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View Full Version : There is overturning things & overall fraud

12-10-2020, 12:11 PM
Why does the left continue to demand that everyone fully accept the election results and move on? Even if Biden won, many many changes need to be made. And also many folks out there charged and held accountable.

I do get it when it's folks swearing that Trump won big and the election will be overturned. I would like that! :) But don't see it happening, and time is now up. I never did see enough to reverse things.

But I saw more than enough to know that I saw more fraud this year than in any prior election. Not everything is about demanding Trump won. Why can't people also be concerned about the integrity of our elections? Concern that things are like building blocks, and if not cut off now, it will only grow.

Machines that make glitches. Machines that allow for input of anything at all more than a vote tablet. Machine that can be hacked and/or placed on the internet and accessed from elsewhere, no matter where that may be. Machines that can run advanced algorithms and end with deletions. The machines overall have to go. But then we still consistently have to deal with more and more dead people voting, and folks who have moved or also live elsewhere. The ways of committing fraud are growing. Little things like election monitoring are abused all over. Then add in the big ones, and that's government intervention and changing the way the elections are ran - without getting legislature approval. And more...

So it's not necessarily overturning or changing the entire election - but transparency & investigations to ensure the integrity going forward. Starting in Georgia next month!

12-10-2020, 12:29 PM
The 2016 election was a lot closer than the 2020 election. In 2016, I believe Trump won three crucial swing states by a total of 11,000 votes. Why wasn't fraud alleged in 2016? Why were there no states with multiple recounts? Georgia is a state with a Republican governor who was a fervent Trump supporter. Same with the Secretary of State. Prior to the election, they enacted every voting action that the Trump administration asked for. The only time the governor and SOS went against Trump was when he asked them to change the vote totals and later to throw out votes. This would open the governor and SOS to criminal charges. The votes in Georgia were counted three different times. The Trump appointed Justice Department investigated multiple charges of fraud and found nothing. Fraud cases went to states and federal courts with Trump appointed judges and were denied. The only fact left to accept is that Trump lost the election by over seven million votes. Check the voting numbers -- More new voters registered in 2020 than in any time in history. Voting in the 18-25 age group almost doubled over 2016. Where Trump really lost ground was with white females. If you check this forum in 2016, you will find that I accepted Trump's win as the will of the people. I believe that 2020 was also the will of the people.

12-10-2020, 12:31 PM
With Warnock being arrested for impeding a child abuse investigation becoming more prominent, it's more and more likely that the GOP will win these seats beyond "the margin of fraud". The Democrats stealing these seats is becoming less and less of a concern.


Warnock was first charged with obstructing a police investigation in 2002 after he and another minister at Douglas Memorial Community Church in Maryland allegedly prevented law enforcement officers from interviewing counselors from the church’s camp in Eldersburg following reports of suspected child abuse.

12-10-2020, 12:39 PM
The 2016 election was a lot closer than the 2020 election. In 2016, I believe Trump won three crucial swing states by a total of 11,000 votes. Why wasn't fraud alleged in 2016? Why were there no states with multiple recounts? Georgia is a state with a Republican governor who was a fervent Trump supporter. Same with the Secretary of State. Prior to the election, they enacted every voting action that the Trump administration asked for. The only time the governor and SOS went against Trump was when he asked them to change the vote totals and later to throw out votes. This would open the governor and SOS to criminal charges. The votes in Georgia were counted three different times. The Trump appointed Justice Department investigated multiple charges of fraud and found nothing. Fraud cases went to states and federal courts with Trump appointed judges and were denied. The only fact left to accept is that Trump lost the election by over seven million votes. Check the voting numbers -- More new voters registered in 2020 than in any time in history. Voting in the 18-25 age group almost doubled over 2016. Where Trump really lost ground was with white females. If you check this forum in 2016, you will find that I accepted Trump's win as the will of the people. I believe that 2020 was also the will of the people.

Some types of fraud I speak of happen in all elections. There are thousands and thousands of dead people voting in every election, and people who have moved, or underage... pick your poison. Same accusations in 2016, 2008 as well. Please don't make me search and post a shitload of links. Just pls do a small search for those years and various search terms and you'll think you went reverse into 2020!

12-10-2020, 01:26 PM
Some types of fraud I speak of happen in all elections. There are thousands and thousands of dead people voting in every election, and people who have moved, or underage... pick your poison. Same accusations in 2016, 2008 as well. Please don't make me search and post a shitload of links. Just pls do a small search for those years and various search terms and you'll think you went reverse into 2020!

If she succeeds in "making" you do anything, you're being a simp.

12-10-2020, 01:52 PM
If she succeeds in "making" you do anything, you're being a simp. Nice to see Mr. Tailfins again. Still clinging to your 1950s-era male chauvinist ways? How are your wife and kids doing? Do you still live in Frisco? I would be careful about using the word "simp." It does not have a positive meaning and could be considered offensive.

12-10-2020, 01:56 PM
Nice to see Mr. Tailfins again. Still clinging to your 1950s-era male chauvinist ways? How are your wife and kids doing? Do you still live in Frisco? I would be careful about using the word "simp." It does not have a positive meaning and could be considered offensive.

Reminding others not to be a sucker is a worthwhile effort.

12-10-2020, 06:06 PM
Nice to see Mr. Tailfins again. Still clinging to your 1950s-era male chauvinist ways? How are your wife and kids doing? Do you still live in Frisco? I would be careful about using the word "simp." It does not have a positive meaning and could be considered offensive.

TO BOTH - let's please avoid insults over dumb shit?

And Gabs - please don't bring in someone's family.

12-10-2020, 06:18 PM
TO BOTH - let's please avoid insults over dumb shit?

And Gabs - please don't bring in someone's family.

No insult intended, that's why I prefaced it with "If".