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09-19-2007, 06:53 PM
Ok. So tonight I brought my son to sign up for Cub Scouts. Well there was 2 fathers there..me included. The other father seemed a bit...well...lets see if I can put this delicatley....like a drunkard. There were about 6 mothers there. Guess who is now the new den leader?? Yup...me. Anyone have any experience??

09-19-2007, 07:01 PM
Went through cub scouts and boy scouts as a kid, My oldest went through cub scouts for 4 years my 3rd went through for about a year and didn't like it.

When my 3rd was in it was very disorganized.

If I can answer any questions I will be happy to..

What do you need help with?

The first thing I will say is to get their attention and show them that this is serious and not to screw around when you are talking or teaching. That is the most important thing to start with, dont let them think your just going to let them play, it has to be fun but also structured. For some of these boys it will be the only time they will have that type of structure and acomplishment..

09-19-2007, 07:14 PM
Don't let them know you're gay, they'll kick you out!:dance:

09-19-2007, 07:16 PM
Don't let them know you're gay, they'll kick you out!:dance:

You beat me to it, Dan! :laugh2:

09-19-2007, 09:03 PM
You beat me to it, Dan! :laugh2:


09-19-2007, 09:14 PM
Ok. So tonight I brought my son to sign up for Cub Scouts. Well there was 2 fathers there..me included. The other father seemed a bit...well...lets see if I can put this delicatley....like a drunkard. There were about 6 mothers there. Guess who is now the new den leader?? Yup...me. Anyone have any experience??

Umm, I do, but I was a mother. Most of the Cub Scout leaders around here were, though I think it would be much better if males. Boy Scouts, that's different. Get good dads for the most part. Wonder why that is?

09-19-2007, 09:32 PM
Ok. So tonight I brought my son to sign up for Cub Scouts. Well there was 2 fathers there..me included. The other father seemed a bit...well...lets see if I can put this delicatley....like a drunkard. There were about 6 mothers there. Guess who is now the new den leader?? Yup...me. Anyone have any experience??

I was never a den leader, but I was very involved with my oldest. He did cub scouts from 1st to 5th grade and a year in boy scouts. If you need any help please ask.

We had a really good leader. First thing, make it fun. These are young boys with NO attention span. Make sure you complete one of the tasks in the book for advancement. They are mostly pretty easy and can be done in an evening. Second, get the moms and other dads to help out. The boys will not do the memorization without prompting. It will make your job easier too.

Good luck. Take Nuke's advice too. It was on point.

09-20-2007, 02:00 PM
Thanks for the advice so far. I guess what I am looking for are suggestions on things to do. How long were your meetings? Were they every week? Did you do anything really cool? Just looking for ideas. Thanks!

09-20-2007, 02:51 PM
We met once a week for three weeks a month. And monthly in the summer. It really depends on what you want to accomplish. I say get right into the book and start there. You will need to work on the Oath, Salute, and Promise. The boys will need those to get promoted. Other than that, find something in the book that you feel you can do in a night. It can be as simple as finding trees and identifying them to building birdhouses or tool boxes. It is totally up to you.

Mr. P
09-20-2007, 03:26 PM
Thanks for the advice so far. I guess what I am looking for are suggestions on things to do. How long were your meetings? Were they every week? Did you do anything really cool? Just looking for ideas. Thanks!

*Brushing away the cob webs*

JA, I remember carving a boat out of a bar of ivory soap in Cub Scouts. That was cool and it did float in the bathtub. Can you still let a kid use a knife? Hey, use plastic picnic knives!

09-20-2007, 04:34 PM
Thanks guys! Next year they get introduced to the pocket knife :)

Mr. P
09-20-2007, 04:51 PM
Thanks guys! Next year they get introduced to the pocket knife :)

Combine that meeting with the "first aid" meeting. :laugh2:

09-20-2007, 05:48 PM
Combine that meeting with the "first aid" meeting. :laugh2:

:laugh2: I guess I will combine that meeting and the trip to the EMT together!

Mr. P
09-20-2007, 06:59 PM
:laugh2: I guess I will combine that meeting and the trip to the EMT together!

JA, all joking aside........

You will touch some of these kids in a positive way with your presents. Maybe just one, maybe more.

After my time in Cubs, Scouts, Explorers and Little league. I just want to THANK YOU on their behalf for being there when they need that.


09-20-2007, 07:39 PM
Thanks for the advice so far. I guess what I am looking for are suggestions on things to do. How long were your meetings? Were they every week? Did you do anything really cool? Just looking for ideas. Thanks!

We tried to meet weekly, meetings for 7-8 years old about 1.5 hours. 9-10, 2-2.5 hours.

Boy Scouts meet less often, but longer.

09-20-2007, 07:42 PM
Jackass -

Only my oldest son was in the cub scouts. At that time there were Den Mothers. They had to lean all the oaths of a scout. Most times Jeff had fun doing arts and crafts. The used to make miniature soap box derby cars, bird houses etc. Once a month all the dens got together at a Pack meeting. This is where the men headed up things. We had fund raisers, dances, etc. for the parents - it was really fun! Our Packmaster happened to be VP of United Advertising - so we were the elite troop! He got free airfare for all the boys and their parents to DC - it was fun. The trips that the men took the boys alone on - once they went to Rocking Horse Ranch, another time to Canada. None of my other boys were interested in joining. But I do miss those good old days!