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01-08-2021, 12:08 AM
Interesting read
America’s Dark Epiphany: We Are All South Vietnamese NowThe GOP and conservative establishment proved themselves as worthless as the venal, do-nothing rulers in Saigon, who let the Communists win.https://stream.org/wp-content/uploads/Fall-of-Saigon-1-e1610043760425.jpghttp://www.verledentijd.com/2011/03/val-van-saigon/saigon-hubert-van-es/ (Fair Use, per Wikipedia)

A member of the CIA helps evacuees up a ladder onto an Air America helicopter on the roof of 22 Gia Long Street April 29, 1975, shortly before Saigon fell to advancing North Vietnamese troops.

By JOHN ZMIRAK (https://stream.org/author/johnzmirak/) Published on January 7, 2021 • 93 Comments
John Zmirak (https://stream.org/author/johnzmirak/)
My political journey began in Spring 1975. Just ten years old, I’d watched with mounting horror as the Communist forces of North Vietnam (https://stream.org/tag/vietnam/) conquered the South. Meanwhile our vindictive, post-Watergate Congress refused further aid. On April 30, the invaders overran Saigon. I will never forget the spectacle of US helicopters pulling out of our embassy. Or the rooftops crowded with desperate American allies clutching at the landing gear. In subsequent months, the “Boat People” fleeing Communist cruelty started washing up on our shores. I couldn’t shake my sense of helpless, directionless shame. I felt our country had profoundly dishonored itself.
And Winter 2020 has brought me back to that same place. Washington, D.C., this dark Epiphany Day brought me right back to Saigon. I’ll explain, but first a few necessary reflections on the violence.
Shooting Trump Protesters: Good. Shooting Violent Suspects: Bad.We don’t know yet if the instigators of the violence at the US Capitol were rogue Trump (https://stream.org/tag/trump/) supporters unhinged by the theft of our democracy (https://stream.org/tag/electoral-fraud/). Or Antifa (https://stream.org/tag/antifa/) members in costume. Or maybe a blend of both, with gullible overwrought patriots following a false flag waved by canny infiltrators. The pro-Communist riots in West Germany, 1967-8, were started by a police shooting of a demonstrator. That cop later turned out to be an East German Stasi spy (https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2009/06/stas-j03.html) sent to stir up trouble. Put nothing past the radical Left. Nothing.


01-08-2021, 08:19 AM
No, just no.

Meanwhile, many of those who claim to be the opposition, the defenders of freedom, can be bought off or scared off. What happened to all those Republican governors, secretaries of state, and state legislators whose job it was to ensure an honest vote? They failed in their duties to our Constitution and our country, as surely as did those generals who jetted out of Saigon in 1975 with suitcases full of cash.

That whole thing is just based on a false premise of fraud, deceit, and stealing elections. The blame rests on the one at the top now who was never a leader and has proved that even more the past two months.

01-08-2021, 08:27 AM
No, just no.

That whole thing is just based on a false premise of fraud, deceit, and stealing elections. The blame rests on the one at the top now who was never a leader and has proved that even more the past two months.

Many things can be true at the same time. There's always been fraud. Technology has certainly opened the door to more opportunities to do so, though I've seen nothing that has convinced me, (nor any court), that it was so overwhelming that a "landslide victory" was stolen. Gaslighting by the President and some conspiracy folks have created a monster, one that is on the hunt for monsters created by the left.

That everyone has been manipulated, though the speed of this on the right is frightening to me-has been for going on 5+ years, is a game changer.

Somehow it would be wonderful to see real leaders emerge to tackle what has become the reality-but I don't really see that happening.

Tribalism is real and it's here.

01-08-2021, 08:34 AM
Many things can be true at the same time. There's always been fraud. Technology has certainly opened the door to more opportunities to do so, though I've seen nothing that has convinced me, (nor any court), that it was so overwhelming that a "landslide victory" was stolen. Gaslighting by the President and some conspiracy folks have created a monster, one that is on the hunt for monsters created by the left.

That everyone has been manipulated, though the speed of this on the right is frightening to me-has been for going on 5+ years, is a game changer.

Somehow it would be wonderful to see real leaders emerge to tackle what has become the reality-but I don't really see that happening.

Tribalism is real and it's here.

No disagreement there. Only with the OP. But one must be optimistic about real leaders that can step forward with actual conservative, small-government policies without populist blather that only serves to rile up and apparenlty not encourage people to actually vote... say in a runoff.

Nikkie Haley 2024!!!

01-08-2021, 09:01 AM
Coming Events?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3quruHpcuo&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR0ttLH-HoaBTvDFnaX9OmfHdCoVcsWKeD75PsnyjSzsPRjlEqAU2m6Egt g