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View Full Version : ABC Accuses Maskless GOP in Capitol Of Giving Democrats COVID

01-12-2021, 12:03 PM
Just more hypocrisy.

We even discussed it here as it took place. Not the worrying about it - but pointing out their hypocrisy back then as they pushed out mandates against us and aired non-stop fear porn and everything was about masks. Until BLM and antifa and other protesters arrived to protest in the streets and to riot and more. Very little masks and not a peep from the media.

Now the same but it's righty idiots, but now they are super spreaders. But only for the Democrats, not one another.


ABC Accuses Maskless GOP in Capitol Of Giving Democrats COVID

After CBS went out of their way to slander a maskless GOP congressman who helped protect his Democrat colleagues from violent insurrectionists last week during the Capitol Hill riot, ABC went all-in on mask-shaming on Tuesday’s Good Morning America as well.

ABC’s White House Correspondent Mary Bruce gleefully touted Democrats’ nasty and reckless accusations against their Republican colleagues, causing a “superspreader event” while sheltering in place during the riot:

And this morning other horrific fallout from this riot. The spread of COVID. At least two members of congress have now tested positive after being forced to shelter in place in close quarters. One of them, Democratic congresswoman Jayapal, is blaming her Republican colleagues who she said ‘cruelly refused to wear a mask and recklessly mocked colleagues when offered them.’

“Now George, she wants those Republicans to be fined,” Bruce gushed. Anchor George Stephanopoulos was all on board with Jayapal’s bitter accusation: “Could be a superspreader event on top of everything else!” he whined.

While ABC did not show video of which Republicans Jayapal was referring to, CBS last night and again, this morning, showed video of Oklahoma Rep. Markwayne Mullin, not wearing a mask, as if to suggest he was one of the dastardly Republicans responsible for giving the two Democrats COVID-19. Mullin helped protect his colleagues from violent rioters breaking into the chamber last Wednesday, but it seems Democrats and their media fearmongers think armed insurrectionists threatening to kill you aren’t as scary as catching COVID.

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/kristine-marsh/2021/01/12/abc-accuses-maskless-gop-capitol-giving-democrats-covid