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View Full Version : What happened with Capitol police?

01-07-2021, 01:24 PM
Knowing this march was going to happen, and how many folks inside including the VP, you would think they would have had better protection, more protection. And I hope they made note of all the weak spots and get a quick fix. People shouldn't be able to break in, and shouldn't be able to reach the chamber. You would also think they had stronger doors and windows. Certainly not their fault.


Law enforcement officials across the U.S. shocked by police failure to stop Capitol invasion

Law enforcement officials across the country expressed shock over the chaos at the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday, with some saying police were "entirely unprepared" and others calling the response "embarrassing."

Many said it was the failure of the Capitol Police to prevent the physical invasion of the building by pro-Trump rioters that concerned them most.

Carmen Best, who was chief of the Seattle police from 2018 to September and is now an NBC News contributor, said that, like many other Americans, she watched the events at the Capitol unfold on television.

"I was wondering, where were the cops? If they don't get there soon, what else could transpire? It felt like a very long time, and I'm sure millions of people were also watching and thinking the same thing," Best said.

While she said she did not want to be overly critical of the Capitol Police, given that facts were still coming to light, she said the response "took way too long."

A senior law enforcement official with decades of experience handling high-profile security events at a major-city police department raised national security concerns in light of the breaches of senior congressional leaders' offices.

The official wondered what documents were exposed, what computers were unlocked and what phone numbers were out in the open when rioters entered the offices. The official was also concerned that foreign intelligence officers could have been mixed in with the crowd.

Many officials who spoke to NBC News condemned decisions made by supervisory officers when it came to preparation.

Others wondered about levels of staffing at the Capitol, given that not only was a protest scheduled Wednesday, but so was the counting of the Electoral College vote. They said it appeared that the Capitol Police were completely understaffed.

Rest - https://www.yahoo.com/news/law-enforcement-officials-across-u-043331704.html

Capitol Police inability to secure seat of U.S. government raises serious questions

After a violent mob supporting President Donald Trump’s undemocratic effort to overturn the Electoral College results terrorized the Capitol complex Wednesday, questions abound over how that mob breached the Capitol Police security posture.

The opaque federal police force said last week that it had a comprehensive plan to keep Congress safe while lawmakers certify the Electoral College win by Joe Biden. But what transpired was a failure, according to Rep. Tim Ryan, chairman of the Legislative Branch Appropriations Committee, the panel that oversees Capitol Police funding.

“There were clearly enormous, strategic and planning failures by the Capitol Police, by the Sergeant at Arms and anybody else who was a part of coordinating this effort here,” said Ryan, an Ohio Democrat. “This is the United States Capitol building with the United States Congress in session handling the presidential election process.”

The mob broke windows, infiltrated both the Senate and House chambers, and offices of lawmakers, including Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. The rioters caused Congress’ deliberations to be delayed by hours and the campus went into a lockdown.

A woman shot at the Capitol was later pronounced dead at a hospital, according to Dustin Sternbeck, communications director for the Metropolitan Police Department. He said more details, such as how that incident happened, would be available in the future.

At a late afternoon press conference, MPD Police Chief Robert J. Contee III said five weapons were recovered along with 13 arrests. None of those arrested were D.C. residents, Contee said. The Capitol Police provided no information on this front.

It is unclear how the Capitol Police force — with 1,879 sworn officers and a budget of $515.5 million — was unable to protect Congress. And lawmakers want that to be examined.

Rest - https://rollcall.com/2021/01/06/capitol-police-inability-to-secure-seat-of-u-s-government-raises-serious-questions/

At least the media finally came around to the idea that riots are scary

CNN's Jake Tapper, Dana Bash, and others were aghast Wednesday as the nation watched thousands of President Trump's supporters storm the Capitol, breaching the premises, and rioting within the building. Aside from all the violence, though, they were otherwise peaceful!

Finally, the media understand how dangerous mobs can be. Good timing.

To be sure, Wednesday's events were grotesque. This is how liberals are expected to behave — such as when all of Washington, D.C., was boarded up in anticipation of how the locals would react if Trump won reelection. Republican-leaning precincts didn't have to do any boarding up because that's not expected of them.

Nothing of late has really gone as expected, though.

The pro-Trump chaos in Washington didn't come out of nowhere. The context is months of the media and Democrats excusing and often encouraging the rioting, looting, arson, and vandalism that took place over the summer and into the fall of 2020. Those were Democratic voters, the Black Lives Matter crowd, and antifa. Back then, terrified people in the United States were assured that the protests were "mostly peaceful," even as they watched their communities and neighborhoods overrun by thugs demanding that the government "defund the police."

Tapper had little to say about those riots, but on Wednesday, he called the scene at the Capitol an "absolutely shameful, disgusting situation."

Ah, but I'm here in Washington, and I assure you, Jake, that the vast majority of the protests were peaceful!

Rioting isn't a good look for the U.S. This would be easier to explain if the media had believed it in 2020.


01-07-2021, 07:47 PM
Jim, here's my guess - the Capitol Police, like the rest of the police in our country, have seen 12 months of police officers getting in more trouble when they fight with rioters, than the trouble the rioters ever get in. The politicians that they work for do not defend them, and in fact often throw them under the bus.
I think this wouldn't have happened two years ago.

01-08-2021, 12:42 AM

She's just like the WIERDO From Chicago who would DEFUND her police if the Dems in Congress didn't tell her not to.
BLM, and ANTIFA were involved in causing, and infiltrating the Trump demonstrators....AND EVERYBODY KNOWS IT...yet the DEMS have to blame all of us DEPLORABLE TRAITORS.https://www.aljazeera.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/AP_20352692813741.jpg?resize=770%2C513
She blamed the President!

https://www.usnews.com/dims4/USNEWS/d9bf967/2147483647/thumbnail/640x420/quality/85/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.beam.usnews.com%2F96%2F6fb c11d434e48a0bbdf3ee8c8b2b84%2Ftag%3Areuters.com%2C 2020%3Anewsml_LYNXNPEG6L10M%3A12020-07-22T131244Z_1_LYNXNPEG6L10M_RTROPTP_3_USA-ELECTION-BUTTIGIEG.JPG
She's from Chicago...and blames everything on the President.

https://s3media.247sports.com/Uploads/Assets/549/787/9787549.jpeghttps://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQmGoGWwforeKiUHwmw4we5eOvyWPhCf 1bKJw&usqp=CAU

01-08-2021, 07:46 AM
Hold the phone, stop the presses!!!!!!!!!

We should Defund the Capital Police and replace them with Social Workers.

And the next time this happens, call Black Lives Matter and they will handle it.

I am sure that AOC, Bernie, Pelosi, and Schumer will agree

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