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View Full Version : TC Energy Slashes 1,000 Jobs After Biden Kills Keystone XL Pipeline Deal

01-24-2021, 09:22 AM
"Gentlemen and women, a new president was sworn in yesterday, and you are all out of a job now, sorry!"


TC Energy Slashes 1,000 Jobs After Biden Kills Keystone XL Pipeline Deal

After Democratic President Joe Biden signed an executive order on Wednesday that rescinds a permit for constructing the Keystone XL pipeline, to run from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico, Canadian company TC Energy Corp fired 1,000 workers, Americans and Canadians.

"A majority of the 1,000 are unioned workers who have been constructing on both sides of the border," TC Energy spokesman Terry Cunha told Bloomberg News.

The pipeline, which was already under construction, would have spanned over 1,000 miles and carried up to 35 million gallons of crude oil every day from Canada to U.S. refineries at the Gulf.

In 2015, the Obama-Biden administration refused to okay a permit for the pipeline. But in 2017, President Trump granted the permit for construction to begin.

Rest - https://www.cnsnews.com/blog/michael-w-chapman/tc-energy-slashes-1000-jobs-after-biden-kills-keystone-xl-pipeline-deal

01-24-2021, 11:23 AM
Another wrinkle to this tawdry tale of temerity....

The oil will now have to be transported by rail to the Gulf Coast using a railroad company owned in part by Warren Buffet, investor and big time Biden donor

Joe Biden is paying back his donors big time. BLM is going to be next.

Black Lives Matter, Blue collar Lives Don’t

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Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-24-2021, 11:47 AM
Another wrinkle to this tawdry tale of temerity....

The oil will now have to be transported by rail to the Gulf Coast using a railroad company owned in part by Warren Buffet, investor and big time Biden donor

Joe Biden is paying back his donors big time. BLM is going to be next.

Black Lives Matter, Blue collar Lives Don’t

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The dem party -ALWAYS-- corrupt to the core.
Yet the media makes damn sure the ignorant masses never hear, see or know that truth..
Another reason why this nation is doomed. imho..-Tyr