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View Full Version : Leftist mob strikes again

01-05-2021, 01:19 PM
Was all Trump's fault. Peaceful this and peaceful that until righties show up and violence breaks out. Sure!

You thought this stuff would stop? Why would it, they're enjoying themselves, and there's no punishment for crimes anymore.


VIOLENT LEFTIST MOB Swarms and Attacks Senator Hawley’s DC Home — Pounding on Door, Screaming Threats — Terrorizing His Wife and Newborn Baby

BREAKING: Antifa scumbags swarmed and attacked Senator Josh Hawley’s Washington DC home on Monday night.

The Senator was back in Missouri at the time.

But Senator Hawley’s wife Erin and their newborn baby were at home at the time!

This is the modern-day Democrat Party.

Their fake news media will, no doubt, ignore this latest attack on a mother and her baby!

Senator Hawley tweeted this on Monday night.


Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/01/violent-leftist-mob-swarms-attacks-senator-hawleys-dc-home-pounding-door-screaming-threats-terrorizing-wife-newborn-baby/

01-05-2021, 03:32 PM
First of all, antifa is not an actual organization. They don't have a website or a headquarters. You won't find a leader of antifa listed. Antifa is merely a term that the right wing media came up with to encompass any and all organizations that they oppose. -------------> That having been said, I am totally opposed to violence and threats made against any political or social figure. There is no reason to harass Senator Hawley at his home. Just like there was no reason for the radical idiots who surrounded the home of the Michigan governor and threatened her family.

01-05-2021, 03:57 PM
First of all, antifa is not an actual organization. They don't have a website or a headquarters. You won't find a leader of antifa listed. Antifa is merely a term that the right wing media came up with to encompass any and all organizations that they oppose. -------------> That having been said, I am totally opposed to violence and threats made against any political or social figure. There is no reason to harass Senator Hawley at his home. Just like there was no reason for the radical idiots who surrounded the home of the Michigan governor and threatened her family.

It was their name to begin with, and still thousands and thousands around the nation belong to various groups even labeled as such. To deny this is laughable. And I guess them and their banners and t-shirts and websites and everything named behind the antifa name - doesn't exist?

They may not be an organized group - but they are organized and do have leading contacts and do plan in advance for events and gladly advertise themselves as antifa. And I guess the endless groups in many many states around the nation, all in jest, or all made up?

And even then - bottom line - it's a collection of people around the nation, who show up at events to protest and harass, and they all dress in black and go under the antifa banner. They are all lefties and all of the same shitty beliefs and demands. And they DO have websites, as if that means anything. A main site and state offshoots.

But yeah, I know, all the violence, destruction & assaults we have witnessed around the nation in the past year, from folks wearing black with the antifa symbol in large groups with an antifa banner - all made up, not real people, no organization exists.... sure! And the destruction that took place was fake too!

After all that - who gives a fuck if they are a true organization or simply groups of pieces of shit scumbags - why bother starting in with denying who they are to an extent? Does it change anything? Does it change the actions in this story? Does it change ANYTHING they have done in the past year? Of course not.

01-05-2021, 04:43 PM
I wonder who all these fake folks are? A lot of these made up folks running around and getting organized and sharing the antifa name...




From antifa intl join page:

1) We aren’t in contact with every antifa crew in the world (yet!).
In a lot of ways, antifa are more organized than ever before and we’re seeing cross-border collaboration with projects like this tumblr, The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund, the International Day of Solidarity with Anti-Fascist Prisoners, etc. So while we are building towards the day when we’ll know every antifa crew everywhere, we might not know of an active one in your area.

2) Referring you to a local antifa crew does not = endorsing or vouching for that crew.
Due to things like linguistic barriers, geographic distance, etc. we might have heard of an antifa crew near you that we can put you in touch with, but that doesn’t mean we necessarily know much more about them beyond some contact info. So if we pass on a contact point for an antifa crew, please understand we aren’t endorsing them per se. You should approach contact with any antifa or political group you don’t know personally with some common-sense security precautions, just in case. Common-sense security precautions like these ones.

3) There might be active antifa networks where you are right now.
If you’re in the U.S. you should check with The Torch Antifa Network;
If you’re in the UK you should check with The Antifascist Network;
If you’re in France you should check with La Horde;
If you’re in Sweden you should check with Antifascistisk Aktion Sweden;
If you’re in The Netherlands you should check with Anti-Fascistische Actie

You could also check out other networks that aren’t solely antifa but who do antifa stuff, like the IWW.

4) You can probably find the nearest antifa crew yourself w/ some creative & skillful Googling.
Have you typed in the name of your town/area/region + terms like “antifa,” “antifascist,” or “antiracist?” You might be pleasantly surprised by what comes up!

5) If you’ve done all that and can’t find a local antifa crew to connect with, it might be time to start your own.
We’ve written some tips about starting an antifa crew + some thoughts on what kind of things your new crew could be doing. The Anti-Fascist Network has also published a guide to setting up an antifa group as well as a list of useful resources for antifa. Finally, here’s our list of 30 antifa actions that pretty much anyone could pull off with the help of a few friends.

If you’re seeking out like-minded antifa near you, we hope this proves a useful resource. We can’t wait to hear what you get up to in your part of the world!


01-05-2021, 06:13 PM
First of all, antifa is not an actual organization. They don't have a website or a headquarters. You won't find a leader of antifa listed. Antifa is merely a term that the right wing media came up with to encompass any and all organizations that they oppose. -------------> That having been said, I am totally opposed to violence and threats made against any political or social figure. There is no reason to harass Senator Hawley at his home. Just like there was no reason for the radical idiots who surrounded the home of the Michigan governor and threatened her family.

Because you say they are not an actual organization DOES NOT MEAN THEY DO NOT EXIST TO DISRUPT, RIOT, MURDER, BURN and Be Liberally Controlled by STUPIDITY.https://i.pinimg.com/474x/dd/a1/d2/dda1d2cd4bfc877714f98466ac262a98.jpg

01-05-2021, 06:16 PM
Just because the name says "antifa" doesn't mean that is who they are. I suggest that you check out those links to see who they really represent.

01-05-2021, 06:19 PM
Just because the name says "antifa" doesn't mean that is who they are. I suggest that you check out those links to see who they really represent.

Just because you pretend to be gabby here doesn't mean it's WHO YOU ARE either.
Why do you find such a desperate need to argue over a Name? Unless of course. Antifa...whoever they are...forgot to mention your name as a member.

01-05-2021, 06:48 PM
Just because the name says "antifa" doesn't mean that is who they are. I suggest that you check out those links to see who they really represent.
@gabosaurus (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=111)

Why are you defending them? Please tell me who they really represent. Not main stream America. They are radicalists who have no qualms about destroying public and private property. They have destroyed lives by burning down businesses and use intimidation to force their agenda. Definitely not a group I would defend.

01-05-2021, 08:22 PM
@gabosaurus (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=111)

Why are you defending them? Please tell me who they really represent. Not main stream America. They are radicalists who have no qualms about destroying public and private property. They have destroyed lives by burning down businesses and use intimidation to force their agenda. Definitely not a group I would defend.

They are anarchists which is why they target atms and such. They also set black radicals to continue to cause mayhem and cover. They attack all political stripes, they want 0 civilization/culture.