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01-06-2021, 07:08 PM
Some developed bells palsy as well, some fainted and were other smaller issues as well.


CDC reveals at least 21 Americans have suffered life threatening allergic reactions to Pfizer's COVID vaccine - but officials beg people to get the shot and say problems are 'rare'

A new report from the CDC revealed 21 out of 1.9 million suffered anaphylaxis after getting the first dose of Pfizer-BioNTech's coronavirus vaccine
Of the patients, 17 had a history of allergies or allergic reactions and 71% occurred within 15 minutes of vaccination
Four people were admitted to the hospital, but all have since recovered or were discharged home
The CDC says the rate of the life-threatening allergic reaction is 11.1 cases of per million doses compared with one case per million for the flu
Public health experts are still pleading with people to get the shot as the virus continues to claim an average of more than 2,000 lives per day

Nearly two dozen Americans have experienced life-threatening allergic reactions after receiving Pfizer-BioNTech's coronavirus vaccine, a new report finds.

Between December 14 and 23, a total of 21 people suffered anaphylaxis upon getting their first dose, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revealed on Wednesday.

Of those patients, 17 people had a history of allergies or allergic reactions and 71 percent of cases occurred within 15 minutes of vaccination.

With approximately only 1.9 million shots administered over that time period, that is a rate of 11.1 cases of anaphylaxis per million doses.

However, the CDC says this reaction is 'still exceedingly rare' and urge the general public to get the vaccines when they become available to them to help curb the pandemic that is claiming an average of more than 2,000 lives per day in the U.S.

Rest - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-9119029/At-21-Americans-life-threatening-anaphylaxis-receiving-Pfizers-vaccine-CDC-reveals.html

01-06-2021, 07:59 PM
^Sounds like the disease is still worse than the cure.

01-06-2021, 08:19 PM
^Sounds like the disease is still worse than the cure.

I just avoid them both like the plague for right now and just keep my ass at home. Maybe I'll feel more confident about getting my shot when it's finally my turn. But yeah, no doubt the vaccine is better than the disease! I think. I hope!! We'll see in a few months and more when folks start getting their second shots I think.

01-07-2021, 11:13 AM
Some developed bells palsy as well, some fainted and were other smaller issues as well.

Maybe they aren't "turning into alligators" (slang for an ugly person), but problems nonetheless, completely shielded from liability. What if right-wing Brazilians are making the right decision by having nothing to do with the vaccine? Nicolas Maduro is complaining about poor people/countries not getting adequate access to the vaccine. I commented in another venue that Maduro can have my vaccine.