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Abbey Marie
01-15-2021, 12:14 PM
We all remember the Dems shouting this when Trump was elected. I didn’t like it then, and I don’t like it now.
I maintain that Conservatives overall behave better than Dems.
Prove me right, please. Will you be saying this about Biden? Did you say this about Obama?

01-15-2021, 12:20 PM
While there is a temptation to say this when beating up a liberal in the interest of Turnabout...

No. On Jan 20th at noon, the doddering old fool will be my president.

Saying otherwise would make me as stupid as the ignorant moonbats that have embarrassed every moderately intelligent human within earshot, or on the same intellectual level as the Harpies on The View.

01-15-2021, 12:23 PM
I've always thought such was nonsense.

Got to say that it seems all moot to me now, I hope I'm wrong, but doubt it.

Abbey Marie
01-15-2021, 12:35 PM
I've always thought such was nonsense.

Got to say that it seems all moot to me now, I hope I'm wrong, but doubt it.

How so?

01-15-2021, 12:38 PM
How so?
The government
system We inherited is no more. Something else is here, where it goes is anyone's guess.

01-15-2021, 12:59 PM
We all remember the Dems shouting this when Trump was elected.
I maintain the Conservatives overall behave better than Dems.
Prove me right, please. Will you be saying this about Biden? Did you say this about Obama?

Obama was my president and I gave him a fair shake from day one. Biden is going to be my president from day one. I have never NOT accepted a president as my own, and try my best to get a fair shake.

I DO NOT think the republicans should impeach from day one unless they were to truly hold something horrible or treasonous. I don't think they should play any of the same games, lying to Americans from podiums within congress, or under oath. I certainly don't think any of them should call for getting into faces of others. They should try to be professionals from day one and show America that they ARE different than them. That they don't ooze hatred, and spend more time with constituents and working to better America - and less attacking the other side and their/our leader.

The problem that I have always seen - the left doesn't change. And if you go soft and don't fight to an extent, they are happy to look like assholes and yet get what they want. They non-stop vilify and label people to America to help in the long run. I still don't think the right should label anyone but for good reason. But it won't stop or change the left. The left will now go into another hypocrisy mode and like and hate a different set for the next 4 years. Write down what they want and don't want and some statements, because in 4-8 years they will magically change overnight. And the left will still lie lie lie and lie some more, if it helps them get what they want, or counter an argument.


But for now I will say this. If you look WAY back when democrats first put together candidates for 2020 - and Biden was not one of them initially. I said then that he was their best chance. Overall I thought he was the more decent of all of them. I have learned about a lot of scandals and more since...

But I'll enter this like every other. Joe Biden IS my president as of the inauguration. I will give him the utmost respect as our president and leader until he gives me reason otherwise. I will give him all the same opportunities that I give all others. I don't like what I see coming at us, and Joe needs to decide about a lot of socialism being pushed his way. So I do see issues, and his own words and actions make me nervous. I DO NOT like or trust some others around or beneath him, nor congress that support him. But he's my leader and will be given a chance and I'll respect him at a level of 100 until otherwise. He won the election and deserves to be given a fair shot. <--- I will say though, his own words and that of colleagues tells me their actions go downhill from day one. But I hope the right treats things respectfully and way more so than they did to Trump - and the same, until they have reason otherwise.

01-15-2021, 01:05 PM
The minute he is sworn in he becomes the president of the United States. I am a citizen of the United States. I am an American. So, he is my president.

Do I have to like him. NO!
Do I have to respect him? No, but I do respect the office of the presidency.
Do I want him removed? Only if it's determined he participated in crimes.

Abbey Marie
01-15-2021, 03:20 PM
To Jim’s point, I don’t believe in impeachment for political or vengeful reasons. But if it is apparent that he committed a serious, impeachable offense, then I’m ok with it. I also am sick of all the witch hunts. It will be unfortunate though, because I think decent people long for some stability in the country. Both in politics and of course in health.

01-15-2021, 03:27 PM
I didn't say it about Trump, why would I say it about Biden?

01-15-2021, 03:29 PM
I was thinking about this yesterday and this morning. I'm sure, and I have seen, different people talk about different times when they saw things start changing. And I'm sure my Dad would say somewhere in the 60's! So I know it'll change between each individual.

For me, it was GWB.

It started with the election being contested several times and then the many that never accepted it going forward.

Unfortunately, 8 months later, it was followed by the events of 9/11. It immediately changed things for awhile and America as a whole banded together in unity for some time. I never saw more American flags flying than I did not long after 9/11. Everyone supported one another, the nation seemed to get more polite with one another, I saw more bipartisanship for awhile than ever & just everyone was "together" in America and for our response. Everyone, regardless of political affiliation, regardless of color or creed, got together as one. So it seemed. We all said we would never forget & that we would never forget those who lost their lives that day. And I believed it.

But how long did that last? Sadly not long at all. Then out came the conspiracy theories, the arguments about war & what is best for America. But worst, that unity that all came together, exploded back to where it was before, and worse in some ways.

Then it was "GWB did it" for quite a few years. And IMO, that division from that time could be what created opportunity for Obama...

01-15-2021, 05:39 PM
Biden won the presidency by fraud. To say he’s my leader and that I’ll support him would be a lie. I don’t.

The Dems have demonstrated time and again that nothing is beneath them. You might as well hope that a Mafioso will obey the law. They can’t be trusted and they hate us. Just look at the events of these past 12 months and you can see what I mean.

They’re a bunch of control freaks that are obsessed with pushing people around. They are greedy for power. If they could get away with it, they’d have us all in labor camps.

What is there to like about them?

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01-15-2021, 10:10 PM
We all remember the Dems shouting this when Trump was elected.
I maintain that Conservatives overall behave better than Dems.
Prove me right, please. Will you be saying this about Biden? Did you say this about Obama?

Though I dislike him. Whether he was elected fraudulently or not. The Constitution says he is our COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF. Only History will decide if he is qualified to lead, or destroy our nation. Meanwhile. Per the Constitutional Oath he will take on the 20th, like the Oath I took every time I Re-enlisted. WE THE PEOPLE have no other choice than to Honor the Position, even if we Do Not Honor the person.

Think about it. In all honesty. WHAT ELSE CAN WE DO UNTIL HE IS GONE?

01-16-2021, 06:35 AM
Though I dislike him. Whether he was elected fraudulently or not. The Constitution says he is our COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF. Only History will decide if he is qualified to lead, or destroy our nation. Meanwhile. Per the Constitutional Oath he will take on the 20th, like the Oath I took every time I Re-enlisted. WE THE PEOPLE have no other choice than to Honor the Position, even if we Do Not Honor the person.

Think about it. In all honesty. WHAT ELSE CAN WE DO UNTIL HE IS GONE?



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-16-2021, 08:52 AM
Hi all. I haven't posted anything on this forum for a long time, I've been very busy with my own life and business all this time. But the recent events in the USA are unbelievable, so I decided to write what I think.
What happened and is happening is hard to call a democracy, the forces that support the left are the owners of corporations - the owners of the world's finances.
Freedom of speech - there is none. Trump's Twitter was blocked, brutal censorship, these guys showed who they really are.
Conspiracy theories are true...who would have thought?

01-16-2021, 10:22 AM
Biden "President"? More likely [p]Resident

This is a dance, orchestrated by the swamp and Soros. Biden will be there only as long as is necessary, then the 25th amendment will be engaged. Harris will move up, the bidding process for VP will begin and socialism will run free.

Why do you think the left tried so many times to get President Donald J Trump via this method? It was to get "We the People" prepared. It also had the benefit of "revenge porn" for the right. You can imagine that, the left eating itself, right.

01-16-2021, 11:12 PM
Biden the oldest candidate for President. It wouldn’t be out of bounds to say there has been some cognitive decline there. He can not make it through a 5 minute speech without word salad tumbling out of his mouth. Perhaps it is the smell of an eleven year old that keeps distracting him. Not my president? Hmmm, I’m not sure what he is.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-16-2021, 11:59 PM
Biden the oldest candidate for President. It wouldn’t be out of bounds to say there has been some cognitive decline there. He can not make it through a 5 minute speech without word salad tumbling out of his mouth. Perhaps it is the smell of an eleven year old that keeps distracting him. Not my president? Hmmm, I’m not sure what he is.

He be a puppet- same way as the obama was. A dem puppet for the globalists.
Reality oft is a bitch like that, imho..
I accept no puppets as my president..
Especially so-- puppets for avowed enemies of this nation.--Tyr