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12-16-2020, 02:57 PM
Bartender builds up her social media and is able to somehow beat Joe Crowley, and is now in office and easily the dumbest one in Washington.

Accomplishes nothing at all, builds up more of a social media following, kills millions of jobs in New York. And now she plans on trying to get rid of the leaders, Schumer and Pelosi. Talking about making enemies?

Can you imagine though, she sets off a movement, and soon they really are out? Queen Pelosi taken out by a an idiot! And magically in comes Cortez as your new leader, her brand of ideas setting them off in a new direction. Next thing you know, sitting atop committees and speaking as your leaders - all the socialist cuckoos. Maybe Bernie Sanders as Senate Democrat leader. Or maybe Mazie Hirono, Tammy Duckworth outside shot. Then in the House, you'll have AOC herself or maybe Ayanna Pressley. Whoever, the others get leading positions.

Caucuses and committees filled with any of the above, or: Amy Klobuchar, Pocahontas Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, Maxine Waters, Tulsi Gabbard...

Adam Schiff? What will they do with him? Hopefully just keep him out of any position of power or influence.

I know what you're thinking - and I say there are still a few weeks left in 2020! :laugh:


‘We Need New Leadership’ — Ocasio-Cortez Blasts Pelosi, Schumer

Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez slammed Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer in an interview published Wednesday, saying the party needs new leadership.

Ocasio-Cortez went after the two Democratic leaders in an interview with The Intercept, saying: “I do think that we need new leadership in the Democratic Party.” Schumer was re-elected to serve as the Democrats leader in the Senate on Nov. 10. Pelosi is poised to be reelected as Speaker, as she was elected to be the candidate for the Speaker of the 117th Congress.

“The hesitancy that I have is that I want to make sure that if we’re pointing people in a direction, that we have a plan. And my concern — and this I acknowledge as a failing, as something that we need to sort out — is that there isn’t a plan,” Ocasio-Cortez continued. “How do we fill that vacuum? Because if you create that vacuum, there are so many nefarious forces at play to fill that vacuum with something even worse.”

Democrats in the House reportedly voiced their concerns about the future of the party with Pelosi in a caucus call after the elections, as Democrats did not expand their majority but instead lost several seats. Democratic Virginia Rep. Abigail Spanberger was reportedly the most vocal, mentioning the defund the police movement, causing Pelosi to fire back and say that Democrats have a “mandate.”

House Democrats lost a number of seats they were hoping to win on election night, a blow to the party’s hopes of expanding their majority, as some were projecting Democrats to pick up as many as 15 seats. Democratic Michigan Rep. Elissa Slotkin said in Nov. that there are some serious problems with her party’s messaging and branding.

Ocasio-Cortez has continued to defend her position on “defund the police” despite pushback from House Democrats who say the slogan cost them a number of seats on election night.


12-16-2020, 04:09 PM
More of your new leadership? Push push and push until they are added in. And Lord help us should Biden bail or get help bailing, and Harris takes the reigns...


MSNBC Brings On Scandal-Ridden Radical to Dictate Biden Agenda

On Tuesday afternoon, MSNBC decided to turn to far-left squad member Congresswoman Ilhan Omar to dictate a radical agenda for the incoming Biden administration. Of course none of the Democrat’s corruption scandals or history of anti-Semitism were discussed during the segment.

“Congresswoman, let me get your thoughts on how the administration is shaping up so far. Are you so far content with the type of progressive leaders we’re seeing named to this administration or not enough?,” partisan anchor Ayman Mohyeldin asked during the softball exchange. Omar declared: “As progressives, you know, we are still pushing to see more of us as part of the transition team and we’ll continue to do that.”

In his follow-up, Mohyeldin again focused on how Biden could appease the left: “...what are your priorities and that of other progressive members of the Democratic Party, beyond just representation, but in terms of agenda?” Omar predictably jumped at the chance to issue a series of socialist demands, which she hoped would be forced through by executive fiat:

We know what gets accomplished in the first 100 days are important for an administration and we’re asking, you know, President-Elect Biden and Harris to use their executive power in increasing the minimum wage to $15 for federal workers. We’re asking them to use their executive power to declare the climate crisis as a national emergency. We’re asking them to use their executive power in strengthening OSHA protections. We’re asking them to use their executive power in, you know, reinstating things like temporary protection status for so many people in our country. There are so many things that need to get done in regards to undoing the damage that has been done in the last four years.

Conveniently, Mohyeldin completely ignored Omar’s record of making anti-Semitic statements or being embroiled in multiple scandals.

The leftist lapdog media are the radical base of the Democratic Party, so they are happy to bring on anyone committed to dragging the country in that ideological direction.

This friendly chat with Omar was brought to MSNBC viewers by Progressive and Carvana. You can fight back by letting these advertisers know what you think of them sponsoring such content.

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/kyle-drennen/2020/12/16/msnbc-brings-scandal-ridden-radical-dictate-biden-agenda

12-16-2020, 04:14 PM
More of your new leadership? Push push and push until they are added in. And Lord help us should Biden bail or get help bailing, and Harris takes the reigns...


MSNBC Brings On Scandal-Ridden Radical to Dictate Biden Agenda

On Tuesday afternoon, MSNBC decided to turn to far-left squad member Congresswoman Ilhan Omar to dictate a radical agenda for the incoming Biden administration. Of course none of the Democrat’s corruption scandals or history of anti-Semitism were discussed during the segment.

“Congresswoman, let me get your thoughts on how the administration is shaping up so far. Are you so far content with the type of progressive leaders we’re seeing named to this administration or not enough?,” partisan anchor Ayman Mohyeldin asked during the softball exchange. Omar declared: “As progressives, you know, we are still pushing to see more of us as part of the transition team and we’ll continue to do that.”

In his follow-up, Mohyeldin again focused on how Biden could appease the left: “...what are your priorities and that of other progressive members of the Democratic Party, beyond just representation, but in terms of agenda?” Omar predictably jumped at the chance to issue a series of socialist demands, which she hoped would be forced through by executive fiat:

Conveniently, Mohyeldin completely ignored Omar’s record of making anti-Semitic statements or being embroiled in multiple scandals.

The leftist lapdog media are the radical base of the Democratic Party, so they are happy to bring on anyone committed to dragging the country in that ideological direction.

This friendly chat with Omar was brought to MSNBC viewers by Progressive and Carvana. You can fight back by letting these advertisers know what you think of them sponsoring such content.

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/kyle-drennen/2020/12/16/msnbc-brings-scandal-ridden-radical-dictate-biden-agenda

She's so much more of a danger to the left than right. She's actually made both Pelosi and Schumer worse than they were-which already has helped the Rs.

12-17-2020, 05:57 PM
For sure I wouldn't mind never seeing Pelosi or Schumer again. But they speak of who would fill that vacuum. You think, well, can't be worse than those 2! Oh yes it again, it can get much worse!


AOC Is Right About Pelosi and Schumer

House Democrats will almost certainly reelect Nancy Pelosi to a fourth term as Speaker on January 3. She easily survived a caucus vote in November and the full floor vote ought to be just as simple. Although Pelosi’s tenure made her a “slay, queen” heroine to some very online #resistance activists, she has plenty of critics in her own party. If Pelosi’s next term is truly her last, as she’s pledged it will be, it means her legacy is currently at stake. And her record will likely age poorly, for reasons recently articulated by one of her party’s rising stars.

In a new interview, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez told The Intercept’s Jeremy Scahill that Democrats need fresh leadership. Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer should go, she said. The two Democratic leaders and their allies have neglected any “real grooming of a next generation of leadership,” she continued, and the party is now weaker than it should be. “A lot of this is not just about [Pelosi and Schumer], but also about the structural shifts that these two personalities have led in their time in leadership,” she added. With power concentrated in the leadership classes of both parties, she said, individual members have less influence, and less incentive to stay in Congress.

Ocasio-Cortez is without question one of the most left-wing Democrats in national office: She’s frequently at odds with senior Democrats on major issues like Medicare for All, a policy that Pelosi doesn’t support. But even within this context, her remarks are notable. When a number of House Democrats said they’d vote against Pelosi in 2019, the newly elected Ocasio-Cortez tweeted that party members must “evolve our leadership” before voting for Pelosi. Her new comments are much blunter, though she made it clear that she intends to vote for Pelosi a second time.

While it may be tempting for some to fit Ocasio-Cortez’s condemnation of Pelosi and Schumer into the party’s ongoing civil war, that analysis is somewhat inaccurate. Under Pelosi and Schumer, the party has catered to conservative and moderate members while alienating its rising progressive flank, and Ocasio-Cortez’s specific criticisms of Pelosi are certainly informed by ideology. But hostility to Pelosi doesn’t just come from the left. In 2018, opposition to her reelection looked strongest on the party’s right. Two years earlier, moderate Tim Ryan challenged her for Speaker, only to lose. For Pelosi’s progressive critics, this is a problem. Opposing Pelosi’s reelection as Speaker really only makes sense if they have the numbers and influence to replace her with an ally, and right now, they don’t. Ocasio-Cortez recognizes this. “If you create that vacuum, there are so many nefarious forces at play to fill that vacuum with something even worse,” she told Scahill. As long as Pelosi remains to the left of her most organized critics, left-wing Democrats have little choice but to vote for her.

House progressives may agree with their moderate colleagues about the state of the party’s leadership class. It has become sclerotic, and ought to be replaced. But generational change isn’t always the same thing as a major ideological shift. If left-wing Democrats such as Ocasio-Cortez want to plot a new direction for the party, they don’t have much time left to build the power it will take to replace Pelosi with one of their own.


12-17-2020, 06:17 PM
There are no qualified people we can call a LEADER from the Dem/Socialists.