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12-17-2020, 02:05 PM
She's not a medical doctor but far too many speak of her as if she is one. And imagine like the last tweet at the end - that this was Melania, demanding to be called "Dr.". Or one of Trump's sons. We all know that this would be shredded from day one onward and never let go.

And after the treatment of Trump himself. The treatment of Melania they say was the worst in history for all first ladies. All the kids shredded. I don't think Barron said a peep in 4 years, but even he was used and abused.

Now it's Jill and Hunter, and LEGIT things to bring up. Much more so with the criminal son. But also plain 'ol Jill Biden it is for me.


‘Jill Biden’s Doctoral Dissertation Is Our National Shame’: Tucker Carlson Assigns A Failing Grade To Biden College Paper

Fox News host Tucker Carlson highlighted parts of the dissertation Jill Biden wrote to obtain her doctorate in education during a Wednesday night segment on “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”

Biden, the wife of President-elect Joe Biden, became a hot topic of discussion after a Wall Street Journal columnist wrote an op-ed suggesting she stop using the “doctor” credential in favor of “First Lady.”

Conservatives like Ben Shapiro, Carlson, and others have panned the title as pretentious coming from a non-medical-doctor and a doctor of education at that, while supporters have insisted that Biden should continue using the term. Biden’s 2007 dissertation, however, came under especially heavy scrutiny this week after a viral Twitter thread highlighted poor math and writing errors.

“So, contrary to what you may have read, Dr. Jill Biden is not a healer,” Carlson panned. “She’s not allowed to write prescriptions. She wouldn’t know what to do with your appendix. Dr. Jill has an education degree from some school in Delaware and you’re supposed to find that highly impressive.”

“We actually read her dissertation this week,” the Fox News host continued. “The very document that made her, quote, a doctor. And what did we discover when we did that? We’re going to give it to you in a diagnosis.”

“Dr. Jill needs reading glasses, either that, or she’s borderline illiterate,” he continued. “There are typos everywhere, including in the first graph of the introduction. Dr. Jill can’t write, she can’t really think clearly either. Parts of the dissertation seem to be written in a foreign language using English words. They’re essentially pure nonsense like pig Latin or dogs barking. The whole thing is just incredibly embarrassing, and not simply to poor illiterate Jill Biden, but to the college that considered this crap scholarship, to the entire system of higher education, to the nation itself. Jill Biden’s doctoral dissertation is our national shame. Are we overstating this? Well, you decide.”

Citing the page on which they occur, Carlson went on to point out several grammatical, mathematical, and logical errors in the dissertation.

"It’s still online, at least for now,” he said. “But whatever you do, do not make fun of it. If you dare to notice that Dr. Jill isn’t a super genius, you hate all women. You’re a dangerous misogynist.”


Jill Biden’s Doctorate Is Garbage Because Her Dissertation Is Garbage

Her dissertation is not an addition to the sum total of human knowledge.

You can tell someone is smarting from an inferiority complex when he insists on being addressed as “Dr.” on the basis of holding an academic doctorate rather than being a physician. Ph.D. holders who have genuine accomplishments don’t make you call them “Doctor,” which is why you never hear about “Dr. Paul Krugman” and “Dr. George Will.” None of the professors I knew at Yale, even the ones who were eminent in their fields, insisted on the title, and I think most of them would have scoffed if someone had addressed them as “Dr.” The only reason you ever hear the phrase “Dr. Henry Kissinger” is that Kissy grew up in title-mad, airs-and-graces Germany, where people are awed rather than dismissive even if you insist on a triple-serving title (“Herr Professor Doktor”).

Insisting on being called “Doctor” when you don’t heal people is, among most holders of doctorates, seen as a gauche, silly, cringey ego trip. Consider “Dr.” Jill Biden, who doesn’t even hold a Ph.D. but rather a lesser Ed.D., something of a joke in the academic world. President-elect Joe Biden once explained that his wife sought the degree purely for status reasons: “She said, ‘I was so sick of the mail coming to Sen. and Mrs. Biden. I wanted to get mail addressed to Dr. and Sen. Biden.’ That’s the real reason she got her doctorate,” Joe Biden has said.

Mrs. Biden wanted the credential for its own sake. As for its quality, well. She got it from the University of Delaware, whose ties to her husband, its most illustrious alumnus if you don’t count Joe Flacco, run so deep that it has a school of public policy named after him. That the University of Delaware would have rejected her 2006 dissertation as sloppy, poorly written, non-academic, and barely fit for a middle-school Social Studies classroom (all of which it is) when her husband had been representing its state in the U.S. Senate for more than three decades was about as likely as Tom Hagen telling Vito Corleone that his wife is a fat sow on payday. The only risk to the University of Delaware was that it might strain its collective wrist in its rush to rubber-stamp her doctoral paper. Mrs. Biden could have turned in a quarter-a**ed excuse for a magazine article written at the level of Simple English Wikipedia and been heartily congratulated by the university for her towering mastery. Which is exactly what happened.

Jill Biden’s dissertation is not an addition to the sum total of human knowledge. It is not a demonstration of expertise in its specific topic or its broad field. It is a gasping, wheezing, frail little Disney forest creature that begs you to notice the effort it makes to be the thing it is imitating while failing so pathetically that any witnesses to its ineptitude must feel compelled, out of manners alone, to drag it to the nearest podium and give it a participation trophy. Which is more or less what an Ed.D. is. It’s a degree that only deeply unimpressive people feel confers the honorific of “Doctor.” People who are actually smart understand that being in possession of a credential is no proof of intelligence.

My friends, I have read this document in its entirety and it is so equally lacking in rhetorical force, boldness of conception, and original research that it amounts to a triple null set, a vacuum inside a blank inside an abyss. If Ingmar Bergman were alive and hired to make a film about this paper, he would say, “I can’t do it, there’s so much emptiness even I cannot grasp it,” and it would sound so much worse in Swedish that suicide hotlines would have to hire extra staff. Gene Simmons has a better claim to be a Doctor of Love than Jill Biden to be a Doctor of Education; after all, Simmons has spent a lifetime demonstrating mastery of his field. As for Biden, she has spent a lot of time teaching remedial English to slow learners in community colleges. Which is like being a rock musician who’s in a bar band. That plays covers. At mixers. Held in assisted-living facilities. Mrs. Biden’s dissertation emits so much noxious methane the EPA should regulate it, Greta Thunberg should denounce it, and Hollywood celebrities should hold a telethon to draw awareness to its dangers.

Rest - https://www.nationalreview.com/2020/12/jill-bidens-doctorate-is-garbage-because-her-dissertation-is-garbage/

Jill Biden's dissertation criticized in viral Twitter thread: 'It's bad'

A viral Twitter thread breaking down incoming first lady Jill Biden's 2007 dissertation to earn her doctorate in education outlined examples of poor writing and math errors.

Biden's 137-page "executive position paper" discussed issues of student retention at community colleges.

"It's bad," Matt Bramanti tweeted Sunday, according to RedState, before listing examples of word salad like, "The unique nature of the classroom allows for a complexity of problems as well."

Elsewhere, Biden appears to forget her fractions, writing, "Three quarters of the class will be Caucasian; one quarter of the class will be African American; one seat will hold a Latino; and the remaining seats will be filled with students of Asian descent or non-resident aliens."




The dissertation would not have drawn attention but for a recent Wall Street Journal op-ed by Joseph Epstein criticizing Biden, who is not a medical doctor, for her use of the title "Dr. Biden."

"Your degree is, I believe, an Ed.D., a doctor of education, earned at the University of Delaware through a dissertation with the unpromising title 'Student Retention at the Community College Level: Meeting Students’ Needs,'" Epstein wrote. "A wise man once said that no one should call himself 'Dr.' unless he has delivered a child. Think about it, Dr. Jill, and forthwith drop the doc."

The piece caused an uproar that has not abated, as media outlets and liberal Biden allies rushed to her defense. NBC's Today Show ran a segment on the "backlash" to the piece. MSNBC's Brian Williams called it "spectacularly patronizing," and numerous pundits said Epstein's essay should have never been published. Northwestern University, where Epstein was once a lecturer, wiped his profile from its website and condemned his "misogynistic" take.

Some argued the criticism of Biden paled in comparison to coverage of current first lady Melania Trump, with some critics citing a Nov. 17 Washington Post article about gambling over when she might divorce President Trump.


Rest - https://www.foxnews.com/politics/viral-twitter-thread-criticizes-jill-biden-dissertation

12-17-2020, 02:23 PM
That used to be called an "MRS" degree. In other words, it represents a course of study made for women who were husband shopping at the university. AKA: A degree in busywork.

12-17-2020, 06:58 PM
What would Tucker Carlson know about obtaining a doctorate? Tucker attended a private liberal arts college in Connecticut, where by his own admission he went to class drunk or hungover on a daily basis. Obviously Tucker was unaware that it takes longer to get a PhD than a medical degree and is considered more difficult. Yet another example of the male dominated right wing media attacking successful women. I would much rather have an educated and successful woman as First Lady than a former European prostitute who has limited comprehension of English. ---------------> https://www.usnews.com/education/best-graduate-schools/articles/2019-08-12/how-long-does-it-take-to-get-a-phd-degree-and-should-you-get-one

12-17-2020, 07:10 PM
What would Tucker Carlson know about obtaining a doctorate? Tucker attended a private liberal arts college in Connecticut, where by his own admission he went to class drunk or hungover on a daily basis. Obviously Tucker was unaware that it takes longer to get a PhD than a medical degree and is considered more difficult. Yet another example of the male dominated right wing media attacking successful women. I would much rather have an educated and successful woman as First Lady than a former European prostitute who has limited comprehension of English. ---------------> https://www.usnews.com/education/best-graduate-schools/articles/2019-08-12/how-long-does-it-take-to-get-a-phd-degree-and-should-you-get-one

Once again, all over the map to deflect the subject. ANYONE trying to overuse the "Dr." label as she's doing would equally be called out. Playing to sexist victim card don't cut it. And yeah, I know, right wing media, sexist and we're all racist too.

Her dissertation was absolutely horrid and either way, she DID get her doctorate - but she is no medical doctor, which many nitwits on the left seem to believe.

12-17-2020, 07:15 PM
Once again, all over the map to deflect the subject. ANYONE trying to overuse the "Dr." label as she's doing would equally be called out. Playing to sexist victim card don't cut it. And yeah, I know, right wing media, sexist and we're all racist too. Her dissertation was absolutely horrid and either way, she DID get her doctorate - but she is no medical doctor, which many nitwits on the left seem to believe. How would you know that her dissertation is "absolutely horrid?" Did you read it, or just take Tucker Carlson's word for it? No one believes Jill Biden is a medical doctor. Nor is she trying to deceive anyone. Anyone who earns a doctorate degree has earned the right to the 'Dr' title. It is only those who never came close that make light of it.

12-17-2020, 07:33 PM
How would you know that her dissertation is "absolutely horrid?" Did you read it, or just take Tucker Carlson's word for it? No one believes Jill Biden is a medical doctor. Nor is she trying to deceive anyone. Anyone who earns a doctorate degree has earned the right to the 'Dr' title. It is only those who never came close that make light of it.

No one believes it? Didn't say she tried to deceive anyone. But the latest bizarre incident was on television and Jill Biden being a good choice for our next surgeon general!! LOL :laugh2::laugh2:

No, the entire text of it is available online, and it's been highly discussed and ripped apart, and pages pointed out. Not to mention much of it quoted for the brilliance.

Here ya, enjoy! I know I didn't and I got bored several times and DID NOT finish it.


12-18-2020, 09:39 AM
No one believes it? Didn't say she tried to deceive anyone. But the latest bizarre incident was on television and Jill Biden being a good choice for our next surgeon general!! LOL :laugh2::laugh2:

No, the entire text of it is available online, and it's been highly discussed and ripped apart, and pages pointed out. Not to mention much of it quoted for the brilliance.

Here ya, enjoy! I know I didn't and I got bored several times and DID NOT finish it.


Of course you didn't finish it no more than you would keep track of what fashion trends she's setting. Jill Biden's PhD is ornament, no more than whatever necklace she's wearing this week. Calling it a "national shame" is a bit much. It is however an ornament. Her insistence of being called "Doctor" is a demand that the subjects she rules over recognize her ornaments.

12-18-2020, 02:44 PM
Of course you didn't finish it no more than you would keep track of what fashion trends she's setting. Jill Biden's PhD is ornament, no more than whatever necklace she's wearing this week. Calling it a "national shame" is a bit much. It is however an ornament. Her insistence of being called "Doctor" is a demand that the subjects she rules over recognize her ornaments.

I didn't call it that.

But I will say that 99% of those with doctorates in education don't go around demanding to be called doctor as if a medical doctor. And yes, I think it was a done deal for her whether she turned in 143 pages of amateur crap, or 10 pages of Einstein, wither way she was guaranteed.

But I read the equivalent of like 40-50 pages, and that was enough for me. I'll gladly let Kathianne or someone else certified in a manner in which to be able to grade and let them fill in even more. But if you read around you will already finding folks qualified around the nation quoting much of the dissertation and tearing it apart and tell you why.

And being an incoming FLOTUS, we all know everything is scrutinized. And if you want to be the most prominent woman in the USA, then you can expect to have your credential examined.

And below, before the usual of not reading and pointing out the source won't cut it. The sources contain links, but most importantly here is the dissertation itself.

"Quid Pro Joe". I like that one. A reminder of who he is underneath the fog. Some will always remember him for plagiarism and having family sell access to him. :rolleyes:


‘Dr.’ Jill Biden’s ‘dissertation’ was unbelievably awful

Jill Biden calls herself “Dr.” because she received an Ed.D. degree. To get that degree, she wrote a dreadfully bad “dissertation/executive position paper.” It was not, in substance, a dissertation, and its quality was simply awful. Indeed, its quality was so poor that people would have questioned its adequacy, if her husband hadn’t been a powerful politician in Delaware, whose state university gave her the degree.

Yet, a lecturer emeritus got canceled by Northwestern University recently for questioning whether Jill Biden should be called “Dr.”

As Townhall notes, “Dr.” Jill Biden’s “dissertation” was utter tripe — full of typos and math mistakes even a child wouldn’t make, that wouldn’t be tolerated in a high-school paper. Biden’s paper also showed deep ignorance about history and our educational system.

For example, Mrs. Biden’s paper shows that she doesn’t understand fractions, or basic arithmetic, unlike most schoolchildren and adults. In it, she mistakenly wrote that three-quarters plus one-quarter does not add up to one: “Three quarters of the class will be Caucasian; one quarter of the class will be African American…the remaining seats will be filled with students of Asian descent or non-resident aliens.” What remaining seats?

Mrs. Biden also described a quintupling of enrollment as a mere 230% increase — getting the math wrong by a factor of almost two: “‘By 1963, public and private two year headcount enrollment stood at 850,361. By 1980, enrollment had grown to 4,526,287… approximately a 230 percent increase in student attendance.'”

People assume that because Mrs. Biden received a doctorate, her paper must have been a “dissertation.” But it wasn’t; in reality, it was a mere “executive position paper.” As law professor Eugene Volokh notes, the University of Delaware did not require Mrs. Biden’s paper to conduct any original research, as is required for a dissertation. Her degree was also not like a Ph.D, because it required less coursework than is needed to get even a lesser professional degree like a J.D.

Lawyers like me need three years of full-time study to get a J.D; Mrs. Biden’s degree only required part-time study for 3-4 years.

So her degree wasn’t the equivalent of a Ph.D, a medical degree, or even a professional degree, in terms of its rigor.

The liberal media, like the New York Times, often calls conservative doctors like neurosurgeon Ben Carson “Mr.”

Yet it now insists that Mrs. Biden, who is not a physician, must be called “Dr.” The media’s misleading references to Mrs. Biden as “Dr.” have resulted in some people — including TV personalities — falsely believing that Biden is a medical doctor.

People who question whether Mrs. Biden should be referred to as “Doctor,” are accused of sexism and racism by the liberal media.

Many years ago, even liberal newspapers like the Washington Post and Los Angeles Times admitted that it was inappropriate to call Mrs. Biden “Doctor,” because she doesn’t have a medical degree. Reporters argued that only physicians should be referred to as “Doctor,” citing the stylebooks of newspapers like the Philadelphia Inquirer.

Rest - https://libertyunyielding.com/2020/12/17/dr-jill-bidens-dissertation-was-unbelievably-awful/

Calling Jill Biden “Dr.” Is Pompous and Misleading

I am a lawyer with a "Juris Doctor" degree from Harvard Law School. But calling myself "Doctor" would be misleading, because I don't practice medicine. Indeed, it would be insufferably pompous. As law professor Eugene Volokh notes, lawyers don't call themselves "doctor," even though the word "doctor" is in their degree.

Jill Biden has an Ed.D degree that required even less study than becoming a lawyer, and no original research -- indeed, it required less research than I conducted while at Harvard Law School.

Yet, Biden calls herself "Dr." And so does the liberal media -- the same liberal media that ridiculed conservatives with doctorates for calling themselves "Dr." The conservative White House official Sebastian Gorka was mocked for calling himself "Dr." by TV host Samantha Bee, and the Washington Post questioned Gorka's doing so, because, it said, "mainstream news outlets generally refuse to attribute the 'Dr.' prefix to anyone who is not a medical doctor." “My feeling is if you can't heal the sick, we don't call you doctor,” Bill Walsh, The Washington Post's copy chief, told the Los Angeles Times in 2009. The Post cited the "stylebook" of The Philadelphia Inquirer saying the same thing.

Jill Biden is clearly not a medical doctor, so she shouldn't be calling herself "Doctor," either. Yet, when Joseph Epstein wrote an article in the Wall Street Journal taking issue with Jill Biden being called "Doctor," the response in the media was so hostile that Epstein's lecturer emeritus status was cancelled by Northwestern University. Responding to outraged readers, it said, “we do not agree with Mr. Epstein’s opinion and believe the designation of doctor is well deserved by anyone who has earned a Ph.D., an Ed.D., or an M.D. Northwestern is firmly committed to equity, diversity and inclusion, and strongly disagrees with Mr. Epstein’s misogynistic views.”

Epstein's article enraged many journalists. As MediaIte notes, "Wall Street Journal higher education reporter Melissa Korn ripped into her own publication’s opinion side on Saturday, following the WSJ running an op-ed critical of soon-to-be First Lady Dr. Jill Biden using 'Dr.' ahead of her name. Korn didn’t hold back on her criticism, stating publicly that the op-ed was 'disgusting.'" The Wall Street Journal article also triggered a storm of denunciation on Twitter, where Hillary Clinton wrote, "her name is Dr. Jill Biden. Get used to it."

The media's demand that Biden be called "Doctor" even though she doesn't have a medical degree isn't just inconsistent with its own past practice of not calling people "Doctor" unless they practice medicine.

It's also misleading, because many people wrongly think Biden is a medical doctor due to the media calling her "doctor." As Fox News notes,

Jill Biden’s title was the subject of attention earlier this year when Whoopi Goldberg, a co-host of “The View,” mistakenly believed Jill Biden was a medical doctor instead of an educator, with Goldberg even expressing hope that Jill Biden would become surgeon general in a Biden administration. “I’m hoping Dr. Jill becomes the surgeon general,” Goldberg said on the air in March. “She’s a hell of a doctor. She’s an amazing doctor.”

Rest - https://cnsnews.com/commentary/hans-bader/calling-jill-biden-dr-pompous-and-misleading

Why Jill Biden's Doctorate Is an Empty One

Mrs. Biden's doctoral dissertation is a woefully inadequate joke

The continuing controversy over Jill Biden’s insistence on being publicly referred to as “Dr. Biden” has now resulted in exposing the absolute vacuous nature of her dissertation upon which she was granted her preferred title. More on that in a moment. Naturally, Joe Biden’s camp, including the Leftmedia, came running in defense of her pretension.

It all began when Joseph Epstein penned the Wall Street Journal op-ed entreating Mrs. Biden to drop her ridiculous “Dr.” demand. He was predictably derided as engaging in sexism and misogyny, with Biden communications director Kate Bedingfield’s comments serving as a typical example: “What patronizing, sexist, elitist drivel. Dr. B earned a doctorate in education, so we call her Doctor. The title Mr. Epstein has earned here is perhaps not fit for mixed company.”

However, as the controversy has grown, a few conservative pundits dug into Mrs. Biden’s doctoral dissertation only to find more fodder to bolster the argument that her demands for acknowledging her preferred title are nothing more than a classic example of undeserved self-promotion. Like a barking chihuahua insisting it’s a doberman.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson “diagnosed” Mrs. Biden’s 137-page dissertation by reading through excerpts. “Doctor Jill needs reading glasses,” he quipped. “Either that or she’s borderline illiterate. There are typos everywhere, including in the first [paragraph] of the introduction. Doctor Jill can’t write. She can’t really think, either.” He further called her dissertation an embarrassment “not only to poor illiterate Jill Biden but to the college that considered this crap scholarship.” He added, “[It’s] embarrassing, in fact, to our entire system of higher education; to the nation itself. Jill Biden’s doctorate dissertation is our national shame.”

Believe it or not, National Review’s Kyle Smith was even more stinging in his critique of Mrs. Biden’s dissertation, which he called “garbage.” Smith writes, “Jill Biden’s dissertation is not an addition to the sum total of human knowledge. It is not a demonstration of expertise in its specific topic or its broad field. It is a gasping, wheezing, frail little Disney forest creature that begs you to notice the effort it makes to be the thing it is imitating while failing so pathetically that any witnesses to its ineptitude must feel compelled, out of manners alone, to drag it to the nearest podium and give it a participation trophy. Which is more or less what an Ed.D. is. It’s a degree that only deeply unimpressive people feel confers the honorific of ‘Doctor.’ People who are actually smart understand that being in possession of a credential is no proof of intelligence.”

A “participation trophy,” as Smith says, is exactly what Mrs. Biden’s “doctorate” amounts to. But being a typical leftist, for Mrs. Biden it’s the symbolism that counts, not the substance. She deserves the praise and recognition, according to the Leftmedia, not because she has actually done anything worthy of such an honor but simply because she participated. Oh, and she fell in love with and married the longtime Delaware senator, Barack Obama’s running mate, and now the next president, Joe “The Plagiarist” Biden.


The educational quackery of 'Doctor' Jill Biden

"I'm hoping Dr. Jill becomes the surgeon general," Whoopi Goldberg told her audience on "The View" just a month ago. "She's a hell of a doctor. She's an amazing doctor."

-Whoopi and the view are such dipshits. She speaks without even having a clue. Yeah, make her the next surgeon general. :rolleyes::laugh:

Goldberg, who appeared to be wearing a white mop on her head, could almost be forgiven her ignorance. In propping up her senescent husband, Joe, the solicitous Dr. Biden gives off aggressive caregiver vibes.

To further the confusion, Jill Biden relentlessly attributes to herself the status of "doctor." A quick Google search of "Dr. Jill Biden" nets more than 2 million hits.

On Whitehouse.gov, Twitter and Facebook, among others, she shamelessly presents herself as "Dr. Jill Biden." She is not, of course, an M.D. Nor is she "a Ph.D." as Joy Behar claimed in correcting Goldberg.

Dr. Biden is, in fact, an Ed.D, a Doctor of Education. At far too many universities, an Ed.D. is only slightly harder to obtain than a G.E.D.

The evidence suggests that it was particularly easy for Dr. Jill to get her doctorate in 2007 from the University of Delaware. Being married to Delaware U.S. senator Quid-pro-Joe had to have helped at least a little.

It is her dissertation, the first quarter of which is online, that gives the game away.

Titled "Student Retention at the Community College: Meeting Students' Needs," the dissertation reads like the kind of term paper an undergrad would slop together the night before it was due, fluff up with random quotes, rush to finish before the meth lost its kick and pray to get the C- needed to graduate.

I never thought I would read an academic paper dumber than Michelle Obama's senior thesis at Princeton, the one the late Christopher Hitchens said "cannot be 'read' at all, in the strict sense of the verb. This is because it wasn't written in any known language."

Rest - https://www.wnd.com/2020/04/educational-quackery-doctor-jill-biden/

I read Jill Biden's doctoral dissertation and everyone can stop calling her "Doctor" now

I came at this from a different place than most people. I know individuals who have an Ed.D. in education. They are generally respected in the field and the honorific "doctor" is often used within the academic setting.

So I did not jump aboard the "Jill Biden isn't a real doctor" train right away.

Sure, I understood and thoroughly enjoyed the Adam Carolla joke, "When the flight attendant comes over the intercom and asks if there is a doctor on board and you don't raise your hand, you're not a doctor," but I don't like making fun of someone's education and having some direct familiarity with education circles, I understood why she might take offense at the fun people were having at her expense.

And then I read her dissertation.

There have already been some cutting critiques.

Kyle Smith, writing for The National Review, wrote what can only be called a "snark de force" titled "Jill Biden's Doctorate Is Garbage Because Her Dissertation Is Garbage" including this passage:

"It is not a demonstration of expertise in its specific topic or its broad field. It is a gasping, wheezing, frail little Disney forest creature that begs you to notice the effort it makes to be the thing it is imitating while failing so pathetically that any witnesses to its ineptitude must feel compelled, out of manners alone, to drag it to the nearest podium and give it a participation trophy.

Rest - https://notthebee.com/article/i-read-jill-bidens-doctoral-dissertation-and-everyone-can-stop-calling-her-doctor-now

And again, anyone wanting to check it out - https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/20407226/bidens-dissertation.pdf

Go through a few in the beginning, middle or towards the end. I'm no English expert but see some glaring things. I'm better at math than English and there are quite a few amateur mistakes. Your choice if you want to go through it, or read examples of the mistakes. It's there if you truly want to know if it's littered with mistakes or not.

But in the end, as far as doctors are concerned, and others that have spent years in college and went through some truly rigorous times in order to earn their doctorate, are those pointing out the differences.

12-18-2020, 03:32 PM
Yet another example of the male dominated right wing media attacking successful women. I would much rather have an educated and successful woman as First Lady than a former European prostitute who has limited comprehension of English. ---------------> https://www.usnews.com/education/best-graduate-schools/articles/2019-08-12/how-long-does-it-take-to-get-a-phd-degree-and-should-you-get-one

Wow .... you just showed your ass Gabby.

More liberal WOMEN attack successful conservative women than conservative men attack liberal women. Like you just attacked FLOTUS.

You are disgusting.

12-18-2020, 04:10 PM
Disgusting but true. Sort of like attacking a woman for attaining a doctoral degree. THAT is a successful woman.

12-18-2020, 04:20 PM
Disgusting but true. Sort of like attacking a woman for attaining a doctoral degree. THAT is a successful woman.

If you had your way, someone who asked "Is there a Doctor on the plane?" Would result with a quarter of the passengers responding: "I'm a Doctor of Finance", "I'm a Doctor of Music", "I'm a Doctor of History", etc.

Or better still Barney Fife, M.D. (Mayberry Deputy).

12-18-2020, 04:22 PM
If you had your way, someone who asked "Is there a Doctor on the plane?" Would result with a quarter of the passengers responding: "I'm a Doctor of Finance", "I'm a Doctor of Music", "I'm a Doctor of History", etc. Or better still Barney Fife, M.D. (Mayberry Deputy). Where did you get your degree?

12-18-2020, 04:32 PM
Where did you get your degree?

Pro tip: Don't reveal PII (Personally Identifiable Information) online. The result could be getting run off the road or your house getting burnt down by someone practicing "social justice". Woke zombies are on a path to being a bigger threat than drug cartels. Actually, I would prefer being around a drug cartel than a cultural Marxist.

12-18-2020, 06:54 PM
Disgusting but true. Sort of like attacking a woman for attaining a doctoral degree. THAT is a successful woman.

Biden wasn't attacked for attaining the degree. She wasn't attacked for being successful. She was attacked for insisting on being called doctor because most people believe a PhD should only be used when in the company of other people who also have a PhD or with people in that area of expertise, i.e. education.

Less confusing for people who think doctor would only be used for medical field.

However, FLOTUS is attacked daily just because her last name is Trump.

BTW, how many languages does Jill speak?

12-18-2020, 06:55 PM
Where did you get your degree?

I got mine from USF. Where did you get yours?

12-18-2020, 07:49 PM
I got mine from USF. Where did you get yours? I have a bachelors and masters degree from Cal-Berkeley.
Pro tip: Don't reveal PII (Personally Identifiable Information) online. The result could be getting run off the road or your house getting burnt down by someone practicing "social justice". Woke zombies are on a path to being a bigger threat than drug cartels. Actually, I would prefer being around a drug cartel than a cultural Marxist. Your friend Mr. Bolsonaro is a Cultural Marxist who practices social justice on a daily basis. Probably a woke zombie as well. It is barely a fringe movement in the U.S.

12-18-2020, 08:27 PM
Wow .... you just showed your ass Gabby.

More liberal WOMEN attack successful conservative women than conservative men attack liberal women. Like you just attacked FLOTUS.

You are disgusting.

She couldn't handle the downright truth about Jill Biden and her dissertation, sorta like CNN that means it's sexist, or she says it is attacking. Nope, just attacking the writing itself, and if anything else the calling of Dr. when it's not appropriate, and certainly not a medical doctor. And then you have a list of dummies on the left that DO think she's a medical doctor as a result.

And when can't handle the truth - ALWAYS bring in someone else - and LIE about them if you must. And a limited comprehension of language? I'm a gambling man and willing to bet she even knows more than most Americans! If anything it's her accent that makes things an issue. Same as her accent when she speaks the other 4 languages she knows. And I'm a betting man, and will bet that those dissing Melania don't even know 2 languages fluently. Not meant as an insult, just what is.

We're on the internet where anyone can have graduated from wherever they like, they can be whoever they like & change whatever they don't like about themselves.

Someone writing or verbally discussing in a debate. Again, discussion or debate. NO ONE that does so will bring in others. NO ONE that does so will go for insults instead. NO ONE will utilize lies.

Folks doing so know facts, know more than the facts, know the details too and know which questions to ask. Folks don't generally change subjects and instantly go for insults when they don't like an article in front of them, or if they differ on someone's opinion on essay or similar.

I'm sure it would be received and make for good discussion if I did it too - and made a Trump article about a whore who just became VP. Or the FLOTUS who has an IQ that falls into the retardation level. <---- quite frankly, and not going to do so, but sinking to such levels and throwing it out there serves for additional purposes than just lying or stretching the truth.

No need to thrive on things that are made up, and so quickly going from posting something with a link to posting off topic and lies again. Triggered.

12-19-2020, 11:16 AM
She couldn't handle the downright truth about Jill Biden and her dissertation, sorta like CNN that means it's sexist, or she says it is attacking. Nope, just attacking the writing itself, and if anything else the calling of Dr. when it's not appropriate, and certainly not a medical doctor. And then you have a list of dummies on the left that DO think she's a medical doctor as a result. And when can't handle the truth - ALWAYS bring in someone else - and LIE about them if you must. And a limited comprehension of language? I'm a gambling man and willing to bet she even knows more than most Americans! If anything it's her accent that makes things an issue. Same as her accent when she speaks the other 4 languages she knows. And I'm a betting man, and will bet that those dissing Melania don't even know 2 languages fluently. Not meant as an insult, just what is. We're on the internet where anyone can have graduated from wherever they like, they can be whoever they like & change whatever they don't like about themselves. Someone writing or verbally discussing in a debate. Again, discussion or debate. NO ONE that does so will bring in others. NO ONE that does so will go for insults instead. NO ONE will utilize lies. Folks doing so know facts, know more than the facts, know the details too and know which questions to ask. Folks don't generally change subjects and instantly go for insults when they don't like an article in front of them, or if they differ on someone's opinion on essay or similar. I'm sure it would be received and make for good discussion if I did it too - and made a Trump article about a whore who just became VP. Or the FLOTUS who has an IQ that falls into the retardation level...
Gabby, don't quote without comment. Also, don't quote without either the whole quote or ellipsis.

12-19-2020, 11:23 AM
Your idea of what is fact/fiction and my idea of same vary greatly. I know what the facts are. I know what is fact and what is conspiracy theory. It doesn't take much of a search to find out who Melanija Knavs is, where she came from and what she used to do for a live. Or how she made it to the U.S. Or why she came here. Hint: It wasn't to obtain her doctorate.

12-19-2020, 11:44 AM
And yet look at the title of this thread. And please try to make me understand that why every subject that comes up about someone on the left, you must bring up someone else? Can you not address the topic at hand?

Regardless, nothing you think about Melania changes anything about someone not being a medical doctor or someone writing a dissertation that is amateur at best and more like entry level college stuff.

And also doesn't change the amount of dummies thinking she truly is a medical doctor. :laugh:

12-19-2020, 02:12 PM
Your idea of what is fact/fiction and my idea of same vary greatly. I know what the facts are. I know what is fact and what is conspiracy theory. It doesn't take much of a search to find out who Melanija Knavs is, where she came from and what she used to do for a live. Or how she made it to the U.S. Or why she came here. Hint: It wasn't to obtain her doctorate.

I've searched and can't find anything that refers to Melania as a prostitute. Can you provide source? All I find is that she was a model.

12-19-2020, 08:10 PM
I've searched and can't find anything that refers to Melania as a prostitute. Can you provide source? All I find is that she was a model.

This BS was on some blogging sites and the gullible ate it up. She's even sued and easily won over such lame comments. She has either won her suits or the websites in question either retracted their statements or deleted them. Then another one of the bloggers claims he didn't commit libel as he was only passing on "unfounded rumors and innuendo" that had appeared online.

I can't find a single legitimate news site claiming this is a factual part of her earlier life. I do see lame rumors of it on some blogging sites I never heard of before.

One would think that in order to label the FLOTUS as a hooker/prostitute that you would have unimpeachable evidence and witnesses. But it's not there, it never was and it never will be. She was simply never a prostitute. It was a rumor.

But then again, Cardi B says she thinks it's true. And also Axl Rose attacked her immigration status and then called her a hooker. Of course neither one of them offers evidence either.

I called into question Jill Biden demanding to be called "Dr.". I then also harshly critiqued her dissertation, which was because of recent news articles about it.

So did we see posts, history or anything like that contrary to what I stated about someone being called a "Dr." when the doctorate is in education, not a medical doctorate? Or perhaps portions of the dissertation? Or disputing the mathematical errors that she made quite a few of? Comparing the rigorousness of one doctorate to the other? (good discussion in itself right there!).

Nope, none of the above, into Melania instead, along with fake hookerland. :dunno:

12-19-2020, 09:45 PM
Looking into this topic proved to be quite enlightening. Several Slovenian sites disproved Jeffrey Epstein's boast that he brought Melania to the U.S. and introduced her to Trump. The original contention of Melania's past came from a couple of stories in a Slovenian tabloid. The second was picked up by the Daily Mail in London, who further embellished the original story. That brought on lawsuits from the Trump empire. Daily Mail pleaded that they "trusted an unknown source" and agreed to pay $3 million in damages. The fear of subsequent legal actions forced others looking into the story to pull the plug and scrub their websites. The photos from her nude modeling days remain online, but alleged videos are either gone or never surfaced. Run these through a translator if you are further interested -----> https://www.dnevnik.si/1042768771/magazin/aktualno/1042768771 , https://www.dnevnik.si/1042754317/slovenija/fotoreportaza-iz-sevnice-po-zmagi-donalda-trumpa

12-20-2020, 12:26 AM
Looking into this topic proved to be quite enlightening. Several Slovenian sites disproved Jeffrey Epstein's boast that he brought Melania to the U.S. and introduced her to Trump. The original contention of Melania's past came from a couple of stories in a Slovenian tabloid. The second was picked up by the Daily Mail in London, who further embellished the original story. That brought on lawsuits from the Trump empire. Daily Mail pleaded that they "trusted an unknown source" and agreed to pay $3 million in damages. The fear of subsequent legal actions forced others looking into the story to pull the plug and scrub their websites. The photos from her nude modeling days remain online, but alleged videos are either gone or never surfaced. Run these through a translator if you are further interested -----> https://www.dnevnik.si/1042768771/magazin/aktualno/1042768771 , https://www.dnevnik.si/1042754317/slovenija/fotoreportaza-iz-sevnice-po-zmagi-donalda-trumpa
So, unfounded rumors.

12-20-2020, 09:50 AM
Looking into this topic proved to be quite enlightening. Several Slovenian sites disproved Jeffrey Epstein's boast that he brought Melania to the U.S. and introduced her to Trump. The original contention of Melania's past came from a couple of stories in a Slovenian tabloid. The second was picked up by the Daily Mail in London, who further embellished the original story. That brought on lawsuits from the Trump empire. Daily Mail pleaded that they "trusted an unknown source" and agreed to pay $3 million in damages. The fear of subsequent legal actions forced others looking into the story to pull the plug and scrub their websites. The photos from her nude modeling days remain online, but alleged videos are either gone or never surfaced. Run these through a translator if you are further interested -----> https://www.dnevnik.si/1042768771/magazin/aktualno/1042768771 , https://www.dnevnik.si/1042754317/slovenija/fotoreportaza-iz-sevnice-po-zmagi-donalda-trumpa

And just to think..... That time would have been better spent setting up a FREE tier virtual computer and configuring the internet gateway on Amazon Web Services.

12-20-2020, 03:30 PM
So, unfounded rumors.

Exactly was going to be my reply. Also all I found in an extensive search. Nothing more than folks trying to crap on the famous.

Yes, she was a model and yes she posed in the nude. That's about the extent of it and the rest are all nothing but rumors, and bad ones at that!

So again, FACTUAL context about the difference in comparing an education doctorate and someone getting a medical degree and being called doctor. Then the dissertation and the quality of it. - and in the other corner we have bad rumors attacking the current FL & calling her a prostitute. Nothing more than rumor.

Wasn't a ringing endorsement for why bringing in other topics is wise. :laugh:

12-20-2020, 04:45 PM
I will leave unfounded rumors to breitbart and the gateway pundit. The author of the WSJ hit piece on Jill Biden is an 83 year writer with a long history of being anti-education. His ideas are more misogynist than anything else. https://www.forbes.com/sites/nataliewexler/2020/12/18/whats-really-behind-the-flap-over-jill-bidens-doctorate/?sh=694983516089

12-20-2020, 07:56 PM
I will leave unfounded rumors to breitbart and the gateway pundit. The author of the WSJ hit piece on Jill Biden is an 83 year writer with a long history of being anti-education. His ideas are more misogynist than anything else. https://www.forbes.com/sites/nataliewexler/2020/12/18/whats-really-behind-the-flap-over-jill-bidens-doctorate/?sh=694983516089

And yet the majority of people know that education doctorates don't run around demanding to be called a doctor. And the majority of people that have read Jill's dissertation agree that it was terrible. The math mistakes as pointed out were amateur at best. You try hard to point at sources altogether, or then down to authors. -- and with all of that said - you have yet to address the actual facts or her words. :rolleyes:

You like to play trolling games with GP and Breitbart, but have turned down endless $$ in simply needing to take specific articles and point out the lies you speak of. You failed to do so. You refused to do so.

The game is lame.

And quite frankly, I think you have a problem with facts & the truth. You don't like when they are posted. You don't like to point them out specifically. You do enjoy the lack of them though, and that seems to be the majority, if not more, of threads you start or articles you post. Things void of truth, of facts.

12-20-2020, 08:50 PM
And quite frankly, I think you have a problem with facts & the truth. You don't like when they are posted. You don't like to point them out specifically. You do enjoy the lack of them though, and that seems to be the majority, if not more, of threads you start or articles you post. Things void of truth, of facts. For the most part, your facts are my fiction. I point out my facts quite clearly. They just don't align with what you believe. I don't see how you can malign my articles as "void of facts" when you are linking to conspiracy theory sites like breitbart and gateway pundit.

12-20-2020, 09:03 PM
For the most part, your facts are my fiction. I point out my facts quite clearly. They just don't align with what you believe. I don't see how you can malign my articles as "void of facts" when you are linking to conspiracy theory sites like breitbart and gateway pundit.

Everyone knows what a fact is.

You claim they post lies, and conspiracy theories - but fail to point anything at all. While FACTS are pointed out via links, direct quotes and other researchable ways.

You post things I say are BS - because they post things so so often found out to be lies. And the majority of the articles contain anonymous sources that don't pan out, or sometimes called "unknown sources". A PROVEN history of lies and made up sources. Taking something posted as news, and showing it to be false or a lie, and directly pointing out why.

And you still talk of fantasy. And your "facts" are not pointed out clearly. I don't mind if it's of my belief or not, I mind when things aren't truthful or are purposely lied about. Or places that purposely censor things or block other news.

You are still clueless to even what a fact is. And the proof is in your continued proof to take free money. As the things posted are provably true.

But enjoy the TDS! It's enjoyable and laughable to see someone defend the lies and whistle in the wind and play crickets when their opportunity for the floor.

That's intellectual dishonesty on its finest display.

12-20-2020, 09:58 PM
One person's facts are another person's fiction. Or perhaps Kellyanne Conway's "alternative facts."

12-21-2020, 01:02 AM
For the most part, your facts are my fiction. I point out my facts quite clearly. They just don't align with what you believe. I don't see how you can malign my articles as "void of facts" when you are linking to conspiracy theory sites like breitbart and gateway pundit.



12-21-2020, 11:28 AM

I would rather be an EFFECTIVE person. I don't give a tinker's dam whether or not someone considers me to be a good person.

12-21-2020, 12:20 PM
I would rather be an EFFECTIVE person. I don't give a tinker's dam whether or not someone considers me to be a good person. --------> As a Christian, I feel exactly the opposite. I want to be a good person, a good parent and good member of my community. The bad person who values results over empathy ends up being a elderly person with an absent family and no visitors.