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01-03-2021, 03:19 PM
This guy is a psycho if you read about his past and all the crazy shit he's done and said. And he's on the cusp pf possibly winning in Georgia? Oy

He's known for attacking our military, our police, Israel & an awful lot about white folks. :rolleyes:


Democrat Raphael Warnock: America Needs to Repent for Supporting Trump and its “Worship of Whiteness”

Raphael Warnock is the future of the Democrat Party. He hates America and hates whitey.

Warnock is running against Senator Kelly Loeffler next week in a Georgia runoff election.

And if the same illegal behavior is allowed in the Georgia run-off election as was allowed in the Georgia general election, Reverend Warnock has a good chance of stealing a seat in the US Senate!

Voter fraud must stop.

Politicians who hate their country must be voted down.

Warnock: “America needs to repent for its worship of whiteness”



01-03-2021, 04:56 PM
Warnock is really bad. Unfortunately Loeffler is pretty odd too. Sort of the same problem we've seen in presidential elections; flip side of same coin.

01-03-2021, 05:27 PM
Loeffler is nothing but a shill for Donald Trump. She has no opinions or positions of her own. She was appointed to her current office by the governor of Georgia. Loeffler is one of the richest women in the U.S. by her marriage to Jeffrey Sprecher, who is the chairman of the New York Stock Exchange. She has since benefited their position through insider training.

01-03-2021, 07:19 PM
Loeffler is nothing but a shill for Donald Trump. She has no opinions or positions of her own. She was appointed to her current office by the governor of Georgia. Loeffler is one of the richest women in the U.S. by her marriage to Jeffrey Sprecher, who is the chairman of the New York Stock Exchange. She has since benefited their position through insider training.

Not sure where you get she has no opinions or positions on her own, that's just ridiculous. :rolleyes: For those that actually watched and read, she has had many of her own of both opinions and her positions are known and in writing for those that actually read. She's already a senator and as her own track record to speak of. May not be my flavor of tea, but I'm not in Georgia. And anyone is better than what Warnock offers. He's a horrible racist & abuser. Abuse involving his wife & a a camp he ran.

Loeffler may not be the best candidate - but she is surely a cut above Warnock. He has no right being in office IMO.

01-03-2021, 08:43 PM
Loeffler did not win an election. She was appointed to the Senate. Her primary qualification is that her voting record is "100 percent with Trump." I do hope Georgia Republicans follow Trump's recommendation to not trust the corrupt voting system and avoid participating in the runoff.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-03-2021, 09:51 PM
By any fair minded, decent person's standards Warnock is uttering a entirely unpalatable POS .
A radical, a racist and an ASSHOLE TO BOOT.
Thusly he is a perfect candidate for the modern dem party and its nation destroying agenda.
How some can not or else deliberately refuse to admit that truth, that reality, still amazes me.
I'd spit on the ffing POS..--Tyr

01-03-2021, 11:52 PM
Loeffler did not win an election. She was appointed to the Senate. Her primary qualification is that her voting record is "100 percent with Trump." I do hope Georgia Republicans follow Trump's recommendation to not trust the corrupt voting system and avoid participating in the runoff.

That's how it works in GA and many other states for that matter when a sitting senator retires. FWIW she wasn't even the one that trump preferred Kemp appoint so her primary qualification at this point is she made the runoff which is exactly the primary qualification of her opponent; that and being 100% not trump.

01-04-2021, 04:09 PM
Loeffler is nothing but a shill for Donald Trump. She has no opinions or positions of her own.

Which is the standard liberal response to any female conservative.