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View Full Version : King of Race Baiters drops his line with fresh bait

12-23-2020, 05:27 PM
A walking ball of hatred.

He has thrived and profited for as long as I can possibly remember by laying down racist claims and accusations. A man that is so full of hate, and so full of racism himself.

And he was never one for facts. He pushes racism even when it's not there. He'll make up accusations and claims if he has to, and has done so on several occasions, with Tawana Brawley being his biggest and most obvious case.

He claimed to be a minister, a reverend & anything that would try and make him a man of God, of which he is nowhere near.


Racist Sharpton Claims the 'White Church' Is 'Sinning' for Not Teaching Critical Race Theory

On Sunday’s PoliticsNation, Al Sharpton collaborated with pastor of the Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Church in Washington, D.C. Reverend William H. Lamar IV to launch racist attacks on the American democracy as yet to be realized, white Christians as less-than-genuine Christ followers, and the “white church” for preaching white supremacy and purposefully wanting to deny African-Americans the chance to accept Christ.

In response to six Baptist seminary leaders refusing to add critical race theory to their curriculums, Lamar labeled white church leaders as “plutocrats,” “oligarchs,” and “kleptocrats” with Sharpton claiming that, based on their skin color, “they’re sinning.”

Sharpton led into Lamar's appearance with his trademark race hustling by lumping in each and every white American with the Proud Boys in light of their behavior last weekend in Washington D.C. ripping down Black Lives Matter signs at two black churches and clashing with BLM activists (click "expand"):

But in the face of this hatred, it begs a question that my next guest asked in an op-ed published in The Washington Post in response to the violence inflicted onto the black community, “Will America replace its racist myth?”

With me now, the Reverend William H. Lamar IV. He is the pastor of the African -- the Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Church in Washington, D.C. Thank you for being with us, Reverend Lamar. I -- I -- I want to read a passage you wrote in response that was in The Washington Post: “The mythology that motivated the perpetrators on Saturday night was the underbelly of the American narrative that white men can employ violence to take what they want and do what they want, and call that criminality justice, freedom, and liberty.” So why can't white America come to terms with this racist myth and how can it be replaced, Reverend Lamar because they call that patriotism[.]

Referring to his jam-packed August 28 gathering on the National Mall that the left and their media allies had no issue with, Sharpton lamented: "I can only think of when just in August when we had the big march in Washington, over 200,000 people and no violence, if we had one, just one person throw something, a piece of paper across the Lincoln Memorial reflector pool, they would have called it a riot and everything else."

Asserting that American democracy has not yet been “realized,” he labeled white Americans as “the problem” and that they must collectively atone for seemingly their existence and the sins of distant ancestors (who actually did engage in slavery and enact measures such as Jim Crow laws):

Their churches have not interrupted it, the myth of white supremacy, the myth of white settler colonialism. Their politicians by and large have not interrupted it...We are not the problem. The problem is white supremacy and what it does to human beings, what it does to communities, what it does to people black and white and so what we need is a concerted effort from within the white community to turn the page on this narrative, to say that this truly will be a democracy that is multicultural, multi-faith, multiethnic and really for me, democracy in America is aspirational. It has not yet been realized because of what we saw Saturday and because of what we continue to see in our policies at the federal level, at the state and local level as well.

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/duncan-schroeder/2020/12/23/racist-sharpton-claims-white-church-sinning-not-teaching

12-26-2020, 05:55 PM

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/FzQQKc4z1Im7vKaVnsfAbpahVGpqWGosoK4OKH-qOwBqJhz0IteZX4YxAPZKxQ-mdUXi-Lrq77UacBBydnXqw5rYKsfHIxWUuvYES0d7KHqgBoQInpmtoT1 CYRCM5SH_ENHkxA
