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01-22-2021, 04:44 PM
We heard Russia non-stop through Trump's term and of course it was all bullshit. Biden is in office less than a few days and Russia does gain from him.


Putin’s Puppet: Joe Biden’s EO Blocking Keystone Pipeline Forces US Imports from Russia and Venezuelan Marxist Regime

Joe Biden made many promises throughout the 2020 election. Most media outlets did not pay too much attention to him. After all, he spent the majority of this time in his basement.

In his first hours after being sworn in as president, Joe Biden blocked the Keystone Pipeline from Canada.

The move immediately eliminated 10,000 high-paying jobs and an estimated 40,000 more related jobs.

On Friday Rep. Dan Meuser (R-PA) reported on the repercussions of Joe Biden’s actions. According to the Wall Street Journal the keystone decision will force the US to supplement their energy demands from Putin’s Russia and Maduro’s Venezuela.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/01/putins-puppet-joe-bidens-eo-blocking-keystone-pipeline-forces-us-imports-russia-venezuelan-marxist-regime-video/

01-22-2021, 09:44 PM
Total BS. There was a massive oil surplus of more than two billion barrels at the end of 2020. According to the oil industry, the Keystone Pipeline has only 1,100 full time jobs. Another 10-15,000 jobs are temporary and end after various stages of the pipeline are complete. The Keystone Pipeline benefits no one but the oil industry and the lobbyists who throw money at Congressional delegates.

01-22-2021, 10:56 PM
Total BS. There was a massive oil surplus of more than two billion barrels at the end of 2020. According to the oil industry, the Keystone Pipeline has only 1,100 full time jobs. Another 10-15,000 jobs are temporary and end after various stages of the pipeline are complete. The Keystone Pipeline benefits no one but the oil industry and the lobbyists who throw money at Congressional delegates.

Other than Liberal talking points we've all heard before.

How bout PROVING IT? Everything you said above? You want us to take you seriously?

Provide Real, Actual, Documented, Proven Facts....Not Talking Points repeated by FAKE NEWS..

01-23-2021, 04:29 PM
Total BS. There was a massive oil surplus of more than two billion barrels at the end of 2020. According to the oil industry, the Keystone Pipeline has only 1,100 full time jobs. Another 10-15,000 jobs are temporary and end after various stages of the pipeline are complete. The Keystone Pipeline benefits no one but the oil industry and the lobbyists who throw money at Congressional delegates.

That statement is as ridiculous as you find the OP. Thousands benefit to some extent and countless consumers who benefit from lower shipping costs and safer transport. It's basic free trade.

01-23-2021, 05:07 PM
That statement is as ridiculous as you find the OP. Thousands benefit to some extent and countless consumers who benefit from lower shipping costs and safer transport. It's basic free trade.

How easy it is to ignore, or avoid providing Honest information to backup accusations based on FRAUD.