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11-25-2020, 02:34 PM
How many of them are going to put out ridiculous orders to their states, and then do as they please themselves after that?


Democrat Mayor of Denver Boards Flight to Houston to Visit Family Minutes After He Reminds People Not to Travel For Thanksgiving

All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.

Denver Mayor Michael Hancock (D) has repeatedly told people not to travel for Thanksgiving in order to slow the spread of Covid-19.

However, the rules do not apply to him since he is a part of the Democrat ruling elite.

Hancock hopped on a flight to Houston on Wednesday ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday to be with his family.

30 minutes before Mayor Hancock boarded his flight, he reminded the peasants not to travel and to have a “virtual” Thanksgiving instead.

Hancock believes he has the authority to tell people to stay home, where to buy their food, and how to shop for Black Friday.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/democrat-mayor-denver-boards-flight-houston-visit-family-minutes-reminds-people-not-travel-thanksgiving/

11-25-2020, 03:23 PM
Denver Mayor Hancock flies for Thanksgiving after urging others not to travel due to COVID-19 (https://www.denverpost.com/2020/11/25/denver-michael-hancock-thanksgiving-covid/)

As Denver Mayor Michael Hancock sent messages on social media and to city staff Wednesday asking everyone to avoid traveling for Thanksgiving, he was on his way to Mississippi to celebrate the holiday with his wife and daughter.

Hancock spokesman Mike Strott confirmed that Hancock flew out of Denver on Wednesday morning to spend the holiday with his wife and youngest daughter, who are already there...

...Strott said the mayor doesn’t believe his actions contradict what he has been asking Denverites to do, however.

The mayor typically hosts a 50-person family dinner for Thanksgiving, while this year he will be spending the holiday as just one of three at the table, albeit in Mississippi. The rest of the family will join in electronically...

So this begs the question...

If Strott is telling the truth and the mayor is going to be "just one of three at the table" and the rest of the family "will join in electronically," why the fuck bother to go to Mississippi?

Reminds me of this book:

Do As I Say (Not As I Do): Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy (https://www.amazon.com/Do-As-Say-Not-Hypocrisy/dp/0767919025)

It was a good read fourteen years ago... I'd like to see the author do a sequel, or at least an update...