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01-07-2021, 04:09 PM
True colors. They all came out this year, and are still coming out. Violence is different to him. Killing police was different somehow. Arson was different somehow. Anything to excuse the things they accepted & promoted and emboldened and said jack shit about the scum that were attacking federal buildings, attacking people and police. But now it's unacceptable. No, dipshits, they're all unacceptable. To find it ok to burn things that belong to the innocent, to kill and/or assault the innocent, to kill or assault the police..... the rest.... isn't the stuff you find OK and accept and find reasons to OK it. It was nothing more than riots at times, and then theft.

Fredo thinks they should have enjoyed this woman dying and left it on until she was dead. Both of them actually.


Cuomo, Lemon: 'Mistake' Not to Show Trump Supporter Bleed to Death

Wednesday was a dark day with the storming of the Capitol by insurrectionists, but CNN apparently wanted to make it worse. In a sadistic back and forth during the wee hours of Thursday morning, CNN’s resident leftist-riot backers Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon lamented how they weren’t allowed to show off the moment a female Trump supporter and rioter was shot in the throat by Capitol Police as she tried to break down a door to one of the chambers of Congress.

In the lead up to airing their sadistic wishes, Lemon decried people comparing happened to the Black Lives Matter and Antifa riots during the summer. “Don't go back to what happened this summer. Again, I think it's apples and oranges. Don't talk about the Black Lives Matter. Don't talk about the protest. We can deal with all that. Let's talk about what happened today,” he demanded.

“This is supposed to be the greatest democracy, in the world. And in that greatest democracy in the world, today, insurrectionists, domestic terrorists, took over the nation’s capital and caused someone to die,” he continued with Cuomo adding that “four people lost their lives, today.”

Leading into the video of the moments just before the shot rang out, Cuomo blasted unnamed people (he likely meant Republican members of Congress) who would “defend today” by noting they were “victimized” too. “A woman died today. And that is true. A woman lost her life, today, because of what was done. And here's some of the video of it,” he touted.

After playing video of the chaos outside the doors of the chamber, Cuomo complained about being unable to show viewers the woman as she bled out, calling it a “mistake” not to do so:

All right. So, you saw what we did there, right? We froze the video to save you the aftermath. I have to be honest with you. This is a discretion call, editorially, that we make to kind of insulate you from the reality of violence. I’ve always thought it was a mistake.

“I think we should show it,” Lemon morbidly chimed in.

From there, Cuomo went on a bizarre rant about not being allowed to show dead bodies in Iraq during the war, whining that Americans didn’t want to see it:

I think it's a mistake at war. I remember covering the Iraq War, and being over there. And you guys lost interest and you didn't want to see dead bodies, anymore. And I think, that when you get numb to it, you start to forget the significance. It matters that she was taken out there, today. It didn't have to happen. It should have never happened. None of this should be happening.

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/nicholas-fondacaro/2021/01/07/cuomo-lemon-mistake-not-show-trump-supporter-bleed-death

01-07-2021, 04:51 PM
IGNORANT BASTARDS is too kind for both of those Scumbags.

01-07-2021, 08:10 PM
This is what happens when human beings are not held accountable for their actions. At one time, remarks like that would be grounds for dismissal. Can you imagine Walter Cronkite saying that? Or Peter Jennings?

Once Sullivan vs New York Times freed the press from libel suits, the sewer pipe was uncorked. And Cuomo and Lemon are the top maggots.

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