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View Full Version : Evangelical leader not supporting Thompson

09-20-2007, 04:46 AM

He is only one person, but he is pretty influencial. I think it could potentially be a problem for Fred.

09-20-2007, 10:45 AM

He is only one person, but he is pretty influencial. I think it could potentially be a problem for Fred.

He goes on to say he won't endorse Giulliani or McCain for various reasons either. Who's left to endorse?????

09-20-2007, 12:25 PM
He goes on to say he won't endorse Giulliani or McCain for various reasons either. Who's left to endorse?????

Romney, Huckabee, Hunter, Tancredo, heck maybe he he is a Paulite. Then again maybe im getting a million dollars today.:)

My guess if he comes out for anyone it will be Huckabee.

09-20-2007, 12:33 PM
Romney, Huckabee, Hunter, Tancredo, heck maybe he he is a Paulite. Then again maybe im getting a million dollars today.:)

My guess if he comes out for anyone it will be Huckabee.

I've listened to Romney and like what he has to say about immigration. Also the fact that he's been out in the private sector helps my oppinion of him. I hate career politicians, the more time spent in DC the more crooked they become.

09-20-2007, 05:47 PM
I don't think James Dobson has nearly the sway that people think he does.

09-20-2007, 08:27 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. But James Dobson can take a hike!
2. *The Great CWN* has knighted Fred Thompson to be the next *President of the United States of America*.
3. James is going to have to eat his words soon.


09-20-2007, 10:09 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. But James Dobson can take a hike!
2. *The Great CWN* has knighted Fred Thompson to be the next *President of the United States of America*.
3. James is going to have to eat his words soon.


You sure you wont?

09-20-2007, 10:13 PM

He is only one person, but he is pretty influencial. I think it could potentially be a problem for Fred.

James Dobson is a money grubbing hypocrite that is all about his wealth and power. I'm just a bit bored with these "evangelist" that are the ultimate in first commandment abusers. They use the name of Jesus Christ as a prop to coerce old Grandmothers out of their Social Security checks. They will all share a pit with Hitler in Hell.

These clowns are popping up all over with huge tax free budgets to go after even more cash for themselves. They are obvious, they are the ones with the giant photos of themselves and their wives on Billboards around town, they look like idiot realestate sales people, and they have the silly accent down pat. The king of them all is Billy Graham in his 5,000 dollar suits and his hand held out for more money. His successor is the plastic boy from Houston that just spent 98 million dollars on refurbishing the arena the Rockets used for years, his "services" are sellouts every Sunday. He tours the country like a rock star.......Joel Osteen.

What really erks me the most is the smug attitudes of the "born agains". They are very much like all radicalized fanatics in their mob mentality and their demonization of other religions. I was raised Catholic, I have had to listen to these nutcases tell me time and again how I am going to hell because I don't accept their beliefs as my own. If they, with their simpleton beliefs are going to their Heaven, I am not interested...... who would want to spend eternity with these sticks in the mud?

09-21-2007, 08:17 AM
Sorry bout that,

Avatar4321 wrote:
"Are you sure you won't?"

1. I am relatively sure I won't.
2. For the good of this Nation, I hope we do not see any Democratic Member in High office come 08.
3. I may have to leave the Country if they do win.
4. But thats no big deal I got a back up plan.
5. Move to my other home in the Philippines.:clap:
6. In *The Great CWN's*, opinion, if Hillary takes office in 08, this Nation will be weakened to a degree where every good Christian will be at risk.


Abbey Marie
09-21-2007, 10:16 AM
It is unwise to take the words contained in a private email, and turn them into some kind of official stand against Thompson. Dobson's opinion could very well change over the course of the next few months. I make my own decisions about whom to support, but if you turn to others for guidance, it is wise to wait until they make an official pronouncement.

Hagbard Celine
09-21-2007, 10:48 AM

He is only one person, but he is pretty influencial. I think it could potentially be a problem for Fred.

Evangelicals are picky because they want nothing less than theocratic governance.

09-21-2007, 10:56 AM
Evangelicals are picky because they want nothing less than theocratic governance.

Garbage---I can't think of a soul who thinks that the 10 commandments should be the law of the land. Chirstians know it's impossible to adhere to them perfectly and 100% of the time. Everyone would be in prison.

Hagbard Celine
09-21-2007, 11:02 AM
Garbage---I can't think of a soul who thinks that the 10 commandments should be the law of the land. Chirstians know it's impossible to adhere to them perfectly and 100% of the time. Everyone would be in prison.

Dillo, half the country already thinks the 10 Commandments are the law of the land. A third don't even know who the vice president is.

09-21-2007, 11:19 AM
Dillo, half the country already thinks the 10 Commandments are the law of the land. A third don't even know who the vice president is.

I'm not talking about the hopelessly ignorant here. That's an entirely different subject along the lines of " Should our public education system be reformed in a manner that will ensure that when our young reach voting age the have a clue as to what they are doing? Or should we just let the growing population of the ignorant be allowed to control the destiny of America simply because there are more of them?

Hagbard Celine
09-21-2007, 12:01 PM
I'm not talking about the hopelessly ignorant here. That's an entirely different subject along the lines of " Should our public education system be reformed in a manner that will ensure that when our young reach voting age the have a clue as to what they are doing? Or should we just let the growing population of the ignorant be allowed to control the destiny of America simply because there are more of them?

The majority of the population is the "hopelessly ignorant." We shouldn't let the growing ignorant population control our destiny, but that's difficult when our nation's decisions are based on majority rule, especially when the central means for conveying information (the tv) is dominated by popular culture (black culture), which glorifies broken, slurred speech, the objectification of women, violence, the virtues of "thug life," and instills the belief that everyone is owed something for nothing.

09-21-2007, 04:02 PM
Garbage---I can't think of a soul who thinks that the 10 commandments should be the law of the land. Chirstians know it's impossible to adhere to them perfectly and 100% of the time. Everyone would be in prison.

Actually, the 10 commandments arent really that hard to keep. Toughest one is probably the Sabbath.

Hagbard Celine
09-21-2007, 04:17 PM
I think the hardest one to keep is the "no other gods or graven images" one(s). Pretty much everyone in our society is guilty of that one.