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View Full Version : Joy Behar: If Hillary Clinton Won...

11-30-2020, 10:37 PM
Talks out her ass as if things are factual.

And Biden will have women involved & we'll see Kamala Harris in the 2nd position & the first time we saw that. Let the world see how well women can do. She is a damn idiot. They purposely forget about - Dr. Deborah Birx - who was the White House coronavirus response coordinator. But non-existent to these idiots. And Behar KNOW's Hillary would have done so so much better but offers nothing but that she's a female.

And then the best for last - that Hillary wouldn't lie to the American people. :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

Like she hasn't done that endlessly already!!


Joy Behar: If Hillary Clinton Won, U.S. Would Not Be Number One in Coronavirus Cases, Deaths

Co-host Joy Behar said on Monday’s broadcast of ABC’s “The View” that if Hillary Clinton had won the 2016 presidential election, the United States would not be “number one in the world in COVID cases and COVID deaths.”

During a discussion on Joe Biden’s all-female communication team picks, Behar said, “I think Joe Biden is now demonstrating correctly that women can run things really well, and we’re all going to be a witness to it. He’s got Kamala Harris in the second position, you know, that’s the first time we’ve seen that. Let the world see how well women can do when put in the spot when they can do the job.”

Co-host Sunny Hostin said, “Joy, to your point, we know that women leaders have done really well when it comes to the pandemic response, right? Think about Australia and New Zealand. They’re proven to be effective leaders time and time again. If you look at any study, and I mean Harvard has a tremendous amount of data on this, women have in comparison to men, I hate to say it, but it’s true, have more leadership skills when given the opportunity. Unfortunately, oftentimes we’re not.”

Behar said, “Don’t we all believe at this point — I know I do, if Hillary Clinton were president instead of Trump for the last four years, we would not have — we would not be number one in the world in COVID cases and COVID deaths.”

She continued, “I just believe that. I don’t think Hillary would have lied to the American people. She would have been interviewed by Bob Woodward, and she would have said, this is a terrible thing, and we have to clamp down on it right away. I know she would have done that.”
