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View Full Version : SC justice Sonia Sotomayor is a racist

01-20-2021, 03:33 PM
If you recall - we were told that folks are racist that couldn't pronounce Kamala Harris's name properly.

“The failure to correctly pronounce Harris’ name — especially among those whose jobs it is to know — is just a racist dog whistle being used to belittle Harris, who is Black and Indian-American,” screeched Refinery29.

Valerie Jarrett came out and stated the republicans mispronouncing her name was racist. The Washington Post wrote about it being racist and apparently CNN did an entire segment on it being racist. So many were labeled as racists because they simply didn't know how to properly say her name.

So according to them - Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor is a racist as she mispronounced her name during the swearing in today. And it's her job to know. So she's a racist, straight out.

Just a reminder, and it was like this across the board, they all jumped in on the same story and continued on as confused folks said her name wrong. :rolleyes:

Also another reminder that Joe Biden said her name wrong too!!


Why Are Republicans Mispronouncing Kamala Harris’ Name? Racism.

Since Kamala Harris was announced as Joe Biden’s pick for Vice President, the negative immediate media coverage of Harris has, as expected, been swift and vicious. She’s already been attacked by right-wing commenters, and called ‘nasty’ by the President. But another big, underlying trend has been far simpler: Harris’ first name has been regularly mispronounced, often intentionally by the likes of seasoned political commentators like Tucker Carlson.

But Harris, who pronounces her first name “COMMA-luh” and not “kuh-MA-luh,” shouldn’t have to deal with this. She’s been in the political spotlight for years, including her own presidential run just a few months ago that turned her into a household name. She explicitly instructed readers on the pronunciation in her 2019 memoir. And when she was ran for a California senate seat in 2016, she released an instructive video of cute kids who could say her name without a problem. The failure to correctly pronounce Harris’ name — especially among those whose jobs it is to know — is just a racist dog whistle being used to belittle Harris, who is Black and Indian-American.

On Carlson’s show Tuesday, the host mispronounced Harris’ name. When guest Richard Goodstein, an advisor to Democratic campaigns, politely corrected him, Carlson shot back: “So what?” he said.

“Out of respect, for somebody who’s going to be on the national ticket, pronouncing her name right is actually kind of a bare minimum,” Goodstein responded.

“So I’m disrespecting her by mispronouncing her name unintentionally?” Carlson replied while laughing. “So it begins! You’re not allowed to criticize ‘kuh-mah-lah Harris’ or ‘camel-la Harris,’ or whatever…I love the idea that she’s immune from criticism.” After Goodstein corrected Carlson, he went on to intentionally mispronounce her name three more times.

Rest - https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/why-republicans-mispronouncing-kamala-harris-211017098.html

01-20-2021, 03:50 PM
Just call her Commie for short. It simplifies things.

01-20-2021, 03:55 PM

01-20-2021, 03:58 PM
The communists are celebrating in China because communists are now in control of our

government here in America.There's an amendment the founding fathers gave us for times like this.