posted about his censorship and now we see the slippery slope happening right before your eyes.

Next thing you know Chavez' government education system will be discouraging children from saying Merry Christmas and influencing them to say Happy Holidays instead.

10-06-2007, 12:57 AM
Kathianne is the board self described teacher that admits to teaching in a private school. She spends tremendous hours trying to teach you and me and I don't know where in hell she finds the time to teach all those students whose parents are personally paying for their child's education.

Chavez wants to educate and prepare his population for a post oil economy and the conservatives of this country and his can't stand the competition. Politically speaking, however, Chavez is as right wing as any of our own as he will resort to most anything to describe his political power as traditional and stifle any election that would not agree with his point of view. In the meantime, average Venezueleans reap many benefits by way of better housing, better sewage systems, better roads, better education, etc., etc., etc.

I don't know what to make of that.

Just so you know Psycho, Kathianne happens to be a very dedicated teacher. She has probably overcame more to be that dedcated teacher than you could ever understand. That was a very insensative statement actually. You know, you can disagree with someone's points without always looking for a way to insult or belittle them.

Kathianne IS a teacher at a private school for your information. I've spent a few hours or so conversing with her concerning this subject. She has excellent recall about individual children she has had in classes, details of their education and a commitment that is very genuine.

Concerning Chavez, you know you are wrong! Venezuela is a shithole. It's citizens are genuinely unhappy and afraid. There is no middle class per say and only those with connections and money have any quality of everyday life. Your spin to compare him to the right wing in our country sort of lacks merit. Chavez is nothing more than a "dick tater" to be.

Nice talking to you though.

10-09-2007, 12:44 AM
You really bore me with all your talk about things you know nothing about, emmett.

Just so you know Psycho, Kathianne happens to be a very dedicated teacher. She has probably overcame more to be that dedcated teacher than you could ever understand. That was a very insensative statement actually. You know, you can disagree with someone's points without always looking for a way to insult or belittle them.

Kathianne IS a teacher at a private school for your information. I've spent a few hours or so conversing with her concerning this subject. She has excellent recall about individual children she has had in classes, details of their education and a commitment that is very genuine.

Concerning Chavez, you know you are wrong! Venezuela is a shithole. It's citizens are genuinely unhappy and afraid. There is no middle class per say and only those with connections and money have any quality of everyday life. Your spin to compare him to the right wing in our country sort of lacks merit. Chavez is nothing more than a "dick tater" to be.

Nice talking to you though.

You and Ka can swap spit and other bodily fluids as long as you like and I couldn't care less. I am correct about Venezuela and you are certainly WRONG!!!!!!!!! I've been there and done that and you are simply talking shit!!!!!!!! His, Chavez, right wing side is as red as your own. You have to live with that. Dig it?