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11-24-2020, 08:22 PM


11-25-2020, 02:12 AM
Good to know I'm not alone in my thinking.


Georgia Is On My Mind and It Is Imperative We Get Our Priorities Straight Now

(Image credit: Stacey Lennox for PJ Media)
As everyone is aware, two runoffs in Georgia will determine the balance of the Senate. The state is also an epicenter of extraordinary allegations regarding the implementation of election technology from Dominion, a consent agreement, and a complete circus following the election. As a Georgia resident, I would like to say it would be constructive if everyone could focus on the urgent issue: The January 5 runoff. It is by no means a sure thing.

I have been very supportive of my governor, Brian Kemp. I defended him against criticism when he reopened the state in late April and am very satisfied with his management through the COVID-19 crisis. Georgia maintained its AAA credit rating, our Rainy Day Fund is intact, and there are no expected cuts to the state budget. We sit at the top of list for doing business, and economic development is ongoing. Our unemployment rate as of the end of October is 4.6%. All without high death rates or requiring massive federal intervention.

Governor Kemp was also not the establishment GOP candidate in the primary. I voted for the current Lieutenant Governor Geoff Duncan in the initial primary and for Governor Kemp in the runoff. He was probably the most Trumpian candidate in the race with ads on immigration and the 2nd Amendment that made progressive heads explode.

He also spoke at President Trump’s 2020 rally in Macon. He was very much aligned with the Trump agenda, including highlighting how supportive the administration had been in the fight against human trafficking in the state. The idea that he is part of the anti-trump GOP is absurd on its face.

Extraordinary claims are being made against him by two people I also respect. Lin Wood has been a fantastic advocate, most notably for Nick Sandmann from Covington High. Wood took two powerhouse corporate media outlets, The Washington Post and CNN, to task for their erroneous reporting and won. It was a David-versus-Goliath move.

Sidney Powell is a courageous and highly skilled attorney. Everything she put out about the eventual outcome of the case against General Michael Flynn, or more accurately the complete lack of a case, came through as the government complied with their Brady obligations. She risked much to expose prosecutorial misconduct in her book License to Lie and has been a tireless advocate for prosecutorial reform.

However, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. At this point, there have only been allegations. If evidence materializes, that is the point at which it should be evaluated. As I sit here, I have a hard time believing that this election broke every norm in terms of predictors and math, but this year has broken many things. Businesses, families, education, elections, and other things we will only realize when we reflect on 2020 ten years from now.

Right now, all of our energy should be focused on winning the two Senate races in this state. I have met with an exceptional group of ladies determined to communicate the real-world effects of legislation the House has already passed that will become a reality if we lose. We will be focusing on suburban districts with targeted messaging we know will impact attitudes and votes where we live and work.

The National Republican Senatorial Committee is active but needs a new tagline. Save the Majority sounds like a power play. Make the emotional arguments related to the bills in waiting. There are many. Residents of this state would have objections to the real-world impact of the radical provisions in the Equality Act and the PRO Act as examples. Wonks like me understand what ending the filibuster, adding states, and packing the Court mean. Casual voters don’t. You have to tell them what will happen to their communities and families if those things happen.

The Georgia GOP is not united. It has parallel groups like the one I will be working with springing up all over the state. It seems aristocratic, sclerotic, and resistant to new allies. President’s Team began in 2016 when county GOP leadership in many areas of the state was perceived as anti-Trump. These types of organizations persist and are increasing. If you need further proof, we put the same candidate who lost GA-6 in 2018 on the ballot again to recapture the district in 2020. Let’s get some new blood in, please.

Anyone and I do mean anyone, who is encouraging people to withhold their votes in the pursuit of further election litigation or examination is not doing the right thing. Even Donald Trump Jr. is saying to ignore this call.

The president will continue to litigate claims through his legal team. Neither Powell nor Wood is part of that team and may bring litigation in the state. However, Georgia residents need to focus on what the president and his team are asking us to do. Reelect Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue as our senators to ensure everything that has been accomplished in the last four years that can be saved legislatively will be. Think the Tax Cut and Jobs Act.

Then get out and vote and take three like-minded people with you.

11-25-2020, 12:13 PM
It's a bit after noon EST, wondering if anyone has seen Sidney present Kraken yet in GA? It's supposed to be 'huge.' I've searched, but not found anything.

Anyone have update?

11-25-2020, 02:31 PM
It's a bit after noon EST, wondering if anyone has seen Sidney present Kraken yet in GA? It's supposed to be 'huge.' I've searched, but not found anything.

Anyone have update?

I can't find much yet but just started, need another coffee still!

Here's a few other updates for now though.... And not endorsing any of them, just reporting. Hell, haven't even finished reading them yet!

Happy Kraken Day! Attorney Lin Wood Starts the Day Off with a Tweet Storm Assault on China Joe and the Georgia Dominion Gang

Happy Kraken Day!
Attorney Sidney Powell is expected to release her evidence against Georgia officials over the fraudulent and stolen election in the Peach State this year.

Powell and her cohort Attorney Lin Wood have not shied away from their attacks on Georgia’s Republican Governor Brian Kemp or corrupt Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.

As we reported last night, Raffensperger used anti-Trump Dominion executive Eric Coomer as a witness for the state’s last minute changes to the Dominion voting machines.

Here are a few of Lin Woods’ tweets to start off your Kraken Day!

Somebody has to say it.







And more - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/happy-kraken-day-attorney-lin-wood-starts-day-off-tweet-storm-assault-china-joe-georgia-dominion-gang/

“In Arizona There Were 35,000 Votes Given to Every Democrat Candidate Just to Start the Voting Off” — Sidney Powell Drops a MOAB on AZ DEMOCRATS — COULD FLIP STATE!

Sidney Powell is about to release the Kraken.

On Saturday Sidney Powell told Newsmax that 35,000 votes were added to every Democratic candidate in AZ, to start their count, and that she believes this also happened elsewhere.

On Tuesday Attorney Sidney Powell told Lou Dobbs “We’ve got one witness that says in Arizona at least there were 35,000 votes added to every Democratic candidate just to start their voting off.”

Sidney Powell: “I mean, people sitting on the floor writing on the side of buses filling out ballot after ballot. It’s in your face everywhere. The statistical evidence is insurmountable. The mathematical evidence is to a mathematical impossibility. This is no way there was anything but widespread election fraud here. We’ve got one witness that says in Arizona at least there were 35,000 votes added to every Democratic candidate just to start their voting off. It’s like getting your $500 of Monopoly money to begin with when you haven’t done anything. And it was only for Democrats.”

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/arizona-35000-votes-given-every-democrat-candidate-just-start-voting-off-sidney-powell-drops-moab-az-democrats-flip-state/

11-25-2020, 03:20 PM
I can't find much yet but just started, need another coffee still!

Here's a few other updates for now though.... And not endorsing any of them, just reporting. Hell, haven't even finished reading them yet!

Happy Kraken Day! Attorney Lin Wood Starts the Day Off with a Tweet Storm Assault on China Joe and the Georgia Dominion Gang

Happy Kraken Day!
Attorney Sidney Powell is expected to release her evidence against Georgia officials over the fraudulent and stolen election in the Peach State this year.

Powell and her cohort Attorney Lin Wood have not shied away from their attacks on Georgia’s Republican Governor Brian Kemp or corrupt Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.

As we reported last night, Raffensperger used anti-Trump Dominion executive Eric Coomer as a witness for the state’s last minute changes to the Dominion voting machines.

Here are a few of Lin Woods’ tweets to start off your Kraken Day!

Somebody has to say it.







And more - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/happy-kraken-day-attorney-lin-wood-starts-day-off-tweet-storm-assault-china-joe-georgia-dominion-gang/

“In Arizona There Were 35,000 Votes Given to Every Democrat Candidate Just to Start the Voting Off” — Sidney Powell Drops a MOAB on AZ DEMOCRATS — COULD FLIP STATE!

Sidney Powell is about to release the Kraken.

On Saturday Sidney Powell told Newsmax that 35,000 votes were added to every Democratic candidate in AZ, to start their count, and that she believes this also happened elsewhere.

On Tuesday Attorney Sidney Powell told Lou Dobbs “We’ve got one witness that says in Arizona at least there were 35,000 votes added to every Democratic candidate just to start their voting off.”

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/arizona-35000-votes-given-every-democrat-candidate-just-start-voting-off-sidney-powell-drops-moab-az-democrats-flip-state/

Thanks, truth be I don't really know how to search twitter.

Sounds very confident and pretty dang sure there's no harm in going after the GA leaders that have been at forefront of electing the two Senate hopefuls for Mitch.

Hopefully it'll all be good times. All wins/no loses. Trump returns and keeps the Senate, with the House within spitting distance for 2022.

11-25-2020, 05:49 PM
Sounds like crazy numbers - but gotta prove it now.

Audible Gasps and Laughter From Crowd and Panel at PA Hearing When Witness Says Vote “Spikes” Went 600,000 For Biden and 3,200 For Trump

The Pennsylvania state legislature on Wednesday held a hearing on the 2020 election issues and irregularities.

President Trump was ahead of Joe Biden in Pennsylvania on election night by 700,000 votes.

Crooked and corrupt elections officials in Pennsylvania and Pittsburgh stopped counting votes on election night after the polls closed because Biden was getting absolutely crushed by President Trump.

Suddenly massive ballot dumps only for Joe Biden appeared and huge spikes of Biden votes were seen added to the election results.

TRENDING: Audible Gasps and Laughter From Crowd and Panel at PA Hearing When Witness Says Vote "Spikes" Went 600,000 For Biden and 3,200 For Trump (VIDEO)

Philadelphia and Pittsburgh counted the massive ballot dumps for Joe Biden without allowing GOP observers to look at the ballots.

On Wednesday a witness described the huge “spikes” in Pennsylvania during the hearing and the crowd gasped.

“Normally you would see a smooth curve going up, not any big spikes…that’s what [the other witness] was talking about, the anomalies of loading and uploading those votes so that big spike that occurs there is a prime indicator of fraudulent voting,” the witness said.

“And that’s 604,000 votes in 90 minutes? Is that right?” Giuliani said to the witness.

“Correct. This is 337,000 votes in that period of time,” the witness said.

“When you look at this curve with all of these spikes, can you calculate how much of a vote that accounted for Biden and how much for Trump?” Giuliani said.

“Close to 600,000…”I think our figures were about 570-some-odd-thousand.”

“And how much for Trump?”

Witness: “I think it was a little over 3,200.”

The crowd and panel erupted in audible gasps and laughter.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/audible-gasps-laughter-crowd-panel-pa-hearing-witness-says-vote-spikes-went-600000-biden-3200-trump-video/

11-25-2020, 07:50 PM
Sounds like crazy numbers - but gotta prove it now.

Audible Gasps and Laughter From Crowd and Panel at PA Hearing When Witness Says Vote “Spikes” Went 600,000 For Biden and 3,200 For Trump

The Pennsylvania state legislature on Wednesday held a hearing on the 2020 election issues and irregularities.

President Trump was ahead of Joe Biden in Pennsylvania on election night by 700,000 votes.

Crooked and corrupt elections officials in Pennsylvania and Pittsburgh stopped counting votes on election night after the polls closed because Biden was getting absolutely crushed by President Trump.

Suddenly massive ballot dumps only for Joe Biden appeared and huge spikes of Biden votes were seen added to the election results.

TRENDING: Audible Gasps and Laughter From Crowd and Panel at PA Hearing When Witness Says Vote "Spikes" Went 600,000 For Biden and 3,200 For Trump (VIDEO)

Philadelphia and Pittsburgh counted the massive ballot dumps for Joe Biden without allowing GOP observers to look at the ballots.

On Wednesday a witness described the huge “spikes” in Pennsylvania during the hearing and the crowd gasped.

“Normally you would see a smooth curve going up, not any big spikes…that’s what [the other witness] was talking about, the anomalies of loading and uploading those votes so that big spike that occurs there is a prime indicator of fraudulent voting,” the witness said.

“And that’s 604,000 votes in 90 minutes? Is that right?” Giuliani said to the witness.

“Correct. This is 337,000 votes in that period of time,” the witness said.

“When you look at this curve with all of these spikes, can you calculate how much of a vote that accounted for Biden and how much for Trump?” Giuliani said.

“Close to 600,000…”I think our figures were about 570-some-odd-thousand.”

“And how much for Trump?”

Witness: “I think it was a little over 3,200.”

The crowd and panel erupted in audible gasps and laughter.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/audible-gasps-laughter-crowd-panel-pa-hearing-witness-says-vote-spikes-went-600000-biden-3200-trump-video/

Im at work. Was that in court? Did they get a ruling?

11-25-2020, 07:52 PM
Im at work. Was that in court? Did they get a ruling?

No, it appeared to be a press conference, but I understand they are pushing it into the courts now. :dunno:

11-25-2020, 07:58 PM
No, it appeared to be a press conference, but I understand they are pushing it into the courts now. :dunno:
I thought the third circuit was to hear it today.