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09-19-2007, 07:32 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. But James Brolin is one freakin sick bastard movie star, loser.
2. There's no wonder why he hasn't done anything in like 35 years.
3. His acting career is in the shitter.
4. (I ) *The Great CWN* condemns this bag-o-crap.:fu:
5. Its lefties like these who are trying to destroy America, and what it stands for.:pee:Neoliberals
6. Read this:



JAMES BROLIN'S 9/11 GAFFESeptember 15, 2007 -- JAMES Brolin came down with a huge case of foot-in-mouth disease when he cheerfully wished everybody "Happy 9/11!" on a radio show. The not-so-smart hubby of Barbra Streisand was on New Haven's WPLR Tuesday to hype his movie "The Hunting Party" when hosts Chaz and AJ noted it was the sixth anniversary of the terror attacks. "Right, oh, yeah, Happy 9/11!" Brolin crowed. A horrified Chaz shot back, "Well, that's kind of a weird thing to say," to which Brolin laughed, "Ha, ha, ha! I hear silence." Chaz explained, "Yeah, well, we're right outside of New York, and I know people who lost family members, so . . . we don't say, 'Happy 9/11' around here." Brolin, still giddy, chirped: "Celebrate the day, right?" He then tried to cover his stupidity by calling it a "horrible situation" but was cut off by Chaz, who coldly noted, "I think you'd be better off talking about this movie." WPLR program director Ed Sabatino told us listeners have burned up the studio lines for days to rip Brolin's insensitivity. The actor's manager, Jeff Wald, insisted he wasn't making fun of the tragedy and "was horrified by it. It was an off-the-cuff remark." Streisand's reps didn't return calls.



09-19-2007, 07:46 AM
I saw that on the news this morning. It makes you want to drag the washed up mouthbreathing knuckledragging hollywood troglodite through the phone for a good flogging.

09-19-2007, 08:02 AM
Starting on 9/11/03, we "celebrate" 9/11 in MY house with a party and a cake with candles on it.

We didn't celebrate that day on 9/11/01, of course...and the next year, my wife travelled alone from Maine to Ground Zero on 9/11/02 to spend the day down there grieving for all her countrymen and women who died... who died on HER birthday.

She "reclaimed" her birthday from Al Qaeda on that day and we have celebrated 9/11 ever since.