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01-16-2021, 03:57 PM
Of course it was BS, they would find any reason. Same as FB and what and who they host and the exact same with Twitter. Don't want any violence now!

Unless maybe it happens to be a tiny bit of influence towards killing republicans, for a tiny profit of course. :rolleyes:

There's a term for things like this, that they are all involved in, and right from the top leading democrats to MSM to their supporters.


Amazon Boots Parler for Users’ ‘Violent’ Language, but Hosts Merchant Selling ‘Kill All Republicans’ Shirt

Amazon has terminated its hosting contract with Parler, claiming that language users posted to the social media platform might “incite violence.” The tech giant, however, hosts merchants on its own website selling products that many would say could incite violence, such as a t-shirt reading, “Kill All Republicans,” and a mug that reads, “Where is Lee Harvey Oswald now that we really need him?”

The Media Research Center has found at least 204 examples of products sold on Amazon that promote violence, many of which target President Donald Trump, Republicans, and law enforcement.

One product, sold by the vendor Florence & Partner, is a black t-shirt, which reads, “Kill All Republicans.”

Another product on Amazon is a coffee mug, which reads, “Where is Lee Harvey Oswald now that we really need him?” with “Trump” featured in the title of the merchandise.

And then there’s the “Donald Trump Knife Rack,” which is marketed as “the perfect gift,” featuring the head of President Trump filled with steak knives. It’s also labeled as “the exceptional conversation starter.”

A fourth product, entitled, “Municipal Waste Donald Trump The Only Walls We Build are Walls of Death,” is a t-shirt featuring an image of President Trump killing himself with a handgun.

Another product is a Halloween decoration resembling a decapitated head of the president. “Be terrified of this life-size decapitated dead zombie head and its mangled face and bloody neck,” reads the listing.

Amazon also sells merchandise that one could use in a riot, such as tasers, brass knuckles, and stun sticks.

Among the deaths on January 6 included police officer Brian D. Sicknick. Meanwhile, Amazon is selling more than 100 products containing the slogan, ACAB, an acronym for “All Cops Are Bastards,” and a rallying cry popular among left-wing rioters.

Moreover, a guillotine — which is a popular symbol among socialists — can also be seen featured on a t-shirt, alongside the words, “Be the guillotine you want to see in the world,” as well as on a phone case, alongside the words, “Guillotine the Rich.” Protestors set up a guillotine outside of Jeff Bezos’ home during a 2020 protest, although presumably it was not purchased off of his own e-commerce platform.

Amazon’s own terms of service state that the company “does not allow products that promote, incite or glorify hatred, violence, racial, sexual or religious intolerance or promote organizations with such views. We’ll also remove listings that graphically portray violence or victims of violence.”

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2021/01/16/amazon-boots-parler-for-users-violent-language-but-hosts-merchant-selling-kill-all-republicans-shirt/