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View Full Version : Youtube busted altering things now too

01-21-2021, 02:42 PM
Shouldn't be surprising, it's been pointed out many times before that they are just as bad as the others - but since they're a different type of site than social media its not talked about as much. But they censor as well and they alter shit too.

This video had 1,800 likes - and 10,000 dislikes at 3 something PM - and then at 7:30pm - the video now had 2,500 likes & 3,100 dislikes. Hmmmm...


YOUTUBE CAUGHT RED-HANDED Removing Dislikes from Biden White House Page — Anything to Fool the Proletariat

What a surprise!
The far-left tech giants jumped in to save the Biden regime on their very first day in office.

Jen Psaki held a press briefing with the leftist horde in the White House Briefing Room on Wednesday after the Biden Hunger Games Inaugural.

After being sworn in Joe Biden signed several executive orders to open borders, shut down US energy production and punish American companies.

During the White House presser, the American public was quick to downvote Psaki’s nonsense. At 3 PM the video had 10,000 down votes.

But by 7 PM YouTube came to the rescue and erased the downvotes by several thousand.

The number at 7:31 PM had remarkably dropped to 3.1 thousand votes.

This is more evidence of how the Tech Giants do anything they can to assist their ideological allies while they censor and delete conservative content and voices.

Via Gab TexasVet




Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-21-2021, 03:38 PM
Well, why shouldnt they.
Altering the vote count went so well, they have found a golden goose...
My bet is we will never -never, never, never get another fair Presidential election.
Not now that the Dem/Socialists have managed to to find their golden goose..
New World Order here we come....
SCOTUS abrogated their duty-- their sworn oath
and in so doing have themselves set the stage...
And by the way--Roberts is nothing but a damn TRAITOR, WITH A CAPITAL -T-...
A worm, a dishonorable POS...--Tyr

01-21-2021, 04:24 PM
Shouldn't be surprising, it's been pointed out many times before that they are just as bad as the others - but since they're a different type of site than social media its not talked about as much. But they censor as well and they alter shit too.

This video had 1,800 likes - and 10,000 dislikes at 3 something PM - and then at 7:30pm - the video now had 2,500 likes & 3,100 dislikes. Hmmmm...


YOUTUBE CAUGHT RED-HANDED Removing Dislikes from Biden White House Page — Anything to Fool the Proletariat

What a surprise!
The far-left tech giants jumped in to save the Biden regime on their very first day in office.

Jen Psaki held a press briefing with the leftist horde in the White House Briefing Room on Wednesday after the Biden Hunger Games Inaugural.

After being sworn in Joe Biden signed several executive orders to open borders, shut down US energy production and punish American companies.

During the White House presser, the American public was quick to downvote Psaki’s nonsense. At 3 PM the video had 10,000 down votes.

But by 7 PM YouTube came to the rescue and erased the downvotes by several thousand.

The number at 7:31 PM had remarkably dropped to 3.1 thousand votes.

This is more evidence of how the Tech Giants do anything they can to assist their ideological allies while they censor and delete conservative content and voices.

Via Gab TexasVet




It happened to me yesterday when I tried to watch the White House Briefing, and I left the comment..."Funny she never mentioned when they will be starting to gather all of us Trump Americans up for The Brainwashing to convert us.