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01-28-2021, 09:06 PM
'Circle Back': WH Press Secretary Jen Psaki's Go-To Answer for Avoiding Transparency`

`It’s not really clear what people were expecting in terms of transparency within the new Biden administration. But if we go by the “expertise” of current White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, people will have more questions than answers for the next four years.

In what has already become a noticeable trend, Psaki seems to use the same phrase — “circle back” — over and over when being asked questions about what President Joe Biden and his administration are doing, among other questions.

Psaki has basically become a walking meme at this point, and we’re only one week into the new presidency.`

...She’s gonna get dizzy with all that circling back

Take a look:


01-28-2021, 09:14 PM
Tornado PSAKI....at your service...
https://www.wftv.com/resizer/QJ0P3WUidBz3p5ZawbcHJGZqnRE=/1200x628/d1hfln2sfez66z.cloudfront.net/11-11-2020/t_05ff3448c2f143a09f6abb7d9bcb751f_name_https___me dia_myfoxmemphiscom_cmgdigital_com_photo_2017_01_2 5_GettyImages_104043623_20170125124308002_7153223_ ver1_0.jpg


01-28-2021, 10:28 PM

01-29-2021, 09:03 AM
Circle back. In the "As Obvious as a Stolen Election Dept": "Circle back" is not much of a code for erasing the 4 years of President Trump. How about circling back to reinstating the US Constitution? It used to work until a couple of centuries of dems whittling away at it.

I wonder if it "circling back" to introduce an environmental policy that is going to cripple our economy and cost thousands of jobs for a net "gain" .04 degrees centigrade in greenhouse emissions? Meanwhile, back at the laughing at us ranch, China and India have increased coal burning.

We're so smart :rolleyes:

01-29-2021, 09:08 PM
......When you follow up on one of Psaki’s ‘circle backs’

(white House Press Briefing)

02-15-2021, 06:09 PM
I am having so much fun making statements with pictures!!


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-15-2021, 06:40 PM
I am having so much fun making statements with pictures!!

That lying biaaaaaaaaacth needs to circle back and --crawl back-- into the liberal scum pond that she first oozed out of, imho...
is -- "circle back" just modern enlightenment code for "fuuukkkk you later asshole" ...???
And these dem/lib vermin think that we "peasants" are just to dumb to realize that??
Either their slaves -- the sold-out media thinks that and goes along with it or else are so enamored with the gods they serve that
being totally clueless and blind is nirvana to them..
Folks, one just can not make this shht up....
It truly is like an alternate reality these ffing vermin live in....... -Tyr

02-15-2021, 07:47 PM

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