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01-11-2021, 04:04 PM
Oh great, another "squad member" and another one that will play the race card left and right. :rolleyes: Another Joy Reid. :rolleyes: Or like the other twit who stated that "at the core of the capitol issue was whiteness".


Rep. Cori Bush Introducing Resolution to Expel Lawmakers Who ‘Incited a White Supremacist Coup Attempt’


Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO), whom some consider the newest member of the far-left “Squad,” is slated to introduce a resolution on Monday to expel lawmakers she alleges “incited a white supremacist coup attempt” last Wednesday as Congress met to certify the electoral votes.

“Tomorrow, I’m introducing my resolution to expel the members of Congress who tried to overturn the election and incited a white supremacist coup attempt that has left people dead,” Bush announced Sunday afternoon, concluding such lawmakers “violated the 14th Amendment”.

“We can’t have unity without accountability,” she added:


Bush swiftly announced her intention to take action against Republican members of Congress following the chaos that erupted at the U.S. Capitol last week, accusing her GOP colleagues of inciting a “domestic terror attack through their attempts to overturn the election”:



Other members of the far-left “Squad” have openly embraced taking action, including Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), who called on Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO), and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarty (R-CA) to resign for what she claims is their role in inciting the chaos that occurred in the nation’s capital on January 6:



In a weekend interview with This Week, the New York lawmaker pushed back on Republicans who have dismissed the Democrats’ plans to impeach President Trump over the riots, contending the process of healing is “separate and in fact requires accountability.”

Without it, she warned, it will “happen again”:


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) warned that Democrats will proceed with impeachment proceedings if Vice President Mike Pence does not act on the 25th Amendment to remove President Trump from office.

“We are calling on the Vice President to respond within 24 hours,” Pelosi said.


01-11-2021, 06:47 PM
The only thing she’s missing is the brown shirt and swastika on her sleeve (she probably already has the mustache)

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