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09-19-2007, 09:58 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. But Jimmy *Peanut Farmer* Carter says we still don't need to worry about Iran.
2. Kind of like when he was Prez. and didn't do anything when *Little Two Eyes Too Close Together* held our people hostage for 444 days.
3. Who in their right mind would listen to this boob?:poke::slap::pee:Jimmy Carter
4. Anyway, Read this:



Carter: Iran not yet a realistic threat to Israel
The Associated PressPublished: September 19, 2007

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ATLANTA: Former President Jimmy Carter said that he does not think Iran poses an immediate threat to Israel, despite claims by Iranian officials that they have drawn up bombing plans if the Jewish state should attack.

Speaking on Wednesday at Emory University, Carter, who brokered the 1979 Camp David peace accord between Israel and Egypt, said Israel's superior military power and distance from Iran likely are enough to discourage an actual attack.

"Iran is quite distant from Israel," said Carter, 83. "I think it would be almost inconceivable that Iran would commit suicide by launching one or two missiles of any kind against the nation of Israel."

Iran's deputy air force commander said Wednesday that Israel is within range of Iran's medium-range missiles and bombers and that Tehran would strike back if Israel "makes a silly mistake."

The White House said the comments almost sound geared toward provoking a fight and Israeli officials said they take the threats seriously.

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Responding to a question from an Emory student during a public forum, Carter did not dismiss the desire of the Iranian government to attack Israel, noting a nuclear program Iran's leaders claim is to fuel nuclear reactors, not make weapons.

"Obviously, we all hope we can do whatever we can to keep Iran from becoming a nuclear power," Carter said.

Carter said unease between Israel and Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank is a far greater threat to the nation's security than Iran. He criticized President George W. Bush's administration for not doing enough to broker peace in the region.

"Since President Clinton made his heroic effort at Camp David, there hasn't been a single day of peace talks between the Palestinians and Israelis," he said.

Carter spoke roughly a year after he completed his book "Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid".

Jewish groups and other critics condemned Carter for comparing Israeli actions in Palestine to the oppression under South Africa's apartheid regime.

Carter said he chose the title to be provocative, not inflammatory, and that he hoped to encourage debate over Israel's treatment of Palestinians.

In a new afterword to editions of the book released this month, Carter criticizes the lack of "balanced debate" in the U.S. about the Middle East and warns officials against being "seen as knee-jerk supporters of every action and policy" of Israel's government.

The Emory event was Carter's 26th annual town hall meeting at the Atlanta university, where he holds the title of distinguished professor and lectures about once a month.




09-20-2007, 05:42 AM
Jimmy Carter's ineptness and inaction is what has created this Iran. I hardly consider him an authority on how to handle foreign policy.

His answer when confronted with an international crisis was .... "ummmm ...."

09-20-2007, 05:45 AM
It was inconceivable that men would fly planes into buildings to murder people, but that happened. Why is this so much of a stretch?

Especially when its obvious people are conceiving it. If they werent he wouldnt have to reassure the people that there was no real threat.

Personally, when people promise genocide, I tend to take them at their word.

09-20-2007, 05:59 AM
Jimmy Carter's ineptness and inaction is what has created this Iran. I hardly consider him an authority on how to handle foreign policy.

His answer when confronted with an international crisis was .... "ummmm ...."

This Iran wasn't created by Carter. It goes back way before then, way back.


09-20-2007, 06:02 AM
It was inconceivable that men would fly planes into buildings to murder people, but that happened. Why is this so much of a stretch?

Especially when its obvious people are conceiving it. If they werent he wouldnt have to reassure the people that there was no real threat.

Personally, when people promise genocide, I tend to take them at their word.

AQ - stateless terrorists. Iran - a state (pretty crappy at the moment but a state nonetheless).

AQ - a bunch of nutters. Iran - a country with people in it that just want to live their lives and probably wish their regime was gone and they had a functioning democracy.

AQ - an invisible target. Iran - all coordinates mapped out.

09-20-2007, 06:07 AM
This Iran wasn't created by Carter. It goes back way before then, way back.


He allowed it happen by his inaction. As usual in this stupid word and its stupid ostrich attitude, had they been squashed hard up front, the Iran of today wouldn't have been allowed to become what it has.

09-20-2007, 06:56 AM
He allowed it happen by his inaction. As usual in this stupid word and its stupid ostrich attitude, had they been squashed hard up front, the Iran of today wouldn't have been allowed to become what it has.

I think you may have missed my point. The Brits and the US engineered the overthrow of Mossadeq and Pahlavi in as the ruler.

We can draw a link between his overthrow and the installing of a corrupt and vicious (but pro-Western commercial interests regime) and then the revolution by Iranians keen to have their own country back (does that ring a bell?).

Unfortunately for the Iranians and for the West they got the Mullahs. They were an inadvertent creation of western interference.

Maybe Mossadeq wasn't so bad after all?

Of course no-one will bother to learn from this.

09-20-2007, 09:03 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. But really lets take a look at what *Peanut Boy* did when confronted with Islamic Jihad.
2. He goes to the Muslims, *Egypt* making a financial gift, that lasts forever.
3. What the hell is that if not appeasement?
4. And also gave away *The Panama Canal*.
5. We bought the land, and died building it.
6. This *Peanut Boy*, gives it away.
7. I think *Peanut Boy, is the worst President* ever in office.


09-20-2007, 12:22 PM
AQ - stateless terrorists. Iran - a state (pretty crappy at the moment but a state nonetheless).

AQ - a bunch of nutters. Iran - a country with people in it that just want to live their lives and probably wish their regime was gone and they had a functioning democracy.

AQ - an invisible target. Iran - all coordinates mapped out.

Great... so whats your point?

The idea that its inconcievable is de facto false because people are clearly talking about it. Which means its very concievable.