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09-19-2007, 08:15 PM
Coulter was a binge-drinking party whore in college!!!
It's so fucking obvious that this woman is rowdy and bad...not conservative and Christian. If what shes saying is true, than Ann really knows how to party like an Ithaca liberal:

In college, my roommate was in the chemistry lab Friday and Saturday nights while I was dancing on tables at the Chapter House. A few years later, she was working 20-hour days as a resident at Mount Sinai doing liver transplants while I was frequenting popular Upper East Side drinking establishments. She was going to Johns Hopkins for yet more medical training while I was skiing and following the Grateful Dead. Now she vacations in places like Rwanda and Darfur with Doctors Without Borders while I'm going to Paris.

This is the chapter house:

Look at the pictures, its Cornell hippies and it smells of pure liberal.

09-19-2007, 08:26 PM
Coulter was a binge-drinking party whore in college!!!
It's so fucking obvious that this woman is rowdy and bad...not conservative and Christian. If what shes saying is true, than Ann really knows how to party like an Ithaca liberal:


This is the chapter house:

Look at the pictures, its Cornell hippies and it smells of pure liberal.

Who cares? I was a registered Democrat, and partied my ass off too. One day, you'll grow up too.

09-19-2007, 10:04 PM
Coulter was a binge-drinking party whore in college!!!
It's so fucking obvious that this woman is rowdy and bad...not conservative and Christian. If what shes saying is true, than Ann really knows how to party like an Ithaca liberal:


This is the chapter house:

Look at the pictures, its Cornell hippies and it smells of pure liberal.

so one can not redeem themselves .....

09-19-2007, 10:09 PM
Coulter was a binge-drinking party whore in college!!!
It's so fucking obvious that this woman is rowdy and bad...not conservative and Christian. If what shes saying is true, than Ann really knows how to party like an Ithaca liberal:


This is the chapter house:

Look at the pictures, its Cornell hippies and it smells of pure liberal.

Believe it or not...I was a registered Democrat through out my 20's...Then I GREW UP....:dance:

09-19-2007, 10:21 PM
Believe it or not...I was a registered Democrat through out my 20's...Then I GREW UP....:dance:

grew up!....ya right:poke:

09-19-2007, 10:27 PM
grew up!....ya right:poke:

I did grow up.......all of 5'..


09-19-2007, 10:33 PM
I did grow up.......all of 5'..


That's almost as tall as a real person.:laugh2:

09-19-2007, 10:42 PM
That's almost as tall as a real person.:laugh2:

I DARE you to tell me that...... face to face??:slap:
If you are taller than me..I have a straight shot at your.......???????


09-19-2007, 10:49 PM
Coulter was a binge-drinking party whore in college!!!
It's so fucking obvious that this woman is rowdy and bad...not conservative and Christian. If what shes saying is true, than Ann really knows how to party like an Ithaca liberal:


This is the chapter house:

Look at the pictures, its Cornell hippies and it smells of pure liberal.

Oooooo.Anne bad...
and BJ Clinton smoked pot and didn't inhale.......

But......he did have a fondness for....cigars...:poke::slap::dance:

09-20-2007, 05:59 AM

Just how tall is a "real" person?

09-20-2007, 06:04 AM
If you can't be a binge-drinking whore in college then the world is in big trouble. :laugh2:

09-20-2007, 09:33 AM
Does someone want to explain to me why this thread was started? Is there a point trying to be made? Wasn't everyone a party whore in college?

09-20-2007, 10:03 AM
Obama hasn't been to college yet...that may be part of the problem.

Also - to think she was a partier makes her a little hotter.

AND....of course adults know this - who we were in college is not who we are today. :)

09-20-2007, 10:28 AM
Also - to think she was a partier makes her a little hotter.


09-20-2007, 05:45 PM
If you can't be a binge-drinking whore in college then the world is in big trouble. :laugh2:

And I'm living proof! :cheers2:

I mean... how dare she not pay full attention to her studies... hmph....


09-20-2007, 08:00 PM
Does someone want to explain to me why this thread was started? Is there a point trying to be made? Wasn't everyone a party whore in college?

No. not me:)

09-20-2007, 08:03 PM
I think that Ann was a man in college.

I really believe she might very well be a post-op ( or maybe even a pre-op who is good at tucking the sack back) transsexual.

09-20-2007, 08:11 PM

You don't think she's more-attractive knowing she knows how to par-tay? I don't find her hot...just hot-ter knowing she likes to get funky. :)

I really believe she might very well be a post-op ( or maybe even a pre-op who is good at tucking the sack back) transsexual.

funny - that's how I feel about you. :)

09-20-2007, 08:13 PM
funny - that's how I feel about you. :)


09-21-2007, 06:49 AM
I would like any liberal or democrat to tell me why its ok for bill maher to say he wishes cheney would have died in a terrorist attack, and the 9/11 hijackers were not cowards or hero's or whatever he said, but anything ann says, should make her eligible for olden times crucifician. Sorry, but i smell a double standard here. And how come, when 90 thousand dollars is found in a democrats freezer, and you had an anti semite from georgia, and a former klansmen, the dems say nothing.

Again, another double standard.

I am really annoyed that the dems are the first, to call out republicans for making mistakes, yet, atleast the republicans hold themselves to some standards, while all i see of liberals/liberalism is no bounderies, and everything is ok, with no moral standards, so they dont have to worry about messing up, because everything is ok. Except being republican or disagreeing with them.

Coulter was a binge-drinking party whore in college!!!
It's so fucking obvious that this woman is rowdy and bad...not conservative and Christian. If what shes saying is true, than Ann really knows how to party like an Ithaca liberal:


This is the chapter house:

Look at the pictures, its Cornell hippies and it smells of pure liberal.

09-21-2007, 06:58 AM
I don't recall anyone saying that what Maher said was OK.

Nor do I remember many republicans condemning Coulter.

glass houses and all....

09-21-2007, 07:04 AM
I think its time to stop the character assasinations. Good people will never go into politics, knowing that the huge political machine can potentially ruin your life, with nonsense that happened up to 30 years ago. It should be up idea of the candidates, articulated to the people. NOT slick, fake people who say what you wanna hear, liars, 30 seconds ads with half truths about candidates and their ideas/positions, 527, that do nothing but smear people. What do i really need the swift boat people for, or move on for?

Partisanship is just plain stupid, an issue doesnt ask, what does your party say for their answer, but what answer fits here.

Its more complex then for an against, and im sick of gotcha politics period.


Coulter was a binge-drinking party whore in college!!!
It's so fucking obvious that this woman is rowdy and bad...not conservative and Christian. If what shes saying is true, than Ann really knows how to party like an Ithaca liberal:


This is the chapter house:

Look at the pictures, its Cornell hippies and it smells of pure liberal.

09-21-2007, 07:07 AM
Coulter has made her fortune through her schtick. She knows it's just about up, she'll wring a few more bucks out of it and then kick back. Hey, she's a right wing looney but she's no fool :laugh2:

09-21-2007, 07:07 AM
Fair enough then :). Personally, I have read some of what ann said, I do not believe her to be a fool. But... she is very mean. And to be fair, if i want the mean spirited ness to stop at the left side of the road, i better call it out on the right side. Ann is a mean spirited wench, who needs to stop, bill maher is an insensitive prick.

Thanks for your reply :)

I don't recall anyone saying that what Maher said was OK.

Nor do I remember many republicans condemning Coulter.

glass houses and all....

Joe Steel
09-21-2007, 07:31 AM
so one can not redeem themselves .....

I did.

I voted for a Republican...once.

Never again.


09-21-2007, 07:32 AM
Fair enough then :). Personally, I have read some of what ann said, I do not believe her to be a fool. But... she is very mean. And to be fair, if i want the mean spirited ness to stop at the left side of the road, i better call it out on the right side. Ann is a mean spirited wench, who needs to stop, bill maher is an insensitive prick.

Thanks for your reply :)

I agree with everything in the above post. Very well done, sir.

09-21-2007, 08:32 AM
Actually now I think about it, if Ann could play a guitar I'd think Johnny Winter had a sex change.

No, wait a minute. That makes me depressed as all hell.

Ignore this post :laugh2:

09-21-2007, 08:52 AM
I did.

I voted for a Republican...once.

Never again.


how is selling your soul redeeming yourself?

09-21-2007, 04:30 PM

from the link
September 19, 2007

The only "crisis" in health care in this country is that doctors are paid too little. (Also they've come up with nothing to help that poor Dennis Kucinich.)

But the Democratic Party treats doctors like they're Klan members. They wail about how much doctors are paid and celebrate the trial lawyers who do absolutely nothing to make society better, but swoop in and steal from the most valuable members of society.

Maybe doctors could get the Democrats to like them if they started suing their patients.

It's only a matter of time before the best and brightest students forget about medical school and go to law school instead. How long can a society based on suing the productive last?

You can make 30 times as much money as doctors by becoming a trial lawyer suing doctors. You need no skills, no superior board scores, no decade of training and no sleepless residency. But you must have the morals of a drug dealer. (And the bank wire transfer number to the Democratic National Committee.)

The editors of The New York Times have been engaging in a spirited debate with their readers over whether doctors are wildly overpaid or just hugely overpaid. The results of this debate are available on TimeSelect, for just $49.95.

"Many health care economists," the Times editorialized, say the partisan wrangling over health care masks a bigger problem: "the relatively high salaries paid to American doctors."

Now for a doctors view.
Does this sound like he in it for the money?

Terry Lowry, M.D.

I was born in Detroit, Michigan, on October 1, 1967. 1 grew up in a small neighborhood in western Detroit occupied mostly by fireman and policemen which gave it a surprisingly safe and pleasant feel in the midst of a large city. I graduated in 1985 from a small high school just outside the city and then had the pleasure of spending the next few years in Ann Arbor earning my bachelor's degree at the University of Michigan.

I actually decided on a career in medicine in the fourth grade after reading a section on the human body in a biology text. Of course, my fourth grade image of being a doctor didn't quite match the real world, and I spent the next several years modifying and redirecting my focus. I picked up carpentry and building at a young age and used those skills to pay for much of my education. I still have a current builder's license in Michigan. On the weekends, I worked in various hospitals where the joy of working with patients confirmed my life's direction. In the end, my love for helping people combined with my love for working with my hands led me to the almost inevitable decision to pursue orthopedic surgery.

I have had the pleasure of working with Kaiser Permanente since 2003. 1 chose Kaiser Permanente because I wanted to focus on patient care without all the business distractions that plague so many physicians in private practice. There is also a strong sense of collegiality at Kaiser Permanente, with the focus being a team approach to helping the patient rather than the competition that typifies much of the private practice world.

My practice philosophy centers on sound decision making based on good clinical evidence. I work hard to make patients part of the decision process and active participants in their own treatment plan. Every decision, particularly in surgery, entails risks and tradeoffs, and although we strive for clear cut decisions, many of the choices involve some uncertainty. The more the patient is involved, the less overwhelming the entire process will be.

My practice is a general orthopedic practice although I have a particular interest in total joint replacements, sports, and trauma.

Outside of the hospital, I like to stay busy in a variety of physical activities, travel, and have recently taken up flying as a hobby.

Please visit me on my homepage at- "11Vw.kp.org1i -doctorlierrylowry