View Full Version : Things nightmares are made of

12-21-2020, 04:14 PM
Yes, I said this and talked about it for the past year.

Talk about a nightmare! IMO, the dumbest person in all of congress. Primarily popular due to social media and partly due to her stupidity. Keeps her in the headlines and always excuses. But the sheer amount of stupidity that came from this woman in the past 4 years has been incredible.

And yet, she's calling for the elimination of Pelosi and Schumer in control. And now this kind of crap. Yeah, sure, let's lead via stupidity. Can you imagine? :rolleyes: :laugh:

Either her in charge of something, anything, being a so called "leader" of anything? Her dictating what needs to get done at any level?


Why AOC should be next to lead the DNC

As difficult as this may be to believe, the person who should be the next chair of the Democratic National Committee, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), and President Trump have two very big things in common:

(A) lack of a filter

(B) exceptional social media prowess as a result

Those two items combined serve as the new road map for how politicians will communicate with the masses and, by extension, the media.

The rhetoric is blunt and unforgiving. And oftentimes, because Twitter serves as a platform for complaining rather than discussing actual solutions, a regular airing of grievances.

Which makes AOC the perfect politician in a country that loves a good complaint but where solutions to real problems are in short supply (outside of the "solution" of throwing money at the problem).

To that end, the 31-year-old Democratic socialist is exceptionally adept at telling you what's wrong with X, Y, Z and whom to blame for it. That, my friends, is what gets you more social media followers and traditional media coverage than just about anyone in Congress despite having been in the swamp for less than two years.

And with that comes enormous power.

This week came another call from AOC for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and House Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) to be removed from their respective positions. But how can that be? Democrats control the House, could win back the Senate through two Georgia runoff elections on Jan. 5 and took back the White House with Joe Biden winning 12 million more votes than his old boss Barack Obama won in 2008.

But when peeling back the onion, the party is in complete disarray. Again, how can that be? Well, Democrats lost seats in the House despite almost every prediction saying they would gain seats. The result is the smallest majority since World War II. More importantly, it sets up a perfect scenario for the GOP, which will assuredly take back said House in 2022 since the party not in power in the White House usually gains seats and the GOP needs very few to win a majority. And if Republicans hold the Senate by winning one of two Senate runoffs in the Peach State, the civil war within the Democratic Party will go full nuclear, with AOC playing the very public role of General Cornwallis.

Note: The passion within the blue team comes not from the Pelosi/Schumer wing of the party, but from AOC's squad faction. It's also the reason, many political observers point out, why House races went so badly for Democrats last month in somehow losing at least 12 seats, including some in California. AOC’s agenda of “Medicare for All,” defunding the police, abolishing ICE and trillions for the Green New Deal may get the lion's share of press attention, but it’s not the message embraced warmly by the electorate.

Rest - https://thehill.com/opinion/campaign/531057-why-aoc-should-be-next-to-lead-the-dnc