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View Full Version : Fighting America's disinformation crisis

01-01-2021, 03:54 PM
A quite interesting, if lengthy, read. Though it might depend on where you believe the disinformation comes from. ---------------> https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jan/01/disinformation-us-election-covid-pandemic-trump-biden

01-01-2021, 06:27 PM
A quite interesting, if lengthy, read. Though it might depend on where you believe the disinformation comes from. ---------------> https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jan/01/disinformation-us-election-covid-pandemic-trump-biden

When tech and msm media actively shut down a story and call it disinformation because it is damaging to their vested interests in corrupt politicians like the Bidens, we know where it comes from.

01-02-2021, 12:35 PM
When tech and msm media actively shut down a story and call it disinformation because it is damaging to their vested interests in corrupt politicians like the Bidens, we know where it comes from.

This is precisely why it pays to study, visit and learn how people function in a Communist country. Information somehow gets out. It's useful to learn that "somehow". Cuba works for this purpose. Nicaragua also works, but be street smart to avoid being robbed or worse by the criminal element. Venezuela isn't really a workable option, but chatting with Venezuelan refugees on the Colombia side of the border is.

01-02-2021, 12:51 PM
A quite interesting, if lengthy, read. Though it might depend on where you believe the disinformation comes from. ---------------> https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jan/01/disinformation-us-election-covid-pandemic-trump-biden
Looking for "where you believe the disinformation comes from." is the wrong pursuit.
The 2ndary reporting sources are not the root of facts or truth.
The raw evidence is what shows any information true or false.

If FOX news or CNN or Mother Jones or Alex Jones says that the sky is blue on a clear day,
then it's the evidence they present to support it that gives that particular statement credibility or not.

Understanding the biases of various sources and looking for "the rest of the story" or corroborating facts is the work of the receiver of info.
the MSM, Politicians, the Gov't, corporations, and Activist, too often "misspeak", lie by omission and outright. So do alternative sources.

But it's lazy and dishonest to completely dismiss various sources out of hand because of our own negative biases, partisanship and personal incredulity.
But it seem that's where most people want to live.