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View Full Version : Matt Gaetz Condemns Violent Rhetoric, Triggers Outcry from House Democrats

01-13-2021, 08:46 PM
They can be angry all they like, but his comments wouldn't even exist if their inaction he points out also didn't exist.

And yes, they did call for unrest, they/she did call for others to get in their faces if you see them anywhere.

But to them it was peaceful, a peaceful event that cost nearly $2 billion in damages. 26 people in total killed. 12 police officers shot. 3 police officers killed. 700 police officers injured.

And I know I more than am tired of all the double standards aka hypocrisy. Worst it's been ever. And to the democrats they may not have wanted to hear it just now - but I believe it's important. If for anything, for the American people to have it highlighted - that what took place was beyond the pale. And that what we saw all year long, was beyond the pale. That America is better than this. And it should not be acceptable, ever, not even by democrats earlier in the year.

But as I think putting light on their words and inactions is important, it's also important not to make it about excusing the events at the capitol, as it's not.


Matt Gaetz Condemns Violent Rhetoric, Triggers Outcry from House Democrats

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) on Wednesday highlighted the double standard of his Democrat colleagues — many of whom have accused President Trump of inciting the lawlessness that occurred at the U.S. Capitol last week — reminding them of the inaction they took as Black Lives Matter and Antifa burned down cities and police stations during the protests over the summer, triggering an outcry from House Democrats in the chamber.

In a brief but fiery speech on the House floor, Gaetz repeated the sentiments of his colleagues that “words matter.” However, the Florida lawmaker used his time to demonstrate that Democrats failed to maintain the same standards last year as rioters burned down cities and destroyed livelihoods across the nation for months on end.

“The Speaker said to us just moments ago, words matter. But apparently, those words don’t matter when they’re uttered by Democrats,” he said.

“…When the gentlelady from Massachusetts calls for unrest in the streets, when the gentlelady from California brazenly brags that she called for people to get in the faces of those who serve and support the president,” he continued.

“I denounce political violence from all ends of the spectrum, but make no mistake – the left in America has incited far more political violence than the right,” he continued:

“For months, our cities burned. Police stations burned. Our businesses were shattered, and they said nothing, or they cheerleaded for it, and they fundraised for it, and they allowed it to happen in the greatest country in the world,” Gaetz continued, as his Democrat colleagues became audibly irritated.

“Now some have cited the metaphor that the president lit the flame, well they lit actual flames, actual fires,” he said as opposition became louder and he yielded back.

Prior to that, Gaetz noted that breaching the Capitol was “as low as low can be,” adding that “we all denounce it.”

“This president has faced unprecedented hatred and resistance from big media, big tech, and big egos from congressional leaders on both sides of the aisle,” he said, reminding colleagues of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) physically tearing apart President Trump’s State of the Union speech last year — an action Gaetz said incited “anger, resentment, division.”

“Some believe that, truly, these true colors are being shown now through this divisive partisan impeachment,” he added.

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) also took an opportunity to highlight the hypocrisy of his Democrat colleagues on Wednesday:

“Americans are tired of the double standards. They are so tired of it,” the Ohio Republican said, noting that Democrats “objected to more states in 2017 than Republicans did last week.”

“Democrats can raise bail for rioters and looters this summer, but somehow when Republicans condemn all the violence, the violence this summer, the violence last week, somehow we’re wrong,” he added.


01-14-2021, 12:21 AM
I'm all for pointing out what represtatives, mayors, governors said,did,and didn't do. Fair and I've no problems if they'd shown video, including all thr burning inMN, OR, and WA.

None of it changes what happened in DC, all should be condemned and prosecuted.

01-14-2021, 11:56 AM
I'm all for pointing out what represtatives, mayors, governors said,did,and didn't do. Fair and I've no problems if they'd shown video, including all thr burning inMN, OR, and WA.

None of it changes what happened in DC, all should be condemned and prosecuted.

Yup, absolutely, never implied otherwise. But it's just as important to highlight it. None of this happens without a huge never ending set of events over 4 years. These folks didn't just appear there and turn into criminals without history.

And as much as what happened was outright disgusting and needs prosecution - events in the past year were all disgusting & all should have been put to a stop & many prosecuted. But not only didn't that happen, but the folks doing the crimes were cheered on nightly by the news & overwhelmingly supported by politicians. And when the mayors and governors shot down assistance & even took tool away from the police - it was a guaranteed recipe for disaster. The nation watched it over and over all year long, as not only did folks mass protest and riot, they continued to destroy nightly. The nation watched over and over as it continued. Watched over and over as more and more turned to offers of assistance, and slapped those people offering no less.

Neither excuses the other, not nearly. In fact, nothing excuses criminal activity. But I believe that most things that took place were events compounded by earlier events. I don't think it's a case of "bush did it too" type of responses - as one thing lead to another which lead to another which lead to this and that which lead to the election and then the protesting and then yet another riot event - of the worst kind.

So the criminal folks are guilty, they have no excuse. Earlier folks getting away with rioting or doing worse or similar makes zero difference. All are guilty. Only a portion guilty as per MSM and lefties, which I won't forget.