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01-15-2021, 05:57 PM
I have mixed emotions about this one all the way around.

I like tradition, especially American traditions. I suppose Melania and himself could go with scowls and dirty faces on in attendance, but at least attend.

Thing it over, while part of me shakes my head and says to him to go, it's tradition and just bite your tongue. Then again, it's Joe's big day, and we all know the media involved is huge on that day. Will they not only take time away from Biden's day (which I don't care much about), but it is tradition. They may also, regardless, spend a lot of time condemning him and mocking him in many ways. And you have to wonder if it's the right thing to do by Joe in several ways & whether he chooses to be a rhetorical target for the day, with some cameras guaranteed to be set on just him.

Then consider everyone else in attendance, congress mainly. After all of the things that have been stated about him directly from them and all of the lies, but then also add in the freshness of the events at the Capitol... And the fact that he was just impeached for a second time in 4 years, with everyone knowing that the first one was a sham. Both sides have their legitimate reasons to kinda not like the other side. In other words, love won't be in the air. It certainly won't be any type of friendly send off for the departing president.

And lastly consider the folks in attendance. I would imagine that people traveling to Washington will be supporters of Joe Biden and/or Kamala Harris. And a LOT of them likely. And I would also imagine that these people in attendance won't be big fans of Trump.

So I 'understand' why he would break with tradition and bail early. I understand why he wouldn't want to be in those temporary bleachers in front of the capitol, alongside tens to hundreds to a max of like 1500 or so. Just hopefully he will be long gone by inauguration time - and not take a "fly by" in Marine One or Air Force One during...


Trump plans to leave Washington Inauguration Day morning; Pence, Harris speak

President Donald Trump plans to make the unprecedented move to depart the White House next Wednesday morning, just before President-elect Joe Biden's inauguration, ABC News has learned.

Trump has requested a large sendoff to be planned for the morning of Jan. 20, sources said, after he choppers via Marine One to Joint Base Andrews, where he is expected to give remarks to supporters and departing members of his administration.

Sources add that Trump has requested his departure ceremony to have a "military-like feel," although details are not finalized.

The president will then fly down to Mar-a-Lago aboard Air Force One with a small number of staffers who will be part of his post-presidency operation, the sources said.

Meanwhile, it's been revealed that Vice President Mike Pence spoke with Vice President-elect Kamala Harris on Thursday, just six days before the inauguration, according to sources familiar with the call, first reported by The New York Times.

Pence, unlike Trump, is expected to attend the event, according to a source familiar with his plans. His call to Harris came 68 days after Biden and Harris were projected as the winners on Nov. 7.

Thursday’s call also is the first known communication directly between the highest-ranking elected officials of the current outgoing and incoming administrations since Trump claimed he won on election night and for months following the vote.

It is unclear if Trump has called Biden to concede. He defiantly announced on Twitter just before the social media platform permanently suspended his account that he would not be attending the inauguration.

Trump's plan to leave the White House the morning of the inauguration, an unmatched break with tradition, would come two weeks after inciting a violent insurrection at the U.S. Capitol that left five dead and his historic second impeachment a week later.


Mr. P
01-15-2021, 06:20 PM
Do you know what else is tradition?

The letter the out going Pres writes for the new one.

Man I'd love to read that !

01-15-2021, 06:29 PM
​I dont Blame Trump..There is nothing "Traditional" about the last election...or what is happening in America Now...

"I like tradition, especially American traditions."


01-15-2021, 10:14 PM
Do you know what else is tradition?

The letter the out going Pres writes for the new one.

Man I'd love to read that !

Here's my short version.....
"Joe. You're on your own now! Enjoy how much it will SUCK to be YOU!"

01-16-2021, 01:14 PM
Sometimes sticking to one's convictions means not being a hypocrite. I truly cannot be in the same room with someone I abhor no matter how traditional it might be.

I'm glad he's still sticking it to the Washington elite.