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12-19-2020, 09:32 AM
Vitamin D and COVID 19: The Evidence for Prevention and Treatment of Coronavirus (SARS CoV 2)

Amazing collection of evidence. LOTS of Studies show a correlation between vitamin D deficiency and number of cases and deaths.
Tracks nearly perfectly with groups that traditionally have lower Vitamin D levels the elderly, darker skinned people, people that live above the 35th parallel (latitude).

27 min mark for a few very striking look at study results.


12-19-2020, 06:24 PM
Guess I don't need the vaccine. I've been taking 50,000 units of D3 once a week for last 10 years.

02-04-2022, 09:33 PM
Israeli study offers strongest proof yet of vitamin D’s power to fight COVID
Bolstering previous research, scientists publish ‘remarkable’ data showing strong link between vitamin deficiency, prevalent in Israel, and death or serious illness among patients

Israel scientists say they have gathered the most convincing evidence to date that increased vitamin D levels can help COVID-19 patients reduce the risk of serious illness or death.
Researchers from Bar Ilan University and the Galilee Medical Center say that the vitamin has such a strong impact on disease severity that they can predict how people would fare if infected based on nothing more than their ages and vitamin D levels.
Lacking vitamin D significantly increases danger levels, they concluded in newly peer-reviewed research published Thursday in the journal PLOS One.
The study is based on research conducted during Israel’s first two waves of the virus, before vaccines were widely available, and doctors emphasized that vitamin supplements were not a substitute for vaccines, but rather a way to keep immunity levels from falling.
“We found it remarkable, and striking, to see the difference in the chances of becoming a severe patient when you are lacking in vitamin D compared to when you’re not,” said Dr. Amiel Dror, a Galilee Medical Center physician and Bar Ilan researcher who was part of the team behind the study.

He noted that his study was conducted pre-Omicron, but said that the coronavirus doesn’t change fundamentally enough between variants to negate vitamin D effectiveness.

“What we’re seeing when vitamin D helps people with COVID infections is a result of its effectiveness in bolstering the immune systems to deal with viral pathogens that attack the respiratory system,” he told The Times of Israel. “This is equally relevant for Omicron as it was for previous variants.”

mask don't...
lockdowns don't work...
vitamin D works...
(+ Vitamin C, ZINC, Quercetin)

Seems like what the "antivaxxers" and "quacks" and "not enough evidence folks" and "bad sources" were saying all this at the front end of the pandemic.
Glad it's finally mainstream science in peer review consensus journal so all the "sane" people can believe it too.

02-05-2022, 01:43 PM
Yes .. this info was available over a year ago. Amazing is just now hitting MSM.

02-05-2022, 03:15 PM
Israeli study offers strongest proof yet of vitamin D’s power to fight COVID
Bolstering previous research, scientists publish ‘remarkable’ data showing strong link between vitamin deficiency, prevalent in Israel, and death or serious illness among patients

Israel scientists say they have gathered the most convincing evidence to date that increased vitamin D levels can help COVID-19 patients reduce the risk of serious illness or death.
Researchers from Bar Ilan University and the Galilee Medical Center say that the vitamin has such a strong impact on disease severity that they can predict how people would fare if infected based on nothing more than their ages and vitamin D levels.
Lacking vitamin D significantly increases danger levels, they concluded in newly peer-reviewed research published Thursday in the journal PLOS One.
The study is based on research conducted during Israel’s first two waves of the virus, before vaccines were widely available, and doctors emphasized that vitamin supplements were not a substitute for vaccines, but rather a way to keep immunity levels from falling.
“We found it remarkable, and striking, to see the difference in the chances of becoming a severe patient when you are lacking in vitamin D compared to when you’re not,” said Dr. Amiel Dror, a Galilee Medical Center physician and Bar Ilan researcher who was part of the team behind the study.

He noted that his study was conducted pre-Omicron, but said that the coronavirus doesn’t change fundamentally enough between variants to negate vitamin D effectiveness.

“What we’re seeing when vitamin D helps people with COVID infections is a result of its effectiveness in bolstering the immune systems to deal with viral pathogens that attack the respiratory system,” he told The Times of Israel. “This is equally relevant for Omicron as it was for previous variants.”

mask don't...
lockdowns don't work...
vitamin D works...
(+ Vitamin C, Niacin, Quercetin)

Seems like what the "antivaxxers" and "quacks" and "not enough evidence folks" and "bad sources" were saying all this at the front end of the pandemic.
Glad it's finally mainstream science in peer review consensus journal so all the "sane" people can believe it too.
:rollsHardly "finally mainstream" information. I've known it for years and taken most of the supplements listed (plus many more) for a couple of decades. Just have to look.

If you mean "finally mainstream" because someone's tied it to covid, still not news. The purpose for taking the supplements from the beginning, long before covid, was to boost the immune system and make of for diets lacking in proper nutrients. Covid attacks the immune system. Some simple math here.

02-05-2022, 03:31 PM
Hardly "finally mainstream" information. I've known it for years and taken most of the supplements listed (plus many more) for a couple of decades. Just have to look.

If you mean "finally mainstream" because someone's tied it to covid, still not news. The purpose for taking the supplements from the beginning, long before covid, was to boost the immune system and make of for diets lacking in proper nutrients. Covid attacks the immune system. Some simple math here.

There's nothing available that hasn't been mentioned somewhere to prevent or alleviate covid.

02-05-2022, 03:44 PM
There's nothing available that hasn't been mentioned somewhere to prevent or alleviate covid.

I was going to add: On the other hand, I have heard doctors/nutritionists more than once call taking vitamins/supplements "expensive piss". Like all else, depends on who you're listening to.

I'm a big proponent of natural supplements. I take almost 20 daily. We don't eat the way I'd prefer around here. Got started back when I was young n dumb, weightlifting and looking for that "magic bullet" that was going to make me look like Arnold :laugh: Anything claiming to be a "magic" or "wonder" anything is usually decent enough vitamins/minerals, but bogus on the claimed results.

The tried and true vitamins, herbs and minerals work as far as I'm concerned. I never get viruses (knock on wood). The few times I ahve been sick it's been bacterial infection. We used to eat zinc and vitamin c like candy in the field so we wouldn't catch colds.

Can't promise results, but I'm not going to quit taking them to see if they work :)

02-05-2022, 06:55 PM
Disclaimer: The inversion table I got gave me a different view on this. I was pimping away, extolling the virtues of the inversion table until I got it and realized if someone had back problems/previous surgery or any other mitigating factor, the inversion table could do more harm than good.

If anyone chooses to add dietary supplements to their routine, do your research FIRST. Some vitamins/supplements have toxicity levels. Especially metals. Off the top of my head I know selenium does even though it is sold as an antioxidant. Even if I list what I take (and am obviously not dead) that doesn't mean it's okay for everyone.

Food for thought :)

02-05-2022, 09:27 PM
Disclaimer: The inversion table I got gave me a different view on this. I was pimping away, extolling the virtues of the inversion table until I got it and realized if someone had back problems/previous surgery or any other mitigating factor, the inversion table could do more harm than good.

If anyone chooses to add dietary supplements to their routine, do your research FIRST. Some vitamins/supplements have toxicity levels. Especially metals. Off the top of my head I know selenium does even though it is sold as an antioxidant. Even if I list what I take (and am obviously not dead) that doesn't mean it's okay for everyone.

Food for thought :)
My body won't synthesize Vitamin D from sunlight thus the 50,000 units per week. However, I cannot take vitamin C, zinc or iron without side effects. I somehow have an over abundance of these already naturally from food I eat. My Bs are hit and miss .. some make me sick and some don't so I don't take any. Vitamin D3 is the only vitamin I take and it's a prescription.