View Full Version : Biden was against executive orders before destroying competitors

01-28-2021, 02:42 PM
If you were to say that the competitors were others presidents and the comparisons.

Obama and Trump wrote like 5 and 4, or 6 and 5 respectively when they got into office. (nm, found article, was Trump 4, Obama 5, GWB 0, Clinton 1)

Joe was all against executive orders and spoke of being a dictator and talk of needing consensus. :rolleyes:


Biden speaks out against excessive executive orders—he's since signed 33

"Things you can't do by executive order unless you're a dictator. We're a democracy. We need a consensus," Biden said, before going on to sign more executive orders in his first week in office than any other president.

In an appearance on ABC in October, then-candidate Joe Biden argued that presidents should avoiding using executive orders to impose legislation from the executive office.


Biden said to George Stephanopoulos that he would not be able to enact legislation without the votes necessary in Congress to do so.

"I've got to get the votes," Biden said. "I gotta get the votes. That's why y'know, the one thing that I, I have this strange notion. We're a democracy. Some of my Republican friends and some of my Democratic friends even occasionally 'well if you can't get the votes then by executive order you've got to so something.'

"Things you can't do by executive order unless you're a dictator. We're a democracy. We need a consensus," Biden said, before winning the election and going on to sign more executive orders in his first week in office than any other president ever in the history of the United States.

that are "things you can't do by executive order unless you're a dictator. We're a democracy, we need consensus."

President Biden has issued 33 executive actions in his first six days, outpacing all of his predecessors by a large margin.

The executive actions have taken on a variety of issues including climate change, the military service eligibility, bans on international travelers, mask mandates, and so many other things that Biden believed should be governed by executive fiat.

Rest - https://www.conservativereview.com/flashback-biden-speaks-out-against-excessive-executive-orders-hes-since-signed-33-2650142781.html

White House Chief of Staff Defends Biden’s Record Executive Orders: It’s Not ‘in Lieu of Legislation’

White House chief of staff Ron Klain is defending President Joe Biden, who in his first week in office signed more executive orders than any of his predecessors, contending that such excessive, unilateral actions are necessary as the administration is attempting to “fix what Trump broke in the executive branch.”

“We are not taking executive action in lieu of legislation,” Klain explained as critics note the sheer volume of the orders Biden has signed in his first week in office, besting all of his predecessors.

“We are taking executive action to fix what Trump broke in the executive branch, and to keep the President’s commitments to use his power — within appropriate limits — to make progress on four crises,” he added:


Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/01/28/white-house-chief-staff-defends-bidens-record-executive-orders-not-lieu-legislation/

Rule by Decree: Joe Biden Sets Record for Executive Orders in First Week

President Joe Biden has issued more executive orders in his first week in office — not yet complete, as of this writing — than any of his 45 predecessors.

As of January 25, 2021, Biden has “issued 33 executive orders, actions, proclamations, memoranda and agency directives,” according to CNN. Twenty-one of these, according to the White House website, are executive orders.

President Donald Trump signed four in his first week in 2017; President Barack Obama signed five in 2009; President George W. Bush signed none in his first week in 2001; and President Bill Clinton signed one in 1993.


Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/01/25/rule-by-decree-joe-biden-sets-record-for-executive-orders-in-first-week/

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-28-2021, 02:53 PM
Who did not see this coming?
Guy hides in his basement- lets the dem party and media run his campaign for him.
And now is going to let the same two culprits run the President's office for him.

Those that voted for this corrupt clown should have to suffer for their ignorance, imho.
And it is very likely that this blithering idiot will make them suffer.
At least I hope he does not destroy this nation as it seems his handlers are hellbent on doing.-Tyr

01-28-2021, 05:07 PM
Who did not see this coming?
Guy hides in his basement- lets the dem party and media run his campaign for him.
And now is going to let the same two culprits run the President's office for him.

Those that voted for this corrupt clown should have to suffer for their ignorance, imho.
And it is very likely that this blithering idiot will make them suffer.
At least I hope he does not destroy this nation as it seems his handlers are hellbent on doing.-Tyr

And so many so fast - tells you how they plan on jamming things down our throats.

They are still going to lie daily and still show their hypocrisy daily. And now while they have the numbers - their hypocrisy level will go up ten fold now.

And the media and former folks are all out there talking about it and pushing that very idea, that they need to already start just pushing things through. I have little doubt they will, but the question will be just how far they will go.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-28-2021, 09:20 PM
And so many so fast - tells you how they plan on jamming things down our throats.

They are still going to lie daily and still show their hypocrisy daily. And now while they have the numbers - their hypocrisy level will go up ten fold now.

And the media and former folks are all out there talking about it and pushing that very idea, that they need to already start just pushing things through. I have little doubt they will, but the question will be just how far they will go.

The so many -so fast-- illustrates their contempt for their opposition.
Actually illustrates that they think Republicans will never ever be in charge again.

Ever wonder why...??

How about how easily they just stole the throne???

And how SCOTUS refused to do anything about it..-Tyr

01-29-2021, 09:26 AM
Who did not see this coming?
Guy hides in his basement- lets the dem party and media run his campaign for him.
And now is going to let the same two culprits run the President's office for him.

Those that voted for this corrupt clown should have to suffer for their ignorance, imho.
And it is very likely that this blithering idiot will make them suffer.
At least I hope he does not destroy this nation as it seems his handlers are hellbent on doing.-Tyr"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" Edmund Burke

Exactly right, who didn't see this coming? I've been railing about it for years. Doing nothing is complicit in the crime for a responsible people, and I'm not letting them off the hook. I expect toddlers to act like toddlers.

I think where I've gone wrong is overestimating the intellect and will of the Neocon/RINO right. They haven't and aren't going to do shit. When the appointee in the WH tanks our economy and returns us to the Carter years and our money ain't worth shit, those Republican't's holding office will still get their pay and perks and even vote themselves a pay raise.
And it all could have been stopped before it got started.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-29-2021, 10:02 AM
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" Edmund Burke

Exactly right, who didn't see this coming? I've been railing about it for years. Doing nothing is complicit in the crime for a responsible people, and I'm not letting them off the hook. I expect toddlers to act like toddlers.

I think where I've gone wrong is overestimating the intellect and will of the Neocon/RINO right. They haven't and aren't going to do shit. When the appointee in the WH tanks our economy and returns us to the Carter years and our money ain't worth shit, those Republican't's holding office will still get their pay and perks and even vote themselves a pay raise.
And it all could have been stopped before it got started.

Dead on target. Trump came in and showed just how corrupt the entire thing is.
And in their zeal to destroy him-they the totally corrupt party revealed itself even more.
Prime example is these two impeachments. The second one is even more revealing than the first one.
As these elected officials reveal they do not give a damn about the truth, the Constitution, the nation and/or its citizens.
They reveal themselves to be totally corrupt and also to be traitors, imho.
Actions speak louder than words. Their actions for these last 4 years and now speak louder than mere words.
As they and the mainstream media are joined together in the corruption and in the attempt to destroy and then remake -as they like (socialist)- this nation.--Tyr