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View Full Version : Former development aide accuses Cuomo of sexual harassment

12-13-2020, 07:27 PM
It truly wouldn't surprise me if it were true. But she says she has no desire to talk to journalists. And she also resigned in what could be a forced resignation. So who knows without direct proof. Something no others seem to benefit from in this cancelation world currently. I'd like to see evidence before saying he did it for sure, but also don't want to dismiss her outright.


Former development aide accuses Cuomo of sexual harassment

NEW YORK (AP) — A former aide to New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo who is now running for Manhattan borough president accused him of sexual harassment in a series of tweets Sunday, saying he made inappropriate comments about her appearance.

Lindsey Boylan tweeted that the Democratic governor “sexually harassed me for years. Many saw it, and watched.”

“I could never anticipate what to expect: would I be grilled on my work (which was very good) or harassed about my looks. Or would it be both in the same conversation? This was the way for years," she continued.

Asked for comment, Cuomo’s press secretary Caitlin Girouard said, “There is simply no truth to these claims.”

Boylan, 36, worked for the Cuomo administration from March 2015 to October 2018, serving first as executive vice president of Empire State Development and then as a special adviser to Cuomo for economic development.

She did not provide details of the alleged harassment and didn't immediately respond to messages from The Associated Press. Boylan later tweeted, “To be clear: I have no interest in talking to journalists. I am about validating the experience of countless women and making sure abuse stops.”

Boylan’s sexual harassment allegation against Cuomo comes after The Associated Press and others reported that the 63-year-old governor is under consideration for the job of attorney general in the administration of President-elect Joe Biden.

Earlier this month, Boylan had also tweeted about her work experience in the Cuomo administration, listing it as the worst job she ever had.

“I tried to quit three times before it stuck. I’ve worked hard my whole life. Hustled — fake it till you make it style,” she wrote. “That environment is beyond toxic. I’m still unwrapping it years later in therapy!”

Personnel memos written in 2018, obtained by The Associated Press, indicate that Boylan resigned after she was confronted about complaints about her own office behavior.

Rest - https://www.yahoo.com/news/former-development-aide-accuses-cuomo-183823882.html

12-13-2020, 07:54 PM


Former Aide: Andrew Cuomo Sexually Harassed Me For Years
ALLAHPUNDITPosted at 2:01 pm on December 13, 2020

And not just her, she claims.

Cuomo was never going to be Attorney General, despite yesterday’s rumors. He’s chummy enough with Biden that maybe Sleepy Joe would have taken a chance on him if a blue tsunami had crashed down on November 3, handing Democrats a solid Senate majority. As it is, with the best-case scenario for Dems a 50/50 Senate in which Joe Manchin is the 50th vote, forget it. Republicans would tear Cuomo apart in a hearing about how he’s chronically mishandled the pandemic, from his infamous nursing-home order last spring to his embarrassing self-promotional efforts over the summer to his dubious decision to close indoor dining in NYC again starting tomorrow. The last thing the Biden White House needs as it takes power is COVID-related embarrassment on a big stage. Having Cuomo go down to humiliating defeat on a confirmation vote would double the embarrassment.

But in case there was a shread of doubt about whether Biden might really nominate him instead of just floating a rumor about it to stroke Cuomo’s ego, this morning’s Twitter thread from Lindsey Boylan has erased it. Last week she attacked Cuomo on Twitter for having made everyone working for him miserable but didn’t delve into specifics beyond “he’s an A-hole,” which is evident enough:
