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12-24-2020, 07:19 PM
Fredo lost it, a long long time back in fact :rolleyes:


CNN's Chris Cuomo's Meltdown Over Trump Pardoning 'Criminals' Deserves Its Own Laugh Track

Judging by CNN’s Chris Cuomo’s comical, stage-directed meltdown Wednesday night (https://rumble.com/vc530z-cnns-chris-cuomo-goes-on-unhinged-anti-trump-rant-after-new-pardons.html?mref=16emn&mrefc=2), you’d have thought President Trump had pardoned unrepentant terrorists, people who’d aided the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism, traitors or entire armies of bad actors. Note: he didn’t.

Cuomo’s TDS-infused rant about (https://rumble.com/vc530z-cnns-chris-cuomo-goes-on-unhinged-anti-trump-rant-after-new-pardons.html?mref=16emn&mrefc=2) the president’s recent moves, including the newest pardons, was delivered with his typically unhinged, I’ll-jump-over-the-desk-and-strangle-you style. Cuomo didn’t need stage lighting, his for-the-cameras incandescent fauxrage was enough to show the rant for what it was: just another Wednesday night Olbermann-lite monologue. The only thing missing was a “You, sir … “.

Cuomo intoned that President Trump’s latest round of 29 full pardons were “the most toxic tally of pardons we have ever seen.” He said that the pardons gave Americans a Christmas gift of “ultimate clarity about this outgoing president.”

Sure, Chris.

Trump didn’t commute the sentences of seven people who materially helped Iran – the largest state-sponsor of terrorism, maker of American GI-killing IEDs – to advance technology for its weapons systems. President Obama did that. Trump didn’t pardon Wiki-Leak traitor Chelsea Manning. Embezzlers, drug dealers, bootleggers, gamblers, and gun runners found a friend in Obama.

Trump didn’t free Puerto Rican terrorists so his wife could get votes in a key constituency in a state she’d never lived in. Bill Clinton did that. Bill Clinton pardoned his brother. Jimmy Carter pardoned 200,000 men who fled for parts unknown (mostly Canada) to escape from serving in the military.

Before he left to go to his Mar-a-Lago Christmas, President Trump pardoned another 29 people. His list of full pardons included a victim of sex trafficking, a police officer sentenced to ten years in prison for ordering her K-9 partner to take down a burglary suspect who needed ten stitches in the aftermath.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/victoria-taft/2020/12/24/cnns-chris-cuomos-meltdown-over-trump-pardoning-criminals-deserves-its-own-laugh-track-n1228929

12-24-2020, 07:33 PM
Bill Clinton's number of pardon's would even make FREDO commit suicide.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_people_pardoned_by_Bill_Clinton

Then we have OBAMA's...pardon list
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_people_granted_executive_clemency_by_Barac k_Obama


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-26-2020, 07:48 AM
Fredo lost it, a long long time back in fact :rolleyes:


CNN's Chris Cuomo's Meltdown Over Trump Pardoning 'Criminals' Deserves Its Own Laugh Track

Judging by CNN’s Chris Cuomo’s comical, stage-directed meltdown Wednesday night (https://rumble.com/vc530z-cnns-chris-cuomo-goes-on-unhinged-anti-trump-rant-after-new-pardons.html?mref=16emn&mrefc=2), you’d have thought President Trump had pardoned unrepentant terrorists, people who’d aided the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism, traitors or entire armies of bad actors. Note: he didn’t.

Cuomo’s TDS-infused rant about (https://rumble.com/vc530z-cnns-chris-cuomo-goes-on-unhinged-anti-trump-rant-after-new-pardons.html?mref=16emn&mrefc=2) the president’s recent moves, including the newest pardons, was delivered with his typically unhinged, I’ll-jump-over-the-desk-and-strangle-you style. Cuomo didn’t need stage lighting, his for-the-cameras incandescent fauxrage was enough to show the rant for what it was: just another Wednesday night Olbermann-lite monologue. The only thing missing was a “You, sir … “.

Cuomo intoned that President Trump’s latest round of 29 full pardons were “the most toxic tally of pardons we have ever seen.” He said that the pardons gave Americans a Christmas gift of “ultimate clarity about this outgoing president.”

Sure, Chris.

Trump didn’t commute the sentences of seven people who materially helped Iran – the largest state-sponsor of terrorism, maker of American GI-killing IEDs – to advance technology for its weapons systems. President Obama did that. Trump didn’t pardon Wiki-Leak traitor Chelsea Manning. Embezzlers, drug dealers, bootleggers, gamblers, and gun runners found a friend in Obama.

Trump didn’t free Puerto Rican terrorists so his wife could get votes in a key constituency in a state she’d never lived in. Bill Clinton did that. Bill Clinton pardoned his brother. Jimmy Carter pardoned 200,000 men who fled for parts unknown (mostly Canada) to escape from serving in the military.

Before he left to go to his Mar-a-Lago Christmas, President Trump pardoned another 29 people. His list of full pardons included a victim of sex trafficking, a police officer sentenced to ten years in prison for ordering her K-9 partner to take down a burglary suspect who needed ten stitches in the aftermath.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/victoria-taft/2020/12/24/cnns-chris-cuomos-meltdown-over-trump-pardoning-criminals-deserves-its-own-laugh-track-n1228929
That fling worm is a maggot. Not an ounce of honor in the sorry POS. Imho...I would spit on the cowardly little punk.. Tyr

12-26-2020, 02:14 PM
Trump’s pardons are actually a marked contrast to Obama and Clinton.

Trump generally is pardoning people that he thinks have been wronged by the system and are serving sentences that are overly harsh or that they aren’t even guilty of.

Obama, on the other hand, pardoned people that had committed egregious crimes that damaged our country, but Obama liked them because they were similar to they way Obama had damaged the country.

Clinton just pardoned people that were giving him money under the table. Slimy, but at least not damaging to our country.

Instead of having a meltdown about Trump’s pardons, Chris Cuomo should do us all a favor and just melt down.